6 research outputs found

    Contributions of Environmental Auditing for Communication of the Performance of Companies with FSC Certification: the Analysis of Non-Conformities Evidenced in Public Summary Audit.

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    O trabalho teve como objetivo analisar como as empresas comunicam ao público externo, por meio do resumo público de auditoria, suas dificuldades (representadas pelas não conformidades) para atender aos requisitos socioambientais da certificação FSC. Foi considerada a influência da configuração da auditoria na comunicação às partes externas. Foram coletados dados secundários de 95 resumos públicos das auditorias executadas entre 2010 e 2015, analisados pela técnica da análise de conteúdo com o intuito de identificar as principais áreas temáticas as quais as não conformidades evidenciadas se referiam, sendo mapeado um total de onze áreas temáticas. Com base em análise estatística descritiva (testes de Kruskal Wallis e Chi quadrado) buscou-se identificar as relações entre as características das auditorias definidas (Tamanho da equipe auditora, Diversidade na formação da equipe, Tempo de auditoria, Empresa certificadora e Evento de auditoria) e as áreas temáticas identificadas. Atendimento à legislação do trabalho; Plano de manejo; Qualidade do monitoramento do sistema; e Comunicação e relacionamento com o público foram as áreas temáticas com maior quantidade de não conformidades. Identificou-se que, com exceção de casos específicos, não há relações significativas entre as características das auditorias e a comunicação de não conformidades. No entanto, isso não quer dizer que a maneira como a auditoria ocorre não influencie a qualidade dos resultados obtidos, pois há outros fatores, como a qualidade e veracidade das não conformidades apontadas, a ser considerados. Os relatórios públicos de auditoria representam um avanço na comunicação dos resultados socioambientais obtidos, que convergem com a necessidade de transparência da certificação. Entretanto, há de se evoluir na busca da divulgação de resultados de maneira mais clara e organizada e na relação com comunidades do entorno dos empreendimentos florestaisThe study aimed to analyze how companies communicate to the public through the public summary of audit their difficulties (represented by the non-conformities) to meet the environmental requirements of FSC certification. The influence of the configuration of the audit was considered on the results obtained in the process, results these communicated to external parties. We collected secondary data from 95 public summaries carried out between 2010 and 2015, analyzed by the content analysis technique in order to identify the main thematic areas which non-conformities referred, and mapped a total of eleven thematic areas. Based on descriptive statistical analysis (Kruskal Wallis test and Chi square) sought to identify the relationship between the characteristics of the audits defined (Size of the audit team, Diversity in the training of staff, Audit time, Certifying company and Audit event) and thematic areas identified. The Compliance with labor legislation; Management plan; Quality of system monitoring; Communication and relationship with the public were the thematic areas with the highest number of non-conformities. It was found that, except for specific cases, there is no significant relationship between the characteristics of the audits and the disclosure of non-conformities. However, this does not mean that the way the audit happen not influence the quality of the results, as there are other factors such as the quality and truthfulness of non-compliances identified to be considered. Public reports represent a breakthrough in communication of socioenvironmental results obtained, converging with the need for transparency in the certification. However, is necessary to evolve in pursuit of disseminating results in a more clear and organized way and at the relation with the communities that surrounding enterpris

    Particulate matter in the indoor environment of museums in the megacity of São Paulo

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    Atmospheric pollutants can have serious impacts on the preservation of São Paulo's tangible cultural heritage. The purpose of this paper is to report the results of a monitoring campaign focussed on particulate matter (PM) that was conducted in three of the most important museums of the São Paulo megacity (Brazil): the Museu de Arqueologia e Etnologia (MAE-USP), the Museu Paulista (MP-USP), and the Pinacoteca do Estado de São Paulo (PE). These museums exhibit indoor PM and black carbon (BC) concentrations consistent with their urban locations and their specific methods for managing the indoor environment

    Impactos atmosféricos das transformações territoriais e do crescimento do agronegócio na Amazônia matogrossense Impacts atmosphériques dus aux transformations territoriales et au développement de l’agro-industrie dans l’Amazonie du Mato Grosso

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    O estado do Mato Grosso vem sofrendo, desde os anos 70 do século XX, um acentuado processo de transformação do território com a abertura de amplas áreas agrícolas em detrimento dos biomas amazônico e do cerrado. Este desmatamento está voltado, sobretudo, para o cultivo da soja: em 2005, a área usada para o cultivo deste cereal superou 6,1 milhões de hectares com uma produção de 17,76 milhões de toneladas. Assim, o agronegócio é tido como co-responsável pelo aumento das queimadas neste estado, cujo pico de ocorrência foi registrado no mês de setembro de 2004 com quase 25000 focos – 35% de todos os que foram detectados no Brasil no mesmo período. As queimadas são um fenômeno típico de áreas tropicais e, em decorrência delas, são emitidas para a atmosfera milhões de toneladas de gases e material particulado (em inglês, Particulate Matter, PM) por ano. Estas emissões causam impactos negativos na saúde humana, além de afetarem os equilíbrios energéticos da atmosfera, cujas alterações têm sido associadas a mudanças climáticas em escala regional e global. Apesar de existirem previsões de concentração de PM baseadas em modelos matemáticos alimentados por dados de satélites, o levantamento de dados em superfície é fundamental. O presente estudo buscou avaliar dados diretos sobre a concentração de PM fino e grosso e sua composição química na região agrícola do Mato Grosso. Para isto, foram efetuadas amostragens nas sedes municipais de Guarantã do Norte, Juara, Feliz Natal, Sinop e Sorriso, entre setembro e outubro de 2009. Estes municípios foram selecionados durante viagem de exploração prévia realizada no âmbito do Ano da França no Brasil (“Conhecendo a Amazônia e as dinâmicas territoriais do Mato Grosso”), em julho de 2009. Sinop, Sorriso e Guarantã do Norte estão localizadas ao longo do principal eixo rodoviário do estado (BR163), enquanto Feliz Natal e Juara ficam, respectivamente, ao lado leste e oeste deste eixo e próximas às fronteiras do desmatamento. Para fins comparativos, foram coletadas amostras em Cuiabá e Rondonópolis, os principais centros urbanos do estado. As análises envolveram determinação gravimétrica e a quantificação de black carbon por espectroscopia de refletância e da composição elementar por fluorescência de raios X por dispersão de energia.<br>L’état du Mato Grosso, dans la région centre-oriental du Brésil, est assujetti, depuis les années 70, à un processus de transformation radical de son territoire. Le biome amazonien et les savanes ont été remplacés par des immenses entendues agricoles. La culture du soja est considérée comme la principale cause du déboisement par incendie dans cette région (en 2005, l’étendue du culture de cette céréale a dépassé le 6,1 millions dehectares pour une production de 17,76 millions de tonnes). En septembre 2005, un pic de presque 25000 départs de feux a été relevé. Ceux-ci représentent le 35% de tous les incendies récences au Brésil dans la même année.  Les incendies de végétaux sont un phénomène typique des zones tropicales qui ont pour effet l’émission dans l’atmosphère de particules fines (PM, Particulate Matter). Celles-ci causent des altérations climatiques à plusieures échelles, avec des impacts sur la santé humaine et les équilibres énergétiques de l’atmosphère. Malgré l’existence de modèles mathématiques prévisionnels, élaborés à partir de données satellitaires, sur la concentration de ces particules, la recherche de données primaires est fondamentale. Cette étude réalisée dans la zone agricole du Mato Grosso a eu comme objectif la collecte de données directes sur la concentration de PM ainsi que la détermination de leur composition chimique. Pour cela, on a effectué des échantillonnages dans les communes de Guarantã do Norte, Juara, Feliz Natal, Sinop et Sorriso, au mois de septembre 2009 lors de l’année de la France au Brésil (“Connaître l’Amazonie : dynamiques territoriales au Mato Grosso”). Les communes de Sinop, Sorriso et Guarantã do Norte sont localisées le long de la route principale de l’état (BR 163) alors que ceux de Feliz Natal et Juara restent respectivement sur le coté oriental et occidentale de cet axe et proches des fronts pionniers du déboisement. En comparaison, des echantillonages de particules ont été recoltés dans les deux principaux centre urbaines de l’etat, Cuiabá e Rondonópolis. Les analyses ont consistées dans la détermination gravimétrique des particules et la quantification de black carbon par spectrographie de réflexion ainsi que la composition élémentaire par fluorescence de rayon X en dispersion d’énergie.<br>The State of Mato Grosso, in the west-central part of Brazil, has undergone over the last two decades a severe process of land transformation with the opening of large agricultural areas to the detriment of tropical forest and savannahs. This deforestation process is largely associated to the production of soybeans: in 2005, the soybean-cultivated area surpassed 6.1 mi hectares with an overall production of 17.76 mi tons. Then, there is little doubt that agribusiness can be regarded as one of the drivers of the increase in biomass burning fires in this State, where a record peak was so far document in September 2004 with almost 25000 occurrences – 35% of all fires detected in Brazil in the same month. Biomass burning is typical tropical phenomenon and, on account of it, millions of tons of gases and particulate matter (PM) are launched into the atmosphere every year. These emissions cause negative impacts that encompass effects on human health and alterations in the energetic balance of the atmosphere associated with climatic changes on a regional and global scale. Although estimations on the concentration of PM can be obtained from mathematical modeling based on remote sensing, in situ monitoring is fundamental. The present study aimed at collecting primary data on fine and coarse PM concentration and composition in the agricultural area of Mato Grosso. To this purpose, samples were collected in the municipalities of Guarantã do Norte, Juara, Feliz Natal, Sinop and Sorriso, between September and October 2009. These sampling points were selected during a preliminary exploratory field trip in the State in July 2009 (“Knowing Amazonia and the territorial dynamics of Mato Grosso”) within the framework of the year of France in Brazil. Sinop, Sorriso and Guarantã do Norte are localised on the main State’s motorway (BR163), whereas Feliz Natal and Juara lay, respectively, on the east and west sides of this axis and close to the deforestation line. For comparative purposes, samples were also collected in Cuiabá and Rondonópolis, the main urban centres of the State. Analyses included the gravimetric determination of the PM concentration, the quantification of black carbon (by reflectance spectroscopy) and the elemental composition (by energy-dispersion X-ray fluorescence)

    Impactos atmosféricos das transformações territoriais e do crescimento do agronegócio na Amazônia matogrossense

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    The State of Mato Grosso, in the west-central part of Brazil, has undergone over the last two decades a severe process of land transformation with the opening of large agricultural areas to the detriment of tropical forest and savannahs. This deforestation process is largely associated to the production of soybeans: in 2005, the soybean-cultivated area surpassed 6.1 mi hectares with an overall production of 17.76 mi tons. Then, there is little doubt that agribusiness can be regarded as one of the drivers of the increase in biomass burning fires in this State, where a record peak was so far document in September 2004 with almost 25000 occurrences – 35% of all fires detected in Brazil in the same month. Biomass burning is typical tropical phenomenon and, on account of it, millions of tons of gases and particulate matter (PM) are launched into the atmosphere every year. These emissions cause negative impacts that encompass effects on human health and alterations in the energetic balance of the atmosphere associated with climatic changes on a regional and global scale. Although estimations on the concentration of PM can be obtained from mathematical modeling based on remote sensing, in situ monitoring is fundamental. The present study aimed at collecting primary data on fine and coarse PM concentration and composition in the agricultural area of Mato Grosso. To this purpose, samples were collected in the municipalities of Guarantã do Norte, Juara, Feliz Natal, Sinop and Sorriso, between September and October 2009. These sampling points were selected during a preliminary exploratory field trip in the State in July 2009 (“Knowing Amazonia and the territorial dynamics of Mato Grosso”) within the framework of the year of France in Brazil. Sinop, Sorriso and Guarantã do Norte are localised on the main State’s motorway (BR163), whereas Feliz Natal and Juara lay, respectively, on the east and west sides of this axis and close to the deforestation line. For comparative purposes, samples were also collected in Cuiabá and Rondonópolis, the main urban centres of the State. Analyses included the gravimetric determination of the PM concentration, the quantification of black carbon (by reflectance spectroscopy) and the elemental composition (by energy-dispersion X-ray fluorescence)