2 research outputs found
Primary dismernoria among teenager girls on the background of non-differentiated dysplasia of connecting tissue
Objective of the study: to identify the features of the primary dysmenorrhea clinic among adolescent girls with connective tissue dysplasia. The mean value of the rank index of pain in the main group is higher than in the comparison group. The emotional component prevailed in the inner picture of the perception of pain. Psycho-emotional status was distinguished by a high level of average score of reactive and personal anxiety. Summary. Systemic pathology associated with connective tissue dysplasia increases the clinical course of primary dysmenorrhea among adolescents, which gives grounds to differentiate the treatment and diagnostic algorith
Primary dismernoria among teenager girls on the background of non-differentiated dysplasia of connecting tissue
Objective of the study: to identify the features of the primary dysmenorrhea clinic among adolescent girls with connective tissue dysplasia. The mean value of the rank index of pain in the main group is higher than in the comparison group. The emotional component prevailed in the inner picture of the perception of pain. Psycho-emotional status was distinguished by a high level of average score of reactive and personal anxiety. Summary. Systemic pathology associated with connective tissue dysplasia increases the clinical course of primary dysmenorrhea among adolescents, which gives grounds to differentiate the treatment and diagnostic algorith