29 research outputs found

    Economic Efficiency, Structure and Scale Economies in the U.S. Dairy Sector

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    This study uses a new dataset based on the 2000 Agricultural Resource Management Survey, the most recent national survey of dairy producers in the United States. A shadow cost function is employed to decompose and analyze economic efficiency and scale economies. The study details the development of the data employed in the analysis and focuses on the estimation of scale relationships across farms in different regions and of different sizes. Preliminary results point to important scale economies and suggest that surviving small farms are on average more economically efficient but can exploit scale economies to a much lesser degree than larger farms. The preferred specification of the cost function does not show a region of decreasing returns to scale.Industrial Organization,

    Decomposition of Total Factor Productivity Change in the U.S. Hog Industry, 1992-2004

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    There have been dramatic structural changes in the U.S. hog industry in the last two decades that have coincided with substantial increases in farm productivity. This study used a stochastic frontier analysis to measure TFP growth between 1992 and 2004 and to decompose the TFP growth into four components: technical change and changes in technical efficiency, scale efficiency, and allocative efficiency. The study finds that productivity gains in the twelve year study period are explained almost entirely by technical progress and by improvements in scale efficiency. The study also disaggregates TFP growth in the Southeast and Heartland to better understand the implications of large spatial shifts in production. Results indicate that regional differences in TFP growth in the 1992-1998 and 1998-2004 periods can be explained primarily by changes in scale of production. Results indicate that despite large increases in the scale of production, there remains substantial scope for further scale efficiency gains, particularly in the Heartland where farms operate at a smaller average scale compared to in the Southeast.Livestock Production/Industries,

    Decomposition of Total Factor Productivity Change in the U.S. Hog Industry

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    The U.S. hog industry has experienced dramatic structural changes and rapid increases in farm productivity. A stochastic frontier analysis is used to measure hog enterprise total factor productivity (TFP) growth between 1992 and 2004 and to decompose this growth into technical change and changes in technical efficiency, scale efficiency, and allocative efficiency. Productivity gains over the 12-year period are found to be explained almost entirely by technical progress and by improvements in scale efficiency. Differences in TFP growth rates in the Southeast and Heartland regions were found to be explained primarily by differences in farm size growth rates.hog production, scale efficiency, stochastic frontier, technical change, total factor productivity growth, Livestock Production/Industries, Production Economics, D24, Q12,

    Profits, Costs, and the Changing Structure of Dairy Farming

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    U.S. dairy production is consolidating into fewer but larger farms. This report uses data from several USDA surveys to detail that consolidation and to analyze the financial drivers of consolidation. Specifically, larger farms realize lower production costs. Although small dairy farms realize higher revenue per hundredweight of milk sold, the cost advantages of larger size allow large farms to be profitable, on average, even while most small farms are unable to earn enough to replace their capital. Further survey evidence, as well as the financial data, suggest that consolidation is likely to continue.Dairy farming, economies of scale, economies of size, dairy farm structure, milk costs, Farm Management, Industrial Organization, Livestock Production/Industries,


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    Abstract. We develop a nancial-contracting theory of the cooperative rm where production requires three generic tasks: working, managing, and monitoring. Workers provide an intermediate input (or labor directly); managers convert the workers' input into a nal output; and directors monitor managers. We model the cooperative rm by letting the workers act also as directors. We show how bundling the labor and monitoring tasks can expand the scope for equilibrium market activity, even when doing so results in a strictly positive deadweight loss. Our theory provides new insight with respect to a substantial theoretical and empirical literature on the life cycle of worker-managed rms, and with respect to a complementary body of anecdotal evidence on the causes of worker buyouts and cooperative degeneration. Our theory is also consistent with dierences between the board compensation policies of cooperative rms, where members typically receive little more than travel and per-diem reimbursements, and of investor-owned rms, where members receive substantial pay often based in part on rm nancial performance

    An Examination of the External Costs of Nitrogen in Agriculture

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    The overuse of nitrogen fertilizer primarily by large scale agriculture has polluted streams and lakes, and, in turn, coastal waters around the world. One consequence is the contamination of drinking water sources relied on by millions of consumers. Nitrogen is toxic to human health. Clean Water Act regulations require that drinking water supplied by public utilities contain less than 10 ppm of nitrogen. Water utilities in regions with high nitrogen concentrations must install expensive treatment systems to meet the nitrogen limit. This necessity creates an externality from agricultural production. This poster seeks to estimate the cost to utilities of abating nitrogen coming from agriculture