18 research outputs found

    The reproductive cycle of Eurhomalea exalbida (Chemnitz, 1795) (Bivalvia: Veneridae) in Ushuaia Bay (54°50′ S), Beagle Channel (Argentina)

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    The reproductive cycle of Eurhomalea exalbida (Chemnitz, 1795) in Ushuaia Bay, Beagle Channel, was studied from October 1998 to December 1999. Clams were collected monthly by SCUBA diving at 3 to 5 m water depth. The degree of sexual maturity was determined histologically (n=318). The sex ratio was 1:1 (Chi-squared p > 0.05). First sexual maturity occurred at 39 mm shell heigth in males and 40 mm in females (i.e. 4 years of age).Five distinct histological stages of sexual maturity could be established in males: (1) Early Active, (2) Late Active, (3) Ripe, (4) Partially Spawned and (5) Spent. Females had oocytes ranging from small and immature to large and developed in their ovaries throughout the year, hence we could not classify reproductive stages based on a qualitative histological scale of sexual maturity. Therefore, quantitative measures using an image analyzer were used. In males a high percentage of ripe individuals were present between January and August. The percentage of early active and partially spawned individuals was highest in November 1998 (70%) and 1999 (60%). In females, the mean number of developed oocytes per gonadal area, the mean diameter (minor axis) of oocytes, and the percentage of gonadal area occupied by oocytes were lowest in November, indicating a spawning peak. These results indicate synchronous gonadal development and spawning in males and females. The more intensive spawning activity in November coincides with the higher biomass and production of phytoplankton in spring

    Allozymic variation in the clam genus Eurhomalea (Bivalvia: Veneriidae) along southern South American coast Variación alozímica en el género de almejas Eurhomalea (Bivalvia: Veneriidae) a lo largo de la costa sur de Sudamérica

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    The correspondence between allozymic variation and specific differentiation was studied in four populations corresponding to the three nominal, allopatric species of clam genus Eurhomalea (E. rufa, E. lenticularis, E. exalbida) described for southern South America. Allozyme variation scored in 12 loci was high as indicated by heterozygosity levels (15.8-20.7 %) and by the presence of only three monomorphic loci (Hk-2, Icd-2, and Xdh-1). These high estimates of allelic variability were influenced by the low levels of interspecific genetic similarity (I = 0.64) and for the high conspecific values of genetic identity observed. The high estimates of substructuring found at the species level (F ST = 0.39) contrasted with the low differentiation (F ST = 0.027) and high migration rate (Nm = 9) existing among conspecific samples. Diagnostic allele fixation coinciding with specific recognition was recorded at locus Hk-1 whereas nearly-fixed differences at loci (Adh, alpha-Gpd, Icd-1, Ldh, Odh, Pgm-3) differed sharply in frequency among species. The Wagner procedure and the neighbor-joining algorithm produced a similar tree topology highly related to the geographic distance and to their taxonomic recognition. The lack of coincidence between patterns of allozymic variation and the two distinctive shell morphs (flat and globoid) occurring in E. exalbida from Ushuaia bay do not support their taxonomic recognition.<br>Se estudió la correspondencia entre la variación bioquímica y la diferenciación específica en cuatro poblaciones correspondientes a las tres especies nominales y alopátricas en las almejas del género Eurhomalea (E. rufa, E. lenticularis, E. exalbida) descritas para la zona sur de Sudamérica. La variación alozímica registrada en 12 loci fue alta como lo indican los altos niveles de heterocigosidad (15,8-20,7 %) y por la presencia de solo tres loci monomórficos (Hk-2, Icd-2 y Xdh-1). Esta alta estimación de variabilidad alélica influyó en los bajos niveles de similitud genética interespecífica (I = 0,64) y en los altos valores de identidad genética conespecífica observados. El alto grado de subestructuración poblacional interespecífica (F ST = 0,39) contrasta con la poca diferenciación (F ST = 0,027) y la alta tasa de migración (Nm = 9) existente a nivel intraespecífica. Coincidiendo con la situación específica de estas tres especies, se observó fijación alternativa de alelos en el locus Hk-1 mientras que los loci (Adh, alfa-Gpd, Idh-1, Ldh, Odh, Pgm-3) están fuertemente diferenciados en sus frecuencias. El procedimiento de Wagner y el algoritmo de Unión al Vecino produjeron topologías similares, altamente relacionadas con la distancia geográfica y con la situación taxonómica. La falta de coincidencia entre los patrones de variación y los dos morfos (planas y globosas) presentes en E. exalbida de la bahía Ushuaia no apoyan su reconocimiento taxonómico como entidades genéticas discretas

    Reproductive cycle and gonad development of the Northern Argentinean Mesodesma mactroides (Bivalvia: Mesodesmatidae)

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    The reproductive cycle and gonad development of the yellow clam Mesodesma mactroides was studied over a period of 24 months (January 2005December 2006) at the Argentinean sandy beach Santa Teresita. Histological examination of gonadal tissue revealed that sex ratios did not significantly deviate from the proportion of 1:1 and no case of hermaphroditism was found. The reproductive cycle of M. mactroides followed an annual cyclicality, which was significantly correlated to monthly mean sea surface temperatures (SST). Oocytes showed highest abundance in winter, indicating a process of gonadal development and sexual maturation. The mean oocyte size decreased significantly during spring. Modal oocyte sizes decreased significantly during winter and late spring of each year, suggesting spawning events. The condition index was not useful in describing the annual reproductive cycle of M. mactroides. Ash-free, shell-free dry mass was chosen to detect the condition of the specimens, and this significantly correlated with monthly mean SST and the gametogenic cycle. Annual recruitment patterns during summerautumn indicated a 3-month-long planktonic phase of M. mactroides. The reproduction cycle and gonad development of M. mactroides showed only weak differences between data from the present study and those collected 40 years ago

    Marine Bivalves from the Argentine Coast and Continental Shelf: Species Diversity and Assessment of the Historical Knowledge *

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    Revision of Genus Retrotapes Del Río (Bivalvia: Veneridae) in the Eocene of Antarctica

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    Se discute la validez del género Retrotapes del Río 1997, y se describen e ilustranRetrotapes newtoni (Wilckens, 1911), R. antarcticus (Sharman y Newton, 1894) y R. robustus (Stilwell y Zinsmeister, 1992), presentes en el Eoceno de la Península Antártica (Formación La Meseta). El rango estratigráfico de esta última especie se amplió desde el Alomiembro Acantilados al Alomiembro Cucullaea I. Los análisis morfogeométricos realizados dan a conocer la variación ontogenética de R. antarcticus y R. robustus, así como permitieron esclarecer la posición taxonómica de las mismas. El presente es el registro más antiguo de Retrotapes, taxón que se habría originado en el Eoceno en las regiones antárticas,desde donde se habría dispersado hacia latitudes más bajas durante el Mioceno cuando estuvo ampliamente representado en los mares patagónicos.The validity of the genus Retrotapes del Río is discussed and Retrotapes newtoni (Wilckens), R. antarcticus (Sharman and Newton) and R. ro- bustus (Stilwell and Zinsmeister), from the Eocene strata of the Antarctic Peninsula (La Meseta Formation), are described and illustrated. The stratigraphic range of R. robustus is extended from the Acantilados allomember to the Cucullaea I allomember. The morphogeometric analy- sis performed, allows the recognition of ontogenetic variations of R. antarcticus and R. robustus, as well as to shed light on their taxonomic status. The present is the oldest record of Retrotapes, a taxon that would have originated in the Antarctic region, from where it would have dispersed northwards to lower latitudes during Miocene times when it was widely represented in the Patagonian seas.Fil: Alvarez, Maximiliano Jorge. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Parque Centenario. Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales "Bernardino Rivadavia"; ArgentinaFil: del Rio, Claudia Julia. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Parque Centenario. Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales "bernardino Rivadavia"; ArgentinaFil: Marenssi, Sergio Alfredo. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Ciudad Universitaria. Instituto de Geociencias Basicas, Aplicadas y Ambientales de Buenos Aires. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de Geociencias Basicas, Aplicadas y Ambientales de Buenos Aires; Argentin