28 research outputs found

    Metody nalezení stejných bodů v obrázcích pro stereovizi

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    Příspěvek popisuje tři způsoby hledání identických bodů ve dvou obrazech – levého a pravého – pro potřeby stereovize. Jsou použity metody: vzájemná korelace, “graph-cut” a SAD (Sum of Absolute Differences). Operátor má nasazeny 3D brýle a scéna je snímaná dvěma rovnoběžným kamerami. Za použití vyvinutého software, je provedena transformace obrazu tak aby každému oku příslušel vhodně posunutý obraz.The article describes three methods finding the identical points in images pair – left and right – for sterevision. Thera are used methods: cross-correlation, graph-cuts and last one SAD - Sum of Absolute Differences. The operator has 3D helmet putted on and the scenery is taken by pair of parallel cameras. Using the developed software, the image transformation is done. Every eye has suitable shifted image

    Řízení manipulátoru servisního robotu kopírováním pohybů ruky operátora v prostoru

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    This paper describes a practical solution of the problem of controlling a manipulator arm of a mobile service robot by a human operator using the natural method of following the movements of the operator’s hand in space. This system is a part of the complex control system of the mobile robot Hercules developed by the Department of robotics and is used to control its 3-degree-of-freedom manipulator with a gripper, but can be after some modifications applied to any similar arm with up to 6 degrees of freedom.Článek popisuje praktické řešení problematiky řízení manipulační nadstavby mobilního servisního robotu lidským operátorem pomocí přirozené metody kopírování pohybu operátorovy ruky v prostoru. Systém je součástí komplexního řídicího systému mobilního robotu Hercules navrženého katedrou robototechniky a je využíván pro řízení manipulátoru s 3 stupni volnosti a chapadlem, který je na tomto robotu umístěn. Po několika úpravách může být však použit pro řízení libovolného podobného ramene s až 6 stupni volnosti

    The sensitivity of the input impedance parameters of track circuits to changes in the parameters of the track

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    This paper deals with the sensitivity of the input impedance of an open track circuit in the event that the parameters of the track are changed. Weather conditions and the state of pollution are the most common reasons for parameter changes. The results were obtained from the measured values of the parameters R (resistance), G (conductance), L (inductance), and C (capacitance) of a rail superstructure depending on the frequency. Measurements were performed on a railway siding in Orlova. The results are used to design a predictor of occupancy of a track section. In particular, we were interested in the frequencies of 75 and 275 Hz for this purpose. Many parameter values of track substructures have already been solved in different works in literature. At first, we had planned to use the parameter values from these sources when we designed the predictor. Deviations between them, however, are large and often differ by three orders of magnitude (see Tab.8). From this perspective, this article presents data that have been updated using modern measurement devices and computer technology. And above all, it shows a transmission (cascade) matrix used to determine the parameters

    Dimensional optimization of the robotic arm to reduce energy consumption

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    This study examines selected components of the optimization function, used to evaluate the optimal kinematic structure of a robot for a given task. Automated generation of the kinematic structure is based on scalable drive modules of the joints and modules of the carrying arms with a check on the permissible torque of the drive and bending moment of the carrier element. An optimization algorithm is used to generate variations of kinematic structures, the base requirement of the fitness function is the ability to traverse a given trajectory with a defined orientation of the tool. The suitability of a given kinematic structure is evaluated further by a set of evaluation functions such as a check for spatial collisions, energy consumption, minimization of total weight, minimization of degrees of freedom for a given task and several other criteria. Two of these criteria - evaluation of the total weight of a robotic arm with drives in joints and evaluation of power consumption for a defined handling task are examined here.Web of Science20203753374

    Dálkové řízení elektrického invalidního vozíku

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    This paper describes modifications and completion of the control system of electric wheelchair in order to serve as a platform for remote-controlled mobile robot. The main task was to provide remote control of this mobile robot, because the existing control system works only with a wired controller. Due to the unavailability of appropriate documentation, it was necessary to analyze the original control system and to determine the possibility of its connection to a superior control system on the operator’s station. It was also needed to design and make an electronic module, which would implement the found solution. Through this module it is possible to send movement commands to the robot chassis via wireless links and thus to ensure the remote control at distance of up to several kilometers.Článek se zabývá popisem modifikace a doplnění řídicího systému elektrického invalidního vozíku tak, aby posloužil jako platforma pro dálkově ovládaný mobilní robot. Hlavním úkolem bylo zajistit dálkové ovládání tohoto mobilního robotu, protože stávající řídicí systém pracuje pouze s drátovým ovladačem. Vzhledem k nedostupnosti vhodné dokumentace bylo potřeba analyzovat původní řídicí systém a vymezit možnosti jeho napojení na nadřazený řídicí systém stanoviště operátora mobilního robotu. Dále bylo potřeba navrhnout a zhotovit elektronický modul, který bude stanovené řešení realizovat. Prostřednictvím tohoto modulu je tak umožněno zasílat povely k pohybu robotického podvozku prostřednictvím bezdrátového pojítka a zajistit tak jeho dálkové ovládání na vzdálenost až několik kilometrů

    Initial estimation of kinematic structure of a robotic manipulator as an input for its synthesis

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    Researchers often deal with the synthesis of the kinematic structure of a robotic manipulator to determine the optimal manipulator for a given task. This approach can lower the cost of the manipulator and allow it to achieve poses that might be unreachable by universal manipulators in an existing constrained environment. Numerical methods are broadly used to find the optimum design but they often require an estimated initial kinematic structure as input, especially if local-optimum-search algorithms are used. This paper presents four different algorithms for such an estimation using the standard Denavit-Hartenberg convention. Two of the algorithms are able to reach a given position and the other two can reach both position and orientation using Bezier splines approximation and vector algebra. The results are demonstrated with three chosen example poses and are evaluated by measuring manipulability and the total link length of the final kinematic structures.Web of Science118art. no. 354

    Optimization of a truss structure used to design of the manipulator arm from a set of components

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    The design of a manipulator arm, which is built from a construction kit, is presented in this article. The procedure is based on the results of the discrete optimization of a truss structure and its application to a simple component system (assuming a predefined shape and material of components). A genetic algorithm is used to optimize the truss structure, and the results of the solution are verified on a simple task used in literature (the code was written in the Python language). The construction kit was inspired by Merkur(R), and the article proposes several components with different shapes and materials. The construction kit and the optimization of the truss structure were used to design the manipulator arm. The truss topology has been predefined with respect to the construction set. The finite element method (software ANSYS(R)) was used to analyze the components (shell elements) and truss structures (linear analysis, buckling analysis, etc.). To validate the presented approach, the arm designed by topological optimization was used. The comparison shows that the use of components may be an alternative to topology optimization and additive manufacturing. The next step will be the modification of the presented method in order to minimize the differences between the simplified task used for optimization (truss structure-rod element) and the simulation composed of components (components assembly-shell element).Web of Science1121art. no. 1019

    Modulární řídící systém průmyslových robotů a manipulátorů

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    Import 20/04/2006Prezenční výpůjčkaVŠB - Technická univerzita Ostrava. Fakulta strojn

    Zprostředkování 3D vjemu operátorovi

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    The article describes the realised system of stereovision providing space perception to operator. Final appliance is focused to using on the service mobile rescue robot. The operator has 3D helmet putted on and the scenery is taken by pair of parallel cameras. The software transformation of both pictures is implemented for every eye. Article introduced cameras calibration, camera distortion removing, automatic finding distance of focusing, transformation and filtering.Příspěvek popisuje realizovaný stereosystém, který zprostředkovává prostorový vjem operátorovi. Výsledné zařízení je určeno k použití na servisním mobilním zásahovém robotu. Operátor má nasazeny 3D brýle a scéna je snímaná dvěma rovnoběžným kamerami. Za použití zhotoveného software, který je napsán v jazyce C++, je provedena transformace obrazu tak aby každému oku příslušel vhodný obraz. Článek představuje část od kalibrace kamer, přes odstranění zkreslení kamer, automatické hledání optimální vzdálenosti pro zostření systému, způsob transformace a nakonec aplikovaný filtr

    Parametrizace čtyřkolového podvozku

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