200 research outputs found


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    According to observation data obtained at the drinking water intake in the Kamyanske reservoir in the village of Auly, the basic patterns of water blooming were specified. Water abstraction in here is performed from the depth of 8-9 m, which roughly corresponds to a mid-point of the maximum depths. It was determined that the number of algae per unit volume is very large - significantly higher than at the water intake of the Dnieper Water Supply Station (DWSS), which is located in the downstream of the Kyivska HPP. In some cases, it may exceed 1000 million in 1 dm3. During the study period, a decrease in algae amount was recorded, mainly, starting from 2018. The largest  algae amount per a volume unit is usually observed in September, i.e. later than in the surface layer of water. The largest algae amount was recorded in September of 2010 and 2014. The factors that contributed to the development of algae at this time are given. Such factors were primarily high air and water temperatures, as well as low cloud cover. There is some delay in changing weather conditions. From June to November, blue-green algae are dominant in the water intake in the village of Auly, the share of which in August-October reaches 95-99%. From December to April, diatomic algae are dominant. The share of green algae is the highest in summer, but it does not usually exceed 2-3% of the total. The significant development of algae in the Kamyanske Reservoir is confirmed by remote sensing data. According to satellite data, it was found out that in this reservoir the largest blooming is observed in the place of water intake location. The dependence of water blooming on hydrometeorological conditions, in particular the direction of wind currents is also shown. The dominance of the northeast wind over the Kamyanske Reservoir in the summer causes a wind setup to the water intake, which results in the increase in the number of algae cells per volume unit.За даними спостережень на господарсько-питному водозаборі в Кам’янському водосховищі в смт Аули встановлено основні закономірності “цвітіння” води. Забір води тут виконується з глибини 8–9 м, що приблизно відповідає середині максимальних глибин. Встановлено, що чисельність водоростей в одиниці об’єму дуже велика – істотно більша, ніж на водозаборі Дніпровської водопровідної станції (ДВС), що розташований у нижньому б’єфі Київської ГЕС. В окремих випадках вона може перевищувати 1000 млн в 1 дм3. Упродовж досліджуваного періоду зафіксовано зменшення кількості водоростей, насамперед, починаючи з 2018 р. Найбільша кількість водоростей в одиниці об’єму спостерігається у вересні, тобто пізніше, ніж у поверхневому шарі води. Найбільшу кількість водоростей зафіксовано у вересні 2010 і вересні 2014 рр. Наведено чинники, які сприяли розвитку водоростей у цей час. Такими чинниками насамперед були висока температура повітря і води, а також невелика хмарність. Деяке запізнення існує і щодо змін погодних умов. З червня по листопад домінантними на водозаборі в смт Аули є синьо-зелені водорості, частка яких у серпні–жовтні сягає 95–99%. З грудня по квітень домінантними є діатомові водорості. Частка зелених водоростей найбільша влітку, проте вона звичайно не перевищує 2–3% загальної кількості. Значний розвиток водоростей у Кам’янському водосховищі підтверджено даними дистанційного зондування Землі. За супутниковими даними встановлено, що в цьому водосховищі найбільше “цвітіння” спостерігається саме в тій його частині, де розташований водозабір. Показано  залежність “цвітіння” води від гідрометеорологічних умов, зокрема напрямку вітрових течій. Домінування північно-східного вітру над Кам’янським водосховищем у літній період зумовлює нагін води до водозабору, що супроводжується зростанням чисельності клітин водоростей в одиниці об’єму

    Assessment of awareness of workers of the forensic medical service of the republic of Tatarstan (bureau) about tuberculosis infection

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    Purpose of the study — to examine the awareness of bureau personnel about the main issues of tuberculosis infection, its prevention, ways of infection, diagnosis, and clinical manifestationsЦель исследования — изучить информированность персонала бюро об основных вопросах туберкулезной инфекции, ее профилактике, способах заражения, диагностике и клинических проявления

    Эхолокация рукокрылых (Chiroptera Blumenbach, 1779) как элемент их экологической пластичности

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    Aim. The aim of this work was to briefly summarize the current understanding of the phenomenon of echolocation in the order of bats (Chiroptera Blumenbach, 1779). Discussion. The paper discusses: The place of bats among other taxonomic groups of animals that have the ability of echolocation; the history of the discovery of "ear vision" in bats by L. Spallanzani in the 18th century; the first scientifically based assumptions regarding the use of ultrasound by bats and the discovery of this phenomenon in the middle of the last century; methods for emitting and receiving ultrasound by various taxonomic groups of bats; physical patterns underlying the propagation of ultrasonic waves; characteristics of the returned echo and algorithms for echolocation in bats; echolocation interactions between insectivorous bats and nocturnal moths and possibilities for ultrasonic monitoring of bat populations. Conclusion. The inclusion of ultrasound monitoring of bat populations in integrated ecological and virological studies could form a new point of growth in systems to ensure biological security at both national and global levels. © 2020 Kamerton. All rights reserved

    The bipolar disorder risk allele at CACNA1C also confers risk of recurrent major depression and of schizophrenia

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    Molecular genetic analysis offers opportunities to advance our understanding of the nosological relationship between psychiatric diagnostic categories in general, and the mood and psychotic disorders in particular. Strong evidence (P=7.0 × 10−7) of association at the polymorphism rs1006737 (within CACNA1C, the gene encoding the α-1C subunit of the L-type voltage-gated calcium channel) with the risk of bipolar disorder (BD) has recently been reported in a meta-analysis of three genome-wide association studies of BD, including our BD sample (N=1868) studied within the Wellcome Trust Case Control Consortium. Here, we have used our UK case samples of recurrent major depression (N=1196) and schizophrenia (N=479) and UK non-psychiatric comparison groups (N=15316) to examine the spectrum of phenotypic effect of the bipolar risk allele at rs1006737. We found that the risk allele conferred increased risk for schizophrenia (P=0.034) and recurrent major depression (P=0.013) with similar effect sizes to those previously observed in BD (allelic odds ratio ∼1.15). Our findings are evidence of some degree of overlap in the biological underpinnings of susceptibility to mental illness across the clinical spectrum of mood and psychotic disorders, and show that at least some loci can have a relatively general effect on susceptibility to diagnostic categories, as currently defined. Our findings will contribute to a better understanding of the pathogenesis of major psychiatric illness, and such knowledge should be useful in providing an etiological rationale for shaping psychiatric nosology, which is currently reliant entirely on descriptive clinical data

    Evaluating the effective numbers of independent tests and significant p-value thresholds in commercial genotyping arrays and public imputation reference datasets

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    Current genome-wide association studies (GWAS) use commercial genotyping microarrays that can assay over a million single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). The number of SNPs is further boosted by advanced statistical genotype-imputation algorithms and large SNP databases for reference human populations. The testing of a huge number of SNPs needs to be taken into account in the interpretation of statistical significance in such genome-wide studies, but this is complicated by the non-independence of SNPs because of linkage disequilibrium (LD). Several previous groups have proposed the use of the effective number of independent markers (Me) for the adjustment of multiple testing, but current methods of calculation for Me are limited in accuracy or computational speed. Here, we report a more robust and fast method to calculate Me. Applying this efficient method [implemented in a free software tool named Genetic type 1 error calculator (GEC)], we systematically examined the Me, and the corresponding p-value thresholds required to control the genome-wide type 1 error rate at 0.05, for 13 Illumina or Affymetrix genotyping arrays, as well as for HapMap Project and 1000 Genomes Project datasets which are widely used in genotype imputation as reference panels. Our results suggested the use of a p-value threshold of ~10−7 as the criterion for genome-wide significance for early commercial genotyping arrays, but slightly more stringent p-value thresholds ~5 × 10−8 for current or merged commercial genotyping arrays, ~10−8 for all common SNPs in the 1000 Genomes Project dataset and ~5 × 10−8 for the common SNPs only within genes