193 research outputs found

    Changes in plasma alpha-1 acid glycoprotein following hemorrhagic trauma: Possible role in dose differences of ALM drug therapy in rat and pig resuscitation

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    Introduction: The binding of drugs to plasma proteins is an important consideration in drug development. We have reported that the dose of adenosine, lidocaine, and magnesium (ALM) fluid therapy for resuscitation from hemorrhagic shock is nearly 3-times higher for pigs than rats. Since lidocaine strongly binds to serum alpha-1-acid glycoprotein (AGP), the aim of the study was to investigate the effect of hemorrhagic shock on levels of AGP in rats and pigs. Materials and Methods: Healthy adult male Sprague–Dawley rats and female crossbred pigs (n = 33 each) underwent tail vein and peripheral ear vein blood sampling, respectively, to collect plasma for AGP measurements. Rats (n = 17) and pigs (n = 16) underwent surgical instrumentation and uncontrolled hemorrhage via liver resection, and were treated with 3% NaCl ± ALM IV bolus followed 60 min later by 4 h 0.9% NaCl ± ALM IV drip. Rats were monitored for 72 h with blood samples taken post-surgery, and at 5.25, 24, and 72 h. Pigs were monitored for 6 h with blood samples taken post-surgery, and at 60 min and 6 h. Plasma AGP was measured with rat- and pig-specific enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay kits. Results: Baseline AGP levels in rats were 3.91 μg/mL and significantly 83-fold lower than in pigs (325 μg/mL). Surgical instrumentation was associated with ~10-fold increases in AGP in rats and a 21% fall in pigs. AGP levels remained elevated in rats after hemorrhage and resuscitation (28–29 μg/mL). In contrast, no significant differences in plasma AGP were found in ALM- or Saline-treated pigs over the monitoring period. Conclusions: We conclude that the trauma of surgery alone was associated with significant increases in AGP in rats, compared to a contrasting decrease in pigs. Higher levels of plasma AGP in pigs prior to hemorrhagic shock is consistent with the higher ALM doses required to resuscitate pigs compared with rats

    Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction Surgery: Creating a Permissive Healing Phenotype in Military Personnel and Civilians for Faster Recovery

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    Introduction: Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) rupture in military personnel and civilians can be a devastating injury. A service member is 10 times more likely to suffer an ACL injury than their civilian counterparts, and despite successful surgical stabilization, 4%-35% will develop arthrofibrosis, over 50% will not return to full active duty, and up to 50% will develop post-traumatic osteoarthritis (PTOA) within 15 years. Equally concerning, woman are 2 to 8 times more likely to experience ACL injuries than men, which represents a major knowledge gap. Materials and Methods: A comprehensive literature search was performed in December 2021 using structured search terms related to prevalence, risk factors, disease progression, and treatment of ACL injury and reconstruction. The literature search was conducted independently by two researchers using PubMed, Cochrane, and Embase databases, with inclusion of articles with military, civilian, and sex relevance, and exclusion of most papers with a publication date greater than 10 years. The resources used for the review reflect the most current data, knowledge, and recommendations associated with research and clinical findings from reliable international sources. Results: Currently, there is no effective system-based drug therapy that creates a “permissive environment” to reduce synovial and cartilage stress after ACL injury and reconstruction and prevent secondary complications. We argue that progress in this area has been hampered by researchers and clinicians failing to recognize that (1) an ACL injury is a system’s failure that affects the whole joint, (2) the early molecular events define and perpetuate different injury phenotypes, (3) male and female responses may be different and have a molecular basis, (4) the female phenotype continues to be under-represented in basic and clinical research, and (5) the variable outcomes may be perpetuated by the trauma of surgery itself. The early molecular events after ACL injury are characterized by an overexpression of joint inflammation, immune dysfunction, and trauma-induced synovial stress. We are developing an upstream adenosine, lidocaine, and magnesium therapy to blunt these early molecular events and expedite healing with less arthrofibrosis and early PTOA complications. Conclusions: ACL injuries continue to be a major concern among military personnel and civilians and represent a significant loss in command readiness and quality of life. The lack of predictability in outcomes after ACL repair or reconstruction underscores the need for new joint protection therapies. The male–female disparity requires urgent investigation

    Do medical student attitudes towards patients with chronic low back pain improve during training? a cross-sectional study

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    <p><b>Background:</b> Health care professionals with positive attitudes towards the functional abilities of patients with low back pain are more likely to encourage activity and avoidance of rest as per recommended guidelines. This study investigated whether medical student training fosters positive attitudes towards patients with back pain and their ability to function.</p> <p><b>Methods:</b> First (n = 202) and final (n = 146) year medical students at the University of Glasgow completed the Health Care Professionals' Pain and Impairment Relationship Scale (HC-PAIRS) questionnaire. This measures attitudes of clinicians towards the functional ability of patients with back pain. A group of first (n = 62) and final year (n = 61) business students acted as non-health care controls. Attitudes were compared using two-way ANOVA with year of study and discipline of degree as independent variables.</p> <p><b>Results:</b> Both year of study [F(1,465) = 39.5, p < 0.01] and discipline of degree [F(1,465) = 43.6, p < 0.01] had significant effects on total HC-PAIRS scores and there was a significant interaction effect [F(1,465) = 9.5, p < 0.01]. Medical students commenced their course with more positive attitudes than non-health care students (65.7 vs. 69.2 respectively; p < 0.01) - lower scores translating into more positive attitudes. In their final year, the difference between the two student groups had widened (56.4 vs. 65.3; p < 0.01).</p> <p><b>Conclusions:</b> Undergraduate medical training promotes positive attitudes towards the functional ability of patients with back pain, suggesting that students may be more likely to develop an evidence-based approach to this patient group after qualification. Some adjustments to training may be warranted to encourage a more positive shift in attitudes.</p&gt

    Optimisation and validation of a PCR for Antigen Receptor Rearrangement (PARR) assay to detect clonality in canine lymphoid malignancies

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    PCR for antigen receptor gene rearrangements (PARR) analysis is being increasingly used to assist diagnosis of canine lymphoma. In this study, PARR was carried out on consecutive samples received as part of routine diagnostic practice from 271 patients: 195 with lymphoid malignancies, 53 with reactive conditions and 23 with other neoplasms. Initially, published primer sets were used but later minor primer modifications were introduced and primers were rationalised to give a PARR panel that provides a good compromise between sensitivity and cost. Results were compared to diagnoses made by histology or cytology, coupled with immunophenotyping by flow cytometry or immunohistochemistry where possible. After exclusion of 11 poor quality samples, 230/260 (88%) gave a clear result with 162/163 (99%) of samples classified as clonal and 56/67 (84%) classified as polyclonal giving results concordant with the cytological/histological diagnosis. Among 30 samples with equivocal results, 21 had clonal peaks in a polyclonal background and nine showed little amplification. These were from patients with a range of neoplastic and non-neoplastic conditions emphasising the need to interpret such results carefully in concert with other diagnostic tests. The combination of primer sets used in this study resulted in a robust, highly specific and sensitive assay for detecting clonality

    Why are bleeding trauma patients still dying? Towards a systems hypothesis of trauma

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    Over the years, many explanations have been put forward to explain early and late deaths following hemorrhagic trauma. Most include single-event, sequential contributions from sympathetic hyperactivity, endotheliopathy, trauma-induced coagulopathy (TIC), hyperinflammation, immune dysfunction, ATP deficit and multiple organ failure (MOF). We view early and late deaths as a systems failure, not as a series of manifestations that occur over time. The traditional approach appears to be a by-product of last century’s highly reductionist, single-nodal thinking, which also extends to patient management, drug treatment and drug design. Current practices appear to focus more on alleviating symptoms rather than addressing the underlying problem. In this review, we discuss the importance of the system, and focus on the brain’s “privilege” status to control secondary injury processes. Loss of status from blood brain barrier damage may be responsible for poor outcomes. We present a unified Systems Hypothesis Of Trauma (SHOT) which involves: 1) CNS-cardiovascular coupling, 2) Endothelial-glycocalyx health, and 3) Mitochondrial integrity. If central control of cardiovascular coupling is maintained, we hypothesize that the endothelium will be protected, mitochondrial energetics will be maintained, and immune dysregulation, inflammation, TIC and MOF will be minimized. Another overlooked contributor to early and late deaths following hemorrhagic trauma is from the trauma of emergent surgery itself. This adds further stress to central control of secondary injury processes. New point-of-care drug therapies are required to switch the body’s genomic and proteomic programs from an injury phenotype to a survival phenotype. Currently, no drug therapy exists that targets the whole system following major trauma

    A scoping methodological review of simulation studies comparing statistical and machine learning approaches to risk prediction for time-to-event data

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    BACKGROUND: There is substantial interest in the adaptation and application of so-called machine learning approaches to prognostic modelling of censored time-to-event data. These methods must be compared and evaluated against existing methods in a variety of scenarios to determine their predictive performance. A scoping review of how machine learning methods have been compared to traditional survival models is important to identify the comparisons that have been made and issues where they are lacking, biased towards one approach or misleading. METHODS: We conducted a scoping review of research articles published between 1 January 2000 and 2 December 2020 using PubMed. Eligible articles were those that used simulation studies to compare statistical and machine learning methods for risk prediction with a time-to-event outcome in a medical/healthcare setting. We focus on data-generating mechanisms (DGMs), the methods that have been compared, the estimands of the simulation studies, and the performance measures used to evaluate them. RESULTS: A total of ten articles were identified as eligible for the review. Six of the articles evaluated a method that was developed by the authors, four of which were machine learning methods, and the results almost always stated that this developed method's performance was equivalent to or better than the other methods compared. Comparisons were often biased towards the novel approach, with the majority only comparing against a basic Cox proportional hazards model, and in scenarios where it is clear it would not perform well. In many of the articles reviewed, key information was unclear, such as the number of simulation repetitions and how performance measures were calculated. CONCLUSION: It is vital that method comparisons are unbiased and comprehensive, and this should be the goal even if realising it is difficult. Fully assessing how newly developed methods perform and how they compare to a variety of traditional statistical methods for prognostic modelling is imperative as these methods are already being applied in clinical contexts. Evaluations of the performance and usefulness of recently developed methods for risk prediction should be continued and reporting standards improved as these methods become increasingly popular

    Pathophysiology of severe burn injuries: new therapeutic opportunities from a systems perspective

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    Severe burn injury elicits a profound stress response with the potential for high morbidity and mortality. If polytrauma is present, patient outcomes appear to be worse. Sex-based comparisons indicate females have worse outcomes than males. There are few effective drug therapies to treat burn shock and secondary injury progression. The lack of effective drugs appears to arise from the current treat-as-you-go approach rather than a more integrated systems approach. In this review, we present a brief history of burns research and discuss its pathophysiology from a systems’ perspective. The severe burn injury phenotype appears to develop from a rapid and relentless barrage of damage-associated molecular patterns (DAMPs), pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs) and neural afferent signals, which leads to a state of hyperinflammation, immune dysfunction, coagulopathy, hypermetabolism and intense pain. We propose that if the central nervous system (CNS) control of cardiovascular function and endothelial-glycocalyx-mitochondrial coupling can be restored early, these secondary injury processes may be minimized. The therapeutic goal is to switch the injury phenotype to a healing phenotype by reducing fluid leak and maintaining tissue O2 perfusion. Currently, no systems-based therapies exist to treat severe burns. We have been developing a small-volume fluid therapy comprising adenosine, lidocaine and magnesium (ALM) to treat hemorrhagic shock, traumatic brain injury and sepsis. Our early studies indicate that the ALM therapy holds some promise in supporting cardiovascular and pulmonary functions following severe burns. Future research will investigate the ability of ALM therapy to treat severe burns with polytrauma and sex disparities, and potential translation to humans

    Immune dysfunction following severe trauma: A systems failure from the central nervous system to mitochondria

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    When a traumatic injury exceeds the body’s internal tolerances, the innate immune and inflammatory systems are rapidly activated, and if not contained early, increase morbidity and mortality. Early deaths after hospital admission are mostly from central nervous system (CNS) trauma, hemorrhage and circulatory collapse (30%), and later deaths from hyperinflammation, immunosuppression, infection, sepsis, acute respiratory distress, and multiple organ failure (20%). The molecular drivers of secondary injury include damage associated molecular patterns (DAMPs), pathogen associated molecular patterns (PAMPs) and other immune-modifying agents that activate the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis and sympathetic stress response. Despite a number of drugs targeting specific anti-inflammatory and immune pathways showing promise in animal models, the majority have failed to translate. Reasons for failure include difficulty to replicate the heterogeneity of humans, poorly designed trials, inappropriate use of specific pathogen-free (SPF) animals, ignoring sex-specific differences, and the flawed practice of single-nodal targeting. Systems interconnectedness is a major overlooked factor. We argue that if the CNS is protected early after major trauma and control of cardiovascular function is maintained, the endothelial-glycocalyx will be protected, sufficient oxygen will be delivered, mitochondrial energetics will be maintained, inflammation will be resolved and immune dysfunction will be minimized. The current challenge is to develop new systems-based drugs that target the CNS coupling of whole-body function