988 research outputs found

    Deteriogenic flora of the Phlegraean Fields Archaeological Park: ecological analysis and management guidelines

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    Biodeterioration, the alteration caused by living organisms, on historical buildings and stone monuments is a well-known problem affecting two-thirds of the world’s cultural heritage. The study of the flora growing on wall surface is of particular importance for the assessment of the risk of biodeterioration of stone artifacts by vascular plants, and for maintenance planning. In this study, we investigate how rock type, exposure and inclination of the wall affect the biodeteriogenic flora at 13 sites of the Archaeological Park of the Phlegraean Fields located in the province of Naples, in southern Italy. For each site, we analysed randomly selected square areas with 2 × 2 m size, representing the different vegetation types in terms of vascular plant species cover. The total num - ber of plant species recorded was 129, belonging to 43 families. Erigeron sumatrensis, Sonchus tenerrimus and Parietaria judaica are the most commonly reported species, while Capparis orientalis is the species with the highest average coverage. Substrate type, exposure and surface inclination affect the floristic composition, with the average plant cover significantly higher on vertical surfaces and at western and southern expo - sure. All the main biodeteriogenic vascular plant species grow on more or less porous lythotype like yellow tufa, conglomerate and bricks. Finally, woody plants eradications methods are proposed by the tree cutting and local application of herbicides, to avoid stump and root sprouting and to minimize the dispersion of chemicals in the sur- rounding environment

    Wild Edible Plants: A Challenge for Future Diet and Health

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    Wild edible plants (WEPs) can be defined as native species that grow and reproduce naturally in their natural habitat without being cultivated [...]

    Traditional herbal remedies used for managing anxiety and insomnia in italy: An ethnopharmacological overview

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    Anxiety and insomnia are among the most common mental health disorders and are a major cause of disability around the world. Traditional herbal medicines are receiving significant attention in global health debates. Several Italian regions maintain rural traditions and are among the most extensively studied areas of Europe regarding medicinal plant uses. The present overview aims to highlight the use of wild and cultivated plants, specifically as sedatives and for insomnia treatment in Italy, and to collect, analyze, and summarize the available literature about their pharmacological activity as well as clinical and pre-clinical studies concerning the most cited plants. In total, 106 wild taxa are used in Italy for sedative purposes. The plant species belong to 76 genera and 32 families, of which the most cited are Asteraceae (24.2%) and Lamiaceae (21.1%). Leaves (29%) and flowers (27%) are the plant parts mostly used as infusion (70%) and decoction (25%). Out of 106 taxa documented, only the most cited are analyzed in this overview (A. arvensis L., C. nepeta L., C. monogyna Jacq., H. lupulus L., L. nobilis L., L. angustifolia Mill., M. sylvestris L., M. chamomilla L., M. officinalis L., O. basilicum L., P. rhoeas L., P. somniferum L., R. officinalis L., T. platyphyllus Scop., and V. officinalis L.). Among the fifteen species selected, only seven have been studied for their pharmacological activity as hypnotic-sedatives. Future pre-clinical and clinical studies are needed to better clarify the mechanism of action of bioactive compounds and confirm the potential of these alternative therapies

    L\u2019immagine dei siciliani, nei proverbi \u201cblasonatori\u201d di Giuseppe Pitr\ue8

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    Quando Giuseppe Pitr\ue8 si accinge a raccogliere il corpus dei proverbi siciliani, si accorge che gi\ue0 a partire dal sec. XVII ne erano stati individuati alcuni attinenti allo scontro tra nazioni e citt\ue0. Nel 1880, quindi, individua un nucleo di proverbi che in seguito definir\ue0 \u201cblasoni popolari\u201d e intorno ai quali progetta di produrre un\u2019opera completa riguardante l\u2019intera nazione. Il folklorista palermitano, per\uf2, individua in questi proverbi soprattutto la mancata unit\ue0 del popolo italiano e li considera pi\uf9 una curiosit\ue0 che un oggetto di studio scientifico. Oggi \ue8 possibile, a partire dal corpus di Pitr\ue8, integrare e analizzare questi dati alla luce di categorie interpretative interessanti e nuove.When Giuseppe Pitr\ue8 begins to collect the corpus of Sicilian proverbs, he realizes that as early as the century XVII they had been identified some related to the conflict between nations and cities. In 1880, therefore, he identifies a core of proverbs which later will define "blasoni popolari", and around which plans to produce a complete work on the Italian nation. The folklorist, however, finds in these proverbs especially the failure to unity of the Italian people and considers them more a curiosity than an object of scientific study. Today it is possible, starting from Pitr\ue8 corpus, integrate and analyze these data with interesting and new interpretation categories

    Manihot esculenta (Euphorbiaceae), nova tujerodna vrsta v Italiji

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    In the present work the presence of Manihot esculenta Crantz is reported for the first time for Italy and Europe, a neophyte native to South America: ecology and invasive status are presented.V ÄŤlanku poroÄŤamo o prvem pojavljanju vrste Manihot esculenta Crantz, neofita iz JuĹľne Amerike, v Italiji in Evropi in predstavljamo njegovo ekologijo in invazivni status

    Patologie della base-cranica anteriore con Piezosurgery

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    .PIEZOSURGERY\uae Stato dell\u2019arte e prospettive Chirurgia Cranio Facciale Neurochirurgi
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