8 research outputs found

    Morphological and anatomical characterization of Actinidia kolomikta (Rupr. & Maxim.) Maxim. (C3) and Amaranthus tricolor L. (C4) leaves

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    Received: February 1st, 2022 ; Accepted: March 27th, 2022 ; Published: April 27th, 2022 ; Correspondence: [email protected] and anatomical features of new cultivars with photosynthesis of C3 (Actinidia kolomikta (Rupr. & Maxim.) Maxim. cv. ‘Narodnaya’) and C4 (Amaranthus tricolor L. cv. ‘Valentina’) were established by light and scanning electron microscopy, as well as energy-dispersive analysis. The leaf lamina of Actinidia kolomikta cv. ‘Narodnaya’ has a dorsoventral anatomical structure, anomocytic stomata on the abaxial epidermis and two types of trichomes: multicellular, uniseriate hairs and multicellular bristle-like protrusions, containing raphids. The needle-like raphides are located in subepidermal layers along the veins. A vascular system of petiole consists of two upper concentric bundles and the crescentic vascular strand. A starch sheat is present. Raphides (needle-shaped and rectangular) are located in phloem and cortical parenchyma cells, contain Ca, K, Mg, P and Si. The leaf lamina of Amaranthus tricolor cv. ‘Valentina’ have the kranz-anatomy, dorsiventral mesophyll and contain druses. Betacyanins are concentrated in the epidermis and mesophyll, but are not present in the bundle sheath. The number of vascular bundles in petioles is odd-numbered and variable (from 5 to 13). Trichomes are multicellular, uniseriate, ending in a large oval cell. Cells with betacyanins are present in the epidermis cortex, and, rarely, the collenchyma and phloem of the petiole. Cells with betaxanthins are absent. A starch sheat is brightly pigmented with betacyanins. The crystall sand is deposited in the parenchyma cells of the cortex and pith of the petiole and contains Ca (mainly) and K oxalates. Druses in the leaf lamina additionally contain Mg and P


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    As a result of the research carried out in 2013-2016, the viability and originality of 1157 accessions of root vegetables have been preserved. 250 breeding accessions of carrot, beetroot and radish have been assessed for different economically valuable traits in open field and laboratory tests. Out of them, 65 accessions were selected out as sources of economically valuable traits. The early-maturing accessions of radish, such as ‘Korsar’, ‘Francuzsky Zavtrak’, ‘Mikhnevsky 1’, ‘18 Dney’, ‘Koroleva Margo’, ‘Polyna’, ‘Rozovo-Krasny s Belym Konchikom’, ‘Sofit’, ‘Kvarta’, ‘Saksa’, ‘Variant’ were regarded. The carrot accessions, such as ‘Scarlet’, ‘Koroleva Oseni’, ‘Dlinnaya Krasnaya’ were distinguished as sources of high yield capacity. The sources of high root yield in beetroot were varieties: ‘Valenta’, ‘Mestnaya iz Madagaskara’, Goldiers Super Black Beet, Zwaans Early Red Chief. The long shelf-life during wintertime was observed in beetroot varieties: ‘Slowiblot’, ‘Valenta’, ‘Lomarina’. The varieties: ‘Nevezhes’, ‘Neger Schwarz Halblange’, ‘Goldiers Super Black Beet’ were distinguished by high root marketability. With the use of world plant collection at VIR, the following varieties of root vegetables: ‘Dar Podmoskovya’ in carrot; ‘Osennya Princessa’ in beetroot; ‘Mikhnevskiy 1 ‘in garden radish; ‘Osenniy Krasavets’ in daikon; ‘Albina’ in root parsley; ‘Atlant’ in parsnip; Moscowskiy Krasavets in celery, and ‘Oseniya Udacha’ in wild radish were developed. It was also shown those varieties that had high yield capacity and root marketability were distinguished by small epidermal cell structure and large number of stomata per unit of leaf surface. It may be supposed that the large number of stomata per unit of leaf surface and small epidermal cell structure was the evidence of adaptive capacity of accessions taken for the study. В результате проведенных исследований в 2013-2016 годах поддержана жизнеспособность и подлинность 1157 образцов корнеплодных овощных культур. В полевых и лабораторных условиях по различным хозяйственно ценным признакам изучено 250 образцов моркови, свеклы столовой и редиса. Выделено 65 источников хозяйственно ценных признаков для селекции. Выделены скороспелые образцы редиса Корсар, Французский завтрак, Михневский 1, 18 дней, Королева Марго, Поляна, Розово-красный с белым кончиком, Софит, Кварта, Сакса, Вариант. В результате изучения коллекции моркови выделены источники высокой урожайности корнеплодов сорта Скарлет, Королева Осени, Красная длинная. У коллекционных образцов свеклы столовой выделились источники высокой урожайности корнеплодов сорта Валента, Местная из Мадагаскара, Goldiers Super black beet, Zwaans Early Red Chief. Хорошая лежкость корнеплодов в период зимнего хранения была у сортов свеклы столовой Slowiblot, Валента, Lomarina. Высокой товарностью корнеплода отличались сорта Невежес, Neger schwarz Halblange, Goldiers Super black beet. С использованием образцов из мировой коллекции ВИР созданы сорта корнеплодных овощных культур: моркови столовой Дар Подмосковья, свеклы столовой Осенняя принцесса, редиса Михневский 1, дайкона Осенний красавец, петрушки корневой Альбина, пастернака Атлант, сельдерея Московский красавец, редьки Осенняя удача. Установлено, что сорта, которые имели высокую урожайность и товарность корнеплодов, отличались мелкоклеточной структурой эпидермиса и большим количеством устьиц на единицу площади листа. Можно предположить, что мелкоклеточная структура эпидермиса листа и большое количество устьиц на единицу площади листа свидетельствует о высокой адаптивной способности изученных образцов.

    Mineral composition of repair raspberry (<i>Rubus idaeus</i> L.) fruits

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    In recent years, raspberry breeding has shifted its emphasis from agronomic performance to characteristics related to the sensory qualities of the fruit and its potential health benefits. The therapeutic and preventive properties of raspberries are related to their biochemical composition. In this regard, the purpose of the work was to determine the content of macro- and micronutrients in fruits of different cultivars of repair raspberry using modern high-tech analytical methods and the selection of genetic sources of the analyzed elements for further breeding. The objects of the research were 17 cultivars of repair raspberry of different ecological and geographical origin from the genetic plant bioresource collection of FSBSO ARHCBAN. It was found that the ash residue of berries contains 12 major elements, which form the following descending series: K&gt;P&gt;Mg≥Mo&gt;Ca&gt;S≥Ni&gt;Zn&gt;Mn&gt;Se&gt;Fe≥Co. The largest proportion of ash residue in raspberry fruits is K. Depending on the cultivar, its quantity averaged from 12.81 wt % (Samorodok and Karamelka) to 22.37 wt % (Atlant). The minimum K content was observed in the ash of the Carolina cultivar (5.62 wt %), while in berries of this cultivar Mg (2.91), Ca (2.62) and Zn (0.14 wt %) accumulated above average. Among the group of early maturing cultivars, the cultivar Yubileinaya Kulikova stands out with a high content of Mo (4.63), Ca (2.19), Fe (0.25) and Co (0.21 wt %). The cultivar Pingvin is characterized by a high content of K (22.65) and Se (0.31 wt %). The medium maturity cultivar Samorodok is characterized by a higher content of P (4.08), S (0.47), Ni (0.51) and Zn (0.26 wt %). Among the late maturing cultivars, the cultivar Poranna Rosa stands out with the preferential accumulation of nine elements: Mg (2.98), P (4.42), S (0.36), K (20.34), Ca (1.71), Mn (0.14), Co (0.13), Se (0.21) and Mo (3.08 wt %). Correlation relationships between the elements have been established. Samples with the highest accumulation of macro- and microelements in berries represent genetic sources for further selection of raspberry for improvement of the mineral composition of fruits


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    Material for research was fresh leaves of Amaranthus tricolor L. varieties Early Splendor. They were grown in a greenhouse (Federal Scientific Vegetable Center, Moscow region). Using GC-MS, 8 and 11 amino acids were identified in extracts of hetero- and autotrophic leaves. One of the mechanisms that provide resistance to stresses of various natures is the accumulation of free amino acids; therefore, the total content of antioxidants can serve as an indicator of plant resistance. The amino acids found in amaranth leaves have pronounced functional activity in the human body. For example, tyrosine is the most important neurotransmitter, stimulates the brain, is involved in the control of stress. In humans, the precursor of tyrosine is the essential amino acid phenylalanine, while tyrosine is formed by hydroxylation of the phenyl group of phenylalanine. In this case, the lack of the latter in food leads to a deficiency of tyrosine in the body. Tryptophan controls the body's protective and adaptive functions. Amino acids valine, leucine, glutamine, proline - stimulate the growth of beneficial intestinal flora and biomass accumulation. Thus, the amino acid composition determines the nutritional and pharmacological value of amaranth leaf biomass. This indicates that amaranth leaves are a promising raw material for creating functional products and herbal remedies.Материалом служили свежие листья овощного амаранта (Amaranthus tricolor L.) сорта Early Splendor, который выращивали в пленочной теплице (ФНЦО, Московская обл.). С использованием ГХ-МС в экстрактах гетеро- и автотрофных листьев было идентифицировано 8 и 11 аминокислот. Одним из механизмов, обеспечивающих устойчивость к стрессам различной природы, является накопление свободных аминокислот, поэтому величина суммарного содержания антиоксидантов может служить индикатором устойчивости растений. Обнаруженные в листьях амаранта аминокислоты обладают выраженной функциональной активностью в организме человека. Например, тирозин является важнейшим нейромедиатором, стимулирует работу мозга, участвует в контроле за стрессом. В организме человека предшественником тирозина является незаменимая аминокислота фенилаланин, при этом тирозин образуется путем гидроксилирования фенильной группы фенилаланина. Отсутствие последнего в пище ведет к дефициту тирозина в организме. Триптофан контролирует защитно-приспособительные функции организма. Аминокислоты валин, лейцин, глутамин, пролин – стимулируют рост полезной кишечной флоры и накопление биомассы. Таким образом, аминокислотный состав определяет пищевую и фармакологическую ценность листовой биомассы амаранта. Это указывает на то, что листья амаранта являются перспективным сырьем для создания функциональных продуктов и фитопрепаратов


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    As a result of the research carried out in 2013-2016, the viability and originality of 1157 accessions of root vegetables have been preserved. 250 breeding accessions of carrot, beetroot and radish have been assessed for different economically valuable traits in open field and laboratory tests. Out of them, 65 accessions were selected out as sources of economically valuable traits. The early-maturing accessions of radish, such as ‘Korsar’, ‘Francuzsky Zavtrak’, ‘Mikhnevsky 1’, ‘18 Dney’, ‘Koroleva Margo’, ‘Polyna’, ‘Rozovo-Krasny s Belym Konchikom’, ‘Sofit’, ‘Kvarta’, ‘Saksa’, ‘Variant’ were regarded. The carrot accessions, such as ‘Scarlet’, ‘Koroleva Oseni’, ‘Dlinnaya Krasnaya’ were distinguished as sources of high yield capacity. The sources of high root yield in beetroot were varieties: ‘Valenta’, ‘Mestnaya iz Madagaskara’, Goldiers Super Black Beet, Zwaans Early Red Chief. The long shelf-life during wintertime was observed in beetroot varieties: ‘Slowiblot’, ‘Valenta’, ‘Lomarina’. The varieties: ‘Nevezhes’, ‘Neger Schwarz Halblange’, ‘Goldiers Super Black Beet’ were distinguished by high root marketability. With the use of world plant collection at VIR, the following varieties of root vegetables: ‘Dar Podmoskovya’ in carrot; ‘Osennya Princessa’ in beetroot; ‘Mikhnevskiy 1 ‘in garden radish; ‘Osenniy Krasavets’ in daikon; ‘Albina’ in root parsley; ‘Atlant’ in parsnip; Moscowskiy Krasavets in celery, and ‘Oseniya Udacha’ in wild radish were developed. It was also shown those varieties that had high yield capacity and root marketability were distinguished by small epidermal cell structure and large number of stomata per unit of leaf surface. It may be supposed that the large number of stomata per unit of leaf surface and small epidermal cell structure was the evidence of adaptive capacity of accessions taken for the study


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    Material for research was fresh leaves of Amaranthus tricolor L. varieties Early Splendor. They were grown in a greenhouse (Federal Scientific Vegetable Center, Moscow region). Using GC-MS, 8 and 11 amino acids were identified in extracts of hetero- and autotrophic leaves. One of the mechanisms that provide resistance to stresses of various natures is the accumulation of free amino acids; therefore, the total content of antioxidants can serve as an indicator of plant resistance. The amino acids found in amaranth leaves have pronounced functional activity in the human body. For example, tyrosine is the most important neurotransmitter, stimulates the brain, is involved in the control of stress. In humans, the precursor of tyrosine is the essential amino acid phenylalanine, while tyrosine is formed by hydroxylation of the phenyl group of phenylalanine. In this case, the lack of the latter in food leads to a deficiency of tyrosine in the body. Tryptophan controls the body's protective and adaptive functions. Amino acids valine, leucine, glutamine, proline - stimulate the growth of beneficial intestinal flora and biomass accumulation. Thus, the amino acid composition determines the nutritional and pharmacological value of amaranth leaf biomass. This indicates that amaranth leaves are a promising raw material for creating functional products and herbal remedies