1 research outputs found

    Additional file 1: Table S1. of Effect of mineralocorticoid receptor antagonists on proteinuria and progression of chronic kidney disease: a systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Assessment of bias. Table S2. Baseline characteristics for individual study groups. Table S3. Comparison of baseline data in meta-analyses. Table S4. Events reported in trials analysed CVA- cerebrovascular accident; MI- myocardial infarction; CABG- coronary artery bypass graft. Figure S1. Plot of percentage reduction in proteinuria/albuminuria (any measure) SBP (mmHg) at final visit across all studies. Each study is represented by a single circle, scaled to number of participants in the study. Figure S2. Effect of addition of MRA on all-cause mortality in RRT studies. Figure S3. Funnel plot (pseudo 95 % confidence limits) showing no evidence of publication bias for GFR (Egger test p = 0.89). Figure S4. Funnel plot (pseudo 95 % confidence limits) showing no evidence of publication bias for hyperkalaemia (Egger test p = 0.81). Appendix 1. Search strategy. Appendix 2. Sample data extraction form. (DOCX 192 kb