139 research outputs found

    Application of High-Throughput Findings in Medicine

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    Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) protein- protein interaction mapping

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    ObjectiveDuchenne muscular dystrophy as one of the mortal diseases is prominent to study in terms of molecular investigation. In this study, the protein interaction map of this muscle-wasting condition is generated to gain a better knowledge of interactome profile of DMD.Materials & Methods Applying Cytoscape and String Database, the protein-protein interaction network was constructed and the gene ontology of the constructed network was analyzed for biological process, molecular function, and cell component annotations.ResultsThe results indicate that among 100 proteins that are related to DMD, Dystrophin, Utrophin, Caveolin 3, and Myogenic differentiation 1 play key roles in DMD network. In addition, the gene ontology analysis showed that regulation processes, kinase activity and sarcoplasmic reticulum are the highlighted biological processes, molecular function, and cell component enrichments respectively for the proteins related to DMD.  ConclusionIn conclusion, the central proteins and the enriched ontologies can be suggested as possible prominent agents in DMD; however, the validation studies may be required

    ضرورت پژوهش در منابع دینی به منظور ارتقای سلامت انسان

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    Health care is one of the biggest challenges for human life so achieving it requires considerable cost .the religions try to improve human health and provide completed instructions in the field of health...یکی از چالش­های بزرگ پیش روی بشر، از بدو خلقت تاکنون، حفظ سلامت است که مستلزم پرداخت هزینه­‌های سنگین مادی و معنوی است. ادیان الهی که درصدد تأمین سعادت بشر هستند، انسان سالم را مخاطب خود قرار داده­‌اند و برای تأمین سلامت آن دسته از افرادی که از نعمت سلامتی برخوردار نیستند، نصایح و دستورالعمل­‌های متنوعی بیان داشته­ اند.

    Designing and manufacturing of the extremely low frequency electromagnetic field generator and detector

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    Electromagnetic fields (EMFs) are inevitable consequences of modern civilizations and the era of technology. Many investigations have been carried out in order to determine the effects of EMFs on biological organisms specially on human being. In one hand, most of the generators used in these kinds of experiment are not able to expose a large number of animals simultaneously and on the other hand, many environmental electromagnetic fields could be hazardous for exposing people while a portable, low cost and reliable electromagnetic detector is not commercially available. In this study, we introduced an ELF/EMFs generator capable of exposing a large experimental space and a detector of environmental ELF/EMFs which can define their spatial parameters and relevant biological effects

    Interaction network prediction and analysis of Anorexia Nervosa

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    ObjectivesAnorexia Nervosa (AN) as a mental condition is a common eating disorder among young women. This study aims to shed lights on molecular behavior of this serious disorder in terms of protein interacting profile to provide further insight about its complexity.Materials & MethodsThe AN related genes were extracted from STRING database and included in interactome via Cytoscape software. The central nodes of the network were enriched via gene ontology (GO) by ClueGO+CluePedia and the action relationship between the nodes were determined by CluePedia.ResultsSix genes including LEP, INS, POMC, GCG, SST, and ALB were introduced as hub-bottlenecks that among them LEP, INS, and POMC were the super hub-bottlenecks based on further analysis. Action map analysis showed prominent role of hubs relative to bottlenecks in the network. Regulation of behavior, regulation of carbohydrate biosynthetic process, and regulation of appetite are the top associated processes for the identified hub genes.ConclusionThe topological analysis proposed the five hub-bottlenecks as the most central genes in the network, these genes and their contributing biological terms may suggest additional importance in AN pathogenesis and thereby possible candidates for therapeutic usage.  However, further studies is required to justify these findings.

    Necessity of Research on Religious Resources to Improve Human Health

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    For downloading the full-text of this article please click here.Health care is one of the biggest challenges for human life so achieving it requires considerable cost .the religions try to improve human health and provide completed instructions in the field of health...For downloading the full-text of this article please click here

    Evaluation of skin response after erbium:yttrium–aluminum–garnet laser irradiation: a network analysis approach

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    Introduction: Application of laser in medicine and cosmetic purposes has raised grossly in recent years. There are contradictory finding about its side effects. In this research critical differentially expressed proteins after irradiation erbium:yttrium–aluminum–garnet (Er:YAG) laser on skin are investigated.Methods: Proteome data including 31 proteins were obtained from a proteomics investigation of laser irradiation, Er:YAG on female mouse skin that are published by Pan et al. The query proteins and 100 related ones were included in the protein-protein interaction (PPI) network. The central nodes were determined and all of nodes were included in action maps. Expression, activation, inhibition, binding, and reaction were considered in action plan.Results: Numbers of 16 proteins were recognized by STRING database and were included in the network. Except PHRF1, the other 15 query proteins were included in the main connected component of the constructed network. Ten central nodes of the network and ten numbers of top query proteins based on degree value were identified as central proteins of the network. All nodes of the network analyzed via action maps and the important acted nodes were determined as RPSA, GAPDH, TPT1, DCTN2, HSPB1, and PDIA3.Conclusion: Two balanced processes including cancer promotion and cancer prevention were after irradiation were identified

    The Role of Systems Biology and Synthetic Biology in Appearing and Managing COVID-19

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    Introduction: Studies reveal that viruses play important roles in the origins of cellular life and the evolution of all mammals for example. COVID-19 as a modified brutal virus has affected daily life and is slowing down the global economy.  The main purpose of the current study stems from the question that how COVID-19 was created and how it will be solved. Method: In order to conduct the present research, 26 English articles were chosen from among 57 articles published from 2000 to 2020 based on their relation to viral diseases and the availability of the full text at the PubMed, Science Direct, ProQuest, and Google Scholar databases. Findings: To study the new coronavirus, its genetic sequence should be accessible for us. As understood, synthetic biology takes advantage of the knowledge obtained from systems biology analysis and the conceptual tools made for such purposes. These approaches develop systems toxicology as well as stand out in predicting and evaluating the immunogenicity of vaccines as well as improving vaccine formulations through a definite immunological marker. Conclusion and Suggestion:Dealing with viral diseases such as COVID-19 demands vast knowledge of biotechnology, cell and molecular biology expertise, and competent approaches based on bioinformatics technology that contains systems biology and synthetic biology. Therefore, such scientific fields need to be highly developed in developing countries to keep their immunity and national security under warranty encountering any biological invasion, most specifically of viral types

    Long-term exposure to low frequency electro-magnetic fields of 50- and 217-Hz leads to learning and memory deficits in mice

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           Electromagnetic field (EMF) radiation affects cellular and brain chemistry and function, resulting in deleterious effects such as free radicals formation, impaired DNA repair, reduced melatonin and blood brain barrier protection, and defects on learning and memory and other higher brain functions. In this paper the effects of low frequency EMF of 50- and 217 Hz, ranges often associated with common electronic devices such as televisions and cell phones were examined on learning and memory in adult male mice. Five groups (n=10 mice/group) of mice (1 control and 4 experimental) were initially trained for the passive avoidance (PA) test. They were then placed in devices creating EMF radiation with varying intensities (0.5 to 2 milli-Tesla, mT) and frequencies (50- and 217-Hz) for 2-weeks (16 hrs/day). Control mice received no radiation. Learning and memory was tested by the PA test and evaluated based on the following parameters: mean step through latency (STL), number of crossing (Cr#) and time in dark compartment (TDC). Results showed significant deficiencies in learning and memory in the EM-exposed mice compared to controls: mean STL decreased significantly (p<0.001) in the 50 Hz group (1 and 1.5 mT intensities).  In the 217 Hz group, STL also decreased in the 0.5 and 2 mT groups (p< 0.05).  There was a notable increase in mean Cr# for both groups and TDC for 50 Hz group. Results confirm that long-term exposure to EMF radiation of 50 and 217 Hz, imparts significant harmful changes on memory and learning, reiterating the need for preventive measures against such exposures

    Assessment of Dysregulation of HERC6 and Essential Biological Processes in Response to Laser Therapy of Human Arm Skin

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    Introduction: The widespread application of lasers in medicine, especially in the treatment of diseases implies more investigations to understand the precious molecular mechanism of the laser effect on the human body. In the present study, the prominent role of HERC6 in response to CO2 Laser therapy of human skin is investigated.Methods: The numbers of 16 gene expression profiles before and after the treatment with the CO2 laser are downloaded from Gene Expression Omnibus (GEO), and differentially-expressed genes (DEGs) are analyzed to find the significant DEGs. Gene ontology analysis revealed that HERC6 and a set of its neighbors played a significant role in response to laser application.Results: The expression changes of 52 significant DEGs were compared via heat map analysis and 27 significant DEGs were introduced as the critical genes which are involved in response to laser irradiation. “Thymidylate kinase activity” among 9 clusters of biological terms was highlighted as an important biological process related to the identified DEGs. HERC2 was proposed as a critical DEG which was related to several essential cellular processes in response to laser application.Conclusion: The findings from the present study indicate that HERC6 and the numbers of its first neighbors are involved in the essential cellular response to laser therapy of human skin