17 research outputs found

    The First Record of Microcodium from Maastrichtian Kalat Formation, Kopet-Dagh Sedimentary Basin, NE Iran: Biostratigraphy and Microfacies

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    This paper is to present the biostratigraphy of the Maastrichtian Kalat Formation in Karnaveh area of the northeastern Iranian Kopet-Dagh sedimentary basin. Micropaleontological studies have led to the determination of micro-calcite structures, having Microcodium deposited in the stratigraphic section due to transgression and regression of the sea. On the basis of determined benthic foraminiferal taxa Laffitteina mengaudi (Astre), Lepidorbitoides socialis (Leymerie), Omphalocyclus macroporus (Lamarck), Orbitoides apiculata Schlumberger, Orbitoides media (d’Archiac), Rotalia skourensis Pfender, Siderolites calcitrapoides Lamarck, Sirtina orbitoidiformis Brönnimann & Wirz, Sulcoperculina cosdeni Applin & Jordan, Sulcoperculina globosa Cizancourt and Sulcoperculina vermunti (Thiadens), Kalat Formation in the studied stratigraphic section is assigned to the Maastrichtian. The current study represents the first record of Microcodium occurrence in Kopet-Dagh sedimentary basin in northeast Iran, expanding the current knowledge on its palaeogeographical distribution in Tethyan Realm

    Pregled i mogućnosti zaštite nekih transgraničnih (istočna Srbija-zapadna Bugarska) stratigrafsko-paleontoloških geoobjekata

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    Stratigraphic/palaeontological geosites of Stara Planina Mountain in east Serbia are well developed in the area of Serbian/Bulgarian state border, where with this occassion, three sections of exeptional geological and scientific interest are selected: Jelovica, Rosomač and Senokos. These geosites represent the important localities for study of Triassic and Jurassic terrigene-carbonate deposits, for which the scientific value from the domains of palaeontology, stratigraphy and sedimentology is widely known. The aim of this work is to represent the main scientific arguments for inventory and protection of detached transborder geological sites that are unique according to their composition and content.Stratigrafsko-paleontološki geoobjekti Stare planine istočne Srbije su dobro razvijeni na području srpsko-bugarske državne granice gde su ovom prilikom izdvojena tri profila od izuzetnog geološkog i naučnog značaja: Jelovica, Rosomač i Senokos. Ovi geološki objekti predstavljaju značajne lokalitete za proučavanje trijaskih i jurskih terigeno-karbonatnih sedimenata čiji je naučni značaj iz domena paleontologije, stratigrafije i sedimentologije široko poznat. Cilj ovog rada je reprezentovanje glavnih naučnih argumenata za inventarisanje i zaštitu izdvojenih transgraničnih geoloških objekata koji su jedinstveni po svom sastavu i sadržaju

    Bispiraloconulus serbicus Schlagintweit, Bucur & Sudar, 2019 (arborescentni Bentoski foraminifer) i Torremiroella hispanica Brun & Canérot,1979 iz gornjobaremskog sedimentnog basena Kopet-Dag (SI Iran) i njihove paleobiogeografske revizije

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    During micropaleontological investigations on the Lower Cretaceous successions of the Tirgan Formation in Kopet-Dagh sedimentary basin, some new achievements are yielded. In this regards, the first occurrence of Bispiraloconulus serbicus Schlagintweit, Bucur & Sudar in close association with Torremiroella hispanica Brun & Canérot is reported for the first time from the Upper Barremian of Kopet-Dagh sedimentary basin (NE Iran). The biostratigraphic investigations were carried out on a 197.5 m thick Gelian stratigraphic succession cropping out along the Tirgan Formation located 35 km southwest of Shirvan town. This study reviews the palaeogeographical distribution and age of Bispiraloconulus serbicus Schlagintweit, Bucur& Sudar and Torremiroella hispanica Brun & Canérot along the northern Tethyan margins and extends its palaeobiogeographical existence.Mikropaleontološka istraživanja donjokredne sukcesije formacije Tirgan u Kopet-Dag sedimentacionom basenu (SI Iran) su pružila nove podatke. S tim u vezi, prvi put je u sedimentima Gornjeg Barema dokumentovan Bispiraloconulus serbicus Schlagintweit, Bucur& Sudar u asocijaciji sa Torremiroella hispanica Brun & Canérot. Biostratigrafska istraživanja su obavljena na stratigrafskom profilu Gelian (Formacija Tirgan) ukupne debljine 197,5 m koji je otkriven 35 km jugozapadno od grada Shirvan. U radu je data revizija paleogeografskog rasprostranjenja i starosti foraminifera Bispiraloconulus serbicus Schlagintweit, Bucur & Sudar i Torremiroella hispanica Brun & Canérot duž severnogo boda Tetisa

    Pregled i mogućnosti zaštite nekih transgraničnih (istočna Srbija-zapadna Bugarska) stratigrafsko-paleontoloških geoobjekata

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    Stratigraphic/palaeontological geosites of Stara Planina Mountain in east Serbia are well developed in the area of Serbian/Bulgarian state border, where with this occassion, three sections of exeptional geological and scientific interest are selected: Jelovica, Rosomač and Senokos. These geosites represent the important localities for study of Triassic and Jurassic terrigene-carbonate deposits, for which the scientific value from the domains of palaeontology, stratigraphy and sedimentology is widely known. The aim of this work is to represent the main scientific arguments for inventory and protection of detached transborder geological sites that are unique according to their composition and content.Stratigrafsko-paleontološki geoobjekti Stare planine istočne Srbije su dobro razvijeni na području srpsko-bugarske državne granice gde su ovom prilikom izdvojena tri profila od izuzetnog geološkog i naučnog značaja: Jelovica, Rosomač i Senokos. Ovi geološki objekti predstavljaju značajne lokalitete za proučavanje trijaskih i jurskih terigeno-karbonatnih sedimenata čiji je naučni značaj iz domena paleontologije, stratigrafije i sedimentologije široko poznat. Cilj ovog rada je reprezentovanje glavnih naučnih argumenata za inventarisanje i zaštitu izdvojenih transgraničnih geoloških objekata koji su jedinstveni po svom sastavu i sadržaju

    The First Record of Microcodium from Maastrichtian Kalat Formation, Kopet-Dagh Sedimentary Basin, NE Iran: Biostratigraphy and Microfacies

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    This paper is to present the biostratigraphy of the Maastrichtian Kalat Formation in Karnaveh area of the northeastern Iranian Kopet-Dagh sedimentary basin. Micropaleontological studies have led to the determination of micro-calcite structures, having Microcodium deposited in the stratigraphic section due to transgression and regression of the sea. On the basis of determined benthic foraminiferal taxa Laffitteina mengaudi (Astre), Lepidorbitoides socialis (Leymerie), Omphalocyclus macroporus (Lamarck), Orbitoides apiculata Schlumberger, Orbitoides media (d’Archiac), Rotalia skourensis Pfender, Siderolites calcitrapoides Lamarck, Sirtina orbitoidiformis Brönnimann & Wirz, Sulcoperculina cosdeni Applin & Jordan, Sulcoperculina globosa Cizancourt and Sulcoperculina vermunti (Thiadens), Kalat Formation in the studied stratigraphic section is assigned to the Maastrichtian. The current study represents the first record of Microcodium occurrence in Kopet-Dagh sedimentary basin in northeast Iran, expanding the current knowledge on its palaeogeographical distribution in Tethyan Realm

    Calpionellid biostratigraphy and microfacies of the Upper Tithonian pelagic carbonates in northeastern Serbia (Carpatho-Balkanides)

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    The occurrence of microfossil assemblage represented by calpionellids in close association with benthic foraminifera and encrusting Crescentiella morronensis is reported for the first time from the Upper Tithonian of NE Serbia. The biostratigraphic and sedimentological investigations were carried out on a 250 m thick carbonate succession in Jelenska Stena quarry cropping out along the Danube River Gorge in the border area of Serbian Carpatho-Balkanides and Romanian Southern Carphatians. On the basis of determined benthic foraminiferal taxa Textularia sp. cf. T bettenstaedti and Everticyclammina praekelleri in the lower part of the succession and calpionellid association dominated by the representatives of calpionellid genera Tintinnopsella, Crassicollaria and Calpionella the carbonate succession is assigned to the Upper Tithonian. The scarcity of calpionellid zonal species prevents the nominal zones being recognized. Petrographic analysis of thin-sections led to the recognition of three basin microfacies types: bioclastic wackestone, bioclastic peloidal wackestone/packstone and mudstone. These microfacies characterize the SMF 3 and SMF 4 which indicate deposition in slope and toe-of-slope environments. This study extends the palaeogeographical distribution of Upper Tithonian calpionellids along the northern Tethyan margins. The investigated carbonate succession is compared with coeval strata from other northern Tethyan regions


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    The dasycladalean content of a Maastrichtian-Paleocene grey limestone succession near Kholm (NW Afghanistan) is described. The Maastrichtian beds contain calcified reproductive organs (Russoella parthica n. sp., Terquemella globularis Elliott and Terquemella sp.) while the Paleocene beds display a rich assemblage of Cymopolia sp., Orioporella malaviae Pia and Jodotella cf. sloveniaensis Deloffre & Radoičić

    Review and protection possibilities of some trans-border (East Serbia-West Bulgaria) stratigraphic/palaeontological geosites

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    Stratigraphic/palaeontological geosites of Stara Planina Mountain in east Serbia are well developed in the area of Serbian/Bulgarian state border, where with this occassion, three sections of exeptional geological and scientific interest are selected: Jelovica, Rosomač and Senokos. These geosites represent the important localities for study of Triassic and Jurassic terrigene-carbonate deposits, for which the scientific value from the domains of palaeontology, stratigraphy and sedimentology is widely known. The aim of this work is to represent the main scientific arguments for inventory and protection of detached transborder geological sites that are unique according to their composition and content.[Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 176008

    Two echinoid species from the early Aptian (Early Cretaceous) of the Kopet-Dagh Basin, NE Iran

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    Schlüter, Nils, Taherpour-Khalil-Abad, Morteza, Majidifard, Mahmoudreza, Hassanzadeh, Zinat, Taheri, Jafar (2019): Two echinoid species from the early Aptian (Early Cretaceous) of the Kopet-Dagh Basin, NE Iran. Zootaxa 4656 (1): 121-132, DOI: https://doi.org/10.11646/zootaxa.4656.1.

    Algues dasycladales du Barrémien-Aptien, nouvelles ou révisées, de la Formation Tirgan dans le Kopet Dagh, NE Iran

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    Des relevés détaillés entrepris près d'Arkan, dans la region de Bojnurd, au Kopet Dagh, montrent la présence de plus de 25 espèces de Dasycladales dans les calcai-res de la Formation de Tirgan. En grande partie, ces algues sont déjà connues en Europe, dans l'Haute-rivien supérieur, le Barrémien et l'Aptien des domaines Nord- et Sud-Téthysiens. Grâce à elles, la partie inférieure de la coupe d'Arkan peut être datée du Barrémien, sans pour autant exclure l'Hauterivien supérieur. Un nouveau taxon, sans doute endospore, est décrit sur la base d'une seule section. Deux espèces, Clypeina ? sp. 1 et Rajkaella ? sp. 1, sont décrites de manière informelle. Enfin, une espèce bien connue, Montiella ? elitzae, est particulièrement abondante. Peut-être s'agit-il d'un synonyme récent de Turkmenaria adducta MASLOV, provenant également du Barrémien de la même région. Ici, l'espèce fait l'objet d'une description plus détaillée, fondée en particulier sur un spécimen complet per-mettant de mettre en question l'interprétation taxonomique proposée jusqu'ici.Abundant, diversified algal assemblages comprising more than 25 species of Dasycladales are described from Barremian-Aptian limestone deposits of the Tirgan Formation in NE Iran. New spe-cies are described: one of them possibly belongs to a new endosporate genus, tentatively assigned the Triploporellaceae; two others, Clypeina ? sp. 1 and Rajkaella ? sp. 1, are left in open nomenclature. The widely distributed, locally abundant Montiella ? elitzae is revisited, because of the presence of a complete, exceptionally well preserved specimen. Yet to be demonstrated, the species is a junior syno-nym of Turkmenaria adducta MASLOV, also originally described from the Kopet Dagh. Other species found in the Arkan section have already been reported from remote locations, primarily in Europe, in areas corresponding to the Northern and/or Southern Tethyan domains. Some of them are known only from the Hauterivian and/or the Barremian, excluding the Aptian, thus dating the lower part of the Arkan section as Barremian, but not excluding the Late Hauterivian