15 research outputs found

    Les ostéochondromes: aspects clinico-radiologiques, à propos de 12 cas

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    L’ostéochondrome est l’une des tumeurs osseuses bénignes les plus fréquentes des membres. A travers une série de 12 observations d’ostéochondromes, les auteurs ont prélevés leurs aspects clinico-radiologiques et proposent une revue de la littérature à propos de cette tumeur, en précisant ses aspects cliniques, radiologiques et ses formes compliquées.Pan African Medical Journal 2016; 2

    Unusual sites of hydatid disease: report of two cases of dumbbell formations

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    Hydatidosis is a zoonosis caused by Echinococcus granulosus. Humans are accidentally contaminated by ingesting the parasite´s eggs mainly released through the faeces from infected dogs. Hydatidosis affects the bone in 0.5 to 2% of cases, with 44% of these cases involving in the spine. Vertebral hydatidosis is rare and it represents the most frequent and most dangerous form of bone involvement. This manifestation is extremely delicate, difficult to correctly identify and manage. The authors report two cases of vertebral hydatidosis revealed by medullar compression and increasing lumbar-radicular pain and functional impotence of lower limbs. Imaging showed multicystic bony lesions in lumbar spine. The extension into the spinal canal and to the perivertebral soft tissue were involved in both cases. We present those two cases to highlight the role of radiological exploration for diagnosis especially with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and the importance of monitoring this dangerous pathology

    Double osteolipome et dysplasie corticale epileptogenes: a propos d’un cas

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    Introduction: Les auteurs rapportent une cause exceptionnelle d’épilepsie à déclaration tardive, liée à un double ostéolipome intracrânien cortical. L’aspect en imagerie ne souffre de difficultés diagnostiques, et la recherche des malformations associées est capitale en imagerie. La prise en charge est essentiellement médicale, le recours à la chirurgie est rarement indiqué.Observation: Il s’agit d’un jeune adulte de 19 ans sans antécédents médico-chirurgicaux particuliers, admis pour bilan de crises convulsives, chez qui l’imagerie en coupe a confirmé le diagnostic d’un ostéolipome cortical bifocal. La prise en charge s’est résumée à un traitement médical anticonvulsivant avec une évolution favorable.Conclusion: En conclusion, il s’agit de la première observation de la littérature médicale rapportant un ostéolipome cortical bifocal associé à une dysplasie corticale. A travers ce cas les auteurs mettent l’accent sur les lipomes intra-craniens avec quelques éléments de diagnostic positif et différentiel. Dans les formes épileptogènes, la gestion médicale des ostéolipomes est associée à un bon contrôle de la maladie épileptique. La chirurgie est indiquée dans les formes associées à des compressions des nerfs crâniens ou associées à une hydrocéphalie obstructive.Mots clés: dysplasie corticale, épilepsie, IRM, ostéolipomeEnglish Title: Bifocal epileptogenic osteolipoma associated with cortical dysplasia: a case repor

    Hydatid pulmonary embolism underlying cardiac hydatid cysts – A case report

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    Cystic hydatidosis is an endemic parasitic disease with usual localization in liver and lungs. Rarely it localizes in uncommon sites, the right ventricle being an exceptional localization.We present an extremely rare case of a young man with hydatid pulmonary embolism complicating right-ventricle hydatid cysts. Echocardiography, CT pulmonary angiogram and MR-angiography were performed for the diagnostic evaluation. Our patient did not undergo surgery. He was discharged on a regimen of albendazole, and is still being followed-up.Hydatid disease rarely presents with pulmonary embolism. It has uncharacteristic clinical features, requiring particular diagnosis and therapy

    Lemierre syndrome: once seen it can never be mistaken

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    Lemierre syndrome is a rare but severe septicaemia due most frequently to Fusobacterium necrophorum, with primary foci in the head, internal jugular vein thrombosis and metastatic infections, mainly in the lungs. We report two cases of Lemierre syndrome admitted to the paediatric unit of our hospital at 2-month intervals. The first was 10 years old and the second one was a 3-month-old infant. They were diagnosed on the 25th hospital day and at the time of admission, respectively. In the first case, diagnosis was delayed due to unfamiliarity with this disease. In the second patient the diagnosis was established on the first day because of the recent experience with patient 1. In both cases, bacteriological investigations were not helpful. Both patients had a favourable outcome after prolonged antibiotic treatment, anticoagulation and surgical drainage

    Crack lung with toxic cerebral vasculitis: Case report

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    Crack is the most potent form of cocaine. It directly affects lungs if inhaled and the damage may include barotrauma, acute pulmonary edema, alveolar hemorrhage, bronchiolitis obliterans with organizing pneumonia, or vasculitis. The diagnosis of cocaine-related lung damage is based on clinical symptoms and radiological findings. When young individuals develop respiratory symptoms, investigation into cocaine use is necessary. We report the case of a young man with a history of cocaine use who presented for respiratory and neurological symptoms revealing crack lung and toxic cerebral vasculitis

    Mediastinal and pericardial hydatidosis: A case report with review of the literature

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    Hydatidosis is an echinococcosis caused by the development of Echinococcus granulosus larvae in humans. The lung is the second most frequent site after the liver. The primary mediastinal and pericardial localisations are extremely rare.Ultrasound and CT scans play an important role in the diagnosis of this disease.We report the case of an 11-year-old female patient from a rural environment with a history of dogs contact, whose symptomatology consisted of chest pain, dyspnoea, all evolving in a febrile context. The imagery showed the existence of multiple mediastinal and pericardial collections. This patient was rapidly managed with albendazole (ABZ) and scanography revealed an excellent therapeutic response.Primary mediastinal and pericardial hydatidosis is a very uncommon disease. It can be unfortunately revealed at the stage of vital prognosis complications. Ultrasound and computerized tomography (CT) are helpful for localizing and defining the morphologic features of hydatid cysts. It should be kept in mind, especially in patients from endemic areas

    Incidental finding of undiagnosed aortic coarctation in an elderly patient with a rare association with thymic carcinoma: a case report with review of the literature

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    Aortic coarctation is a congenital malformation that is relatively prevalent, occurring in approximately 5 out of every 1000 births. The narrowing typically happens at the aortic isthmus between the left subclavian artery and the arterial ligament. It is frequently associated with a bicuspid aortic valve.Generally, coarctation of the aorta is identified and treated during childhood or early adulthood. If left untreated, this condition can lead to a reduced life expectancy in individuals who have not received treatment.We present a case of a 52-year-old man who complained of chest pain, sputum, and hemoptysis persisting for approximately 2 years. Contrast-enhanced computed tomography (CT) scans revealed the presence of an anterior mediastinal mass, which was later confirmed to be a thymic carcinoma (on histological study). Additionally, an incidental finding of a thoracic aortic coarctation with a well-developed collateral circulation was observed.The discovery of aortic coarctation in adult patients as an incidental finding is rare and particularly uncommon in association with mediastinal or thoracic tumor pathology.Adult and elderly patients with uncorrected coarctation generally have a low survival rate, and the management strategies for such cases are controversial, especially when it is associated to other pathologies.Due to the complexity of therapeutic management and the limited literature available on postsurgical outcomes in these cases, making therapeutic decisions requires a multidisciplinary approach and personalized consideration for each individual case. This approach is necessary to evaluate the risk-benefit ratio and determine the most suitable therapeutic solution

    Cholecystitis-related cystic artery pseudoaneurysm: Case report

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    The pseudoaneurysms of the cystic artery (CAP) are very uncommon. They usually develop as a result of an acute cholecystitis or after a cholecystectomy. Among the complications, we can find hemorrhaging, biliary blockage, and haemobilia. Limited understanding of the illness makes managing specific cases difficult. We describe a case of a cystic artery pseudoaneurysm complicating an acute cholecystitis that was successfully treated by transcatheter arterial embolization

    La maladie Ă  IgG4: Ă  propos de 3 cas

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    La maladie à IgG4 encore appelée polyexocrinopathie auto-immune à IgG4 est une nouvelle entité où s´inscrit la PAI de type 1. Elle peut toucher différents organes (système nerveux central, les glandes salivaires, la thyroïde, les poumons, le pancréas, les voies biliaires, le foie, le tube digestif, les reins, la prostate…) avec des symptômes relatifs à l´organe atteint. Elle est plus fréquente chez l´homme de plus de 50 ans. Son incidence et sa prévalence sont mal connues car c´est une maladie peu fréquente. Elle est a priori plus fréquente en Asie et ne représente que 20 à 30% des PAI en occident. Son diagnostic est histologique caractérisé par la présence, dans un contexte d´élévation sérique des IgG4 dans plus de 80% des cas, d´un infiltrat lymphoplasmocytaire dense de l´organe atteint avec positivité des IgG4 en immuno- histochimie, d´une fibrose d´organe et des veinulites oblitérantes. Elle est sensible à la corticothérapie avec un risque de rechute à l´arrêt de la corticothérapie qui n´est pas négligeable et qui conduit alors à l´utilisation d´immunomodulateurs, principalement: les thiopurines (Azathioprine ou le 6-mercaptopurine), le méthotrexate et de façon plus récente le rituximab qui peut être utilisé également comme traitement d´induction. Grâce aux avancées récentes, des critères histologiques et cliniques précis sont maintenant connus permettant de limiter les prises en charge inadaptées telle que la chirurgie. Cependant, de nombreuses lacunes persistent dans nos connaissances: sur la physiopathologie, l´identification de biomarqueurs spécifiques autres que les IgG4, l´histoire naturelle de la maladie et l´évaluation du risque de cancer à long terme, les performances des outils diagnostiques comme la biopsie pancréatique sous échoendoscopie. De même, une prise en charge consensuelle internationale reste à définir dans les phases initiales de la maladie et en cas de rechute. L´objectif de cette étude est de rapporter 3 cas de ML-IgG4 en se basant sur les critères cliniques et radiologiques, la réponse thérapeutique