163 research outputs found

    Logistik og økonomisk styring set i lyset af IT integrerede relationer: Nogle spørgsmål og perspektiver

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    Denne artikel søger på baggrund af udviklingen i den ny økonomi at tegne nogle perspektiver for og stille nogle spørgsmål til udviklingen i logistik og økonomistyring. Det gøres ved mere generelt at tegne udviklingen af en netværksbaseret virksomhedsøkonomi og herunder skitsere udviklingen mod dels en proces- og forsyningskædeorientering og dels mod netværk og e-Enterprises. Derefter ses på hvilke ledelsesværktøjer virksomheden bør udvikle for at agere i en netøkonomi. Som illustration anvendes SAP’s Strategic Enterprise Management model. Der gives nogle bud på hvordan dette specielt berører logistik og virksomhedens økonomiske styring. Et postulat er, at begge områder bør tilpasse sig et integreret syn, men at de kendte økonomiske teorier og modeller stadig er det fundamentet man skal bygge videre på

    Supply Chain Management og Supply Chain Costing: Et Teoribaseret case-studie med vægt på Rentabilitetsformålet

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    Formålet med denne artikel er at belyse de muligheder som ligger i at integrere virksomhedens økonomiske styring med begrebet Supply Chain Management (SCM). Dette søges belyst ved først at beskrive den teoretiske ramme, hvori SCM indgår. Herefter analyseres begrebet Supply Chain Costing (SCC) som prøver at integrere SCM med de økonomiske forhold. Herefter gives et bud på, hvordan lønsomhedsformålet kan udtrykkes, når relationen mellem juridisk selvstændige parter skal gøres op. Den udviklede model afprøves herefter på en konkret virksomhed – nærmere betegnet Arla Foods Europa Division i Viby ved Århus. Et resultat er, at via begrebet Supply Chain Costing skabes der mulighed for at måle logistikkædens aktiviteter i kr./øre. Anvendelsen af denne information har også strategisk betydning for at kunne vælge kunde og leverandør. Ved hjælp af integrationen skabes der også helt nye mulighed for at vurdere forskellige performance og targets fremover til gavn for leverandør og kunde. Keyword: Supply Chain Management, forretningsprocesser, Supply Chain Costing, rentabilitet, Activity-Based Costing, transaktionsomkostninger, target costing

    Construct validity of the Danish version of the Work Rehabilitation Questionnaire (WORQ)—sensitivity and specificity of the objectively tested physical capacity items

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    ObjectiveThe aim of this study was to examine the construct validity of the Danish version of the Work Rehabilitation Questionnaire (WORQ) and to compare the physical capacity items of WORQ to objective, standardized measures of physical capacity and selected SF-36 physical items.MethodsThe study took place at a job center in Holbæk municipality, and 40 clients of working age were enrolled. Participants completed the interviewer-administered version of WORQ, selected SF-36 items, and underwent objective, physical capacity testing, including a 30-s sit-to-stand-test, a hand-grip-strength test, and a 6-min walk test to estimate cardiorespiratory fitness. Correlations between variables were assessed using Spearman's correlation. Further, cross tabulations and chi-square tests were conducted, and sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive values (PPVs), and negative predictive values (NPVs) were calculated.ResultsWe found a moderate to strong correlation between WORQ and SF-36 items and a weak to moderate correlation between physical capacity items of WORQ and objectively tested physical capacity measures. On the basis of cross tabulations, calculations yielded overall higher NPVs than PPVs, whereas sensitivity and specificity varied more, with not one parameter being overall better than the other.ConclusionWe found evidence of construct validity of the WORQ-Danish. However, our study might also raise a question as to whether objective physical capacity tests are the gold standard for evaluating functioning. Our results are promising, and we suggest further investigations of the screening capabilities of WORQ, alongside other legacy measures or instruments, both self-reported and objective physical measures, to complement information—where specific answers to specific questions trigger work-related actions or intervention

    Translation and cross-cultural adaptation of the Work Rehabilitation Questionnaire (WORQ) into Danish

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    PurposeThis study aimed to translate and cross-culturally adapt the work rehabilitation questionnaire (WORQ) into Danish to examine the internal consistency and test-retest reliability of the Danish WORQ and, second, to test the feasibility of WORQ in the Danish context of vocational rehabilitation.MethodsThe translation was performed in a dual-panel approach. The panel consisted of a bilingual physician, a university student in psychology, a layperson, a specialist in social work and rehabilitation, and a professor in social medicine. The international classification of functioning, disability, and health (ICF) codes were cross-evaluated to secure that there was a high level of agreement of ICF codes for each specific WORQ item in the Danish and English version. The content validity was evaluated by the clinical physicians at an outpatient clinic in social medicine and by the case managers at a municipality job center. Data for the examination of the internal consistency and test-retest reliability were collected at the Holbæk municipality from citizens in the working age. The test-retest took place 14 days apart. The internal consistency and test-retest reliability were tested conducting Cronbach's alpha, intraclass correlation, and Spearman’s correlation analyses.ResultsThe panel experienced only minor challenges in the translation process, leading to minor modifications. The cross-evaluation of coding in the Danish WORQ compared with the initial English version only found small deviations, while the remaining coding agreed between the initial English and the Danish items. The panel argued to add sub-codes to culturally adapt to the transportation forms generally used in Denmark. The general perception among the participating patients and citizens at the job center as well as the clinical physicians and case managers was that the WORQ was easy, understandable, and meaningful.ConclusionsThis study showed that the Danish WORQ have a high content validity and usability. Nonetheless, the Danish WORQ needs to be validated against well-acknowledged tools for assessing functional ability specific to work and in general