47 research outputs found

    Аневризма общей печеночной артерии

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    Common hepatic artery aneurism is a rare pathology. Today there are only isolated instances in the world medical literature. The risk of common hepatic artery and celiac arteries aneurism rupture is very high, and it reaches 50%. Mortality as a result of common hepatic artery aneurism rupture is 75%. Most visceral branches of aorta aneurisms occur asymptomatically unless there is a rupture. Diagnostics of common hepatic artery aneurism includes duplex ultrasound, X-ray computed tomography, magnetic resonance tomography with intravenous contrast and angiography. Differential diagnosis of common hepatic artery aneurism is between pancreas space-occupying lesion (pseudocysts) and paragangliomas. The article describes the clinic-diagnostic case of common hepatic artery aneurism.Целью исследования явилось изучение комплексного лучевого обследования аневризмы ветвей брюшного отдела аорты. Аневризма общей печеночной артерии – редкая патология. В настоящее время в мировой медицинской литературе отмечены лишь единичные наблюдения. Риск разрыва аневризм общей печеночной и чревных артерий весьма высок и достигает 50%. Летальность в результате разрыва аневризмы общей печеночной артерии составляет 75%. Большинство аневризм висцеральных артерий не вызывает начальной симптоматики, пока не происходит их разрыв. Диагностика аневризм висцеральных артерий включает ультразвуковое исследование органов брюшной полости с дуплексным сканированием сосудов, рентгеновскую компьютерную, магнитно-резонансную томографию с внутривенным контрастированием и ангиографию. Дифференциальную диагностику аневризмы общей печеночной артерии проводят с объемными образованиями головки поджелудочной железы (в том числе кистами) и параганглиомами. Описан клинико-диагностический случай аневризмы общей печеночной артерии

    Гипоксические белки VEGF A и CA IX и резистентность клеток сарком мягких тканей к химиопрепаратам: пилотный опыт ex vivo анализа

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    Introduction. The identification of predictive factors is a cornerstone task of modern oncology. The development of new targeted drugs determines the need for prediction of chemosensitivity of each patient to the prescribed therapy, in this regard, the search for biomarkers of predictive response to therapy is actively conducted.The study objective to investigate the relationship between tumor cell resistance and the expression levels of CA IX (carbonic anhydrase IX) and VEGF A (vascular endothelial growth factor А) in patient-derived cultures of soft tissue sarcomas.Materials and methods: ex vivo soft tissue sarcoma cell culture, resazurin test, immunoblotting.Results. We obtained 46 ex vivo samples of soft tissue sarcoma cultures for which chemosensitivity to doxorubicin, ifosfamide, docetaxel, gemcitabine, and their combinations was assessed by the resazurin cytotoxicity test. We analyzed the relationship between the expression of hypoxic proteins VEGF A and CA IX and the resistance to drugs. A correlation between the CA IX expression in hypoxia and cell resistance to ifosfamide and its combination with doxorubicin was found. Soft tissue sarcomas with high VEGF A index were resistant to doxorubicin, docetaxel, and its combination with gemcitabine (p <0.05).Conclusion. The data obtained on patient-derived cultures indicate the relationship between hypoxic signaling and resistance of soft tissue sarcomas to chemotherapeutics.Введение. Поиск предиктивных факторов является краеугольной задачей современной онкологии. Разработка большого числа новых таргетных препаратов определяет необходимость четкого предсказания хемочувствительности конкретного пациента к назначаемой терапии. В связи с этим активно ведется поиск биомаркеров прогноза ответа на терапию.Цель исследования – изучение взаимосвязи между резистентностью опухолевых клеток и уровнем экспрессии CA IX (карбоангидразы IX) и VEGF A (фактора роста эндотелия сосудов А) в ex vivo культурах сарком мягких тканей.Материалы и методы. В исследование были включены ex vivo культуры сарком мягких тканей, использованы резазуриновый тест, иммуноблоттинг.Результаты. Получено 46 ex vivo образцов культур сарком мягких тканей, для которых с помощью резазуринового теста на цитотоксичность определена хемочувствительность к доксорубицину, ифосфамиду, доцетакселу, гемцитабину и их комбинациям. Проведен анализ связи экспрессии гипоксических белков VEGF A и CA IX с резистентностью к химиопрепаратам. Обнаружена корреляция уровня экспрессии CA IX в гипоксии с резистентностью клеток к ифосфамиду и его комбинации с доксорубицином. Образцы сарком мягких тканей, обладающие высоким индексом VEGF A, были резистентны к доксорубицину, доцетакселу и его комбинации с гемцитабином (p <0,05).Заключение. Полученные на ex vivo культурах данные свидетельствуют о взаимосвязи гипоксического сигналинга и резистентности сарком мягких тканей к химиотерапии

    Multiband variability studies and novel broadband SED modeling of Mrk 501 in 2009

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    Aims. We present an extensive study of the BL Lac object Mrk 501 based on a data set collected during the multi-instrument campaign spanning from 2009 March 15 to 2009 August 1, which includes, among other instruments, MAGIC, VERITAS, Whipple 10 m, and Fermi-LAT to cover the gamma-ray range from 0.1 GeV to 20 TeV; RXTE and Swift to cover wavelengths from UV to hard X-rays; and GASP-WEBT, which provides coverage of radio and optical wavelengths. Optical polarization measurements were provided for a fraction of the campaign by the Steward and St. Petersburg observatories. We evaluate the variability of the source and interband correlations, the gamma-ray flaring activity occurring in May 2009, and interpret the results within two synchrotron self-Compton (SSC) scenarios.Methods. The multiband variability observed during the full campaign is addressed in terms of the fractional variability, and the possible correlations are studied by calculating the discrete correlation function for each pair of energy bands where the significance was evaluated with dedicated Monte Carlo simulations. The space of SSC model parameters is probed following a dedicated grid-scan strategy, allowing for a wide range of models to be tested and offering a study of the degeneracy of model-to-data agreement in the individual model parameters, hence providing a less biased interpretation than the "single-curve SSC model adjustment" typically reported in the literature.Results. We find an increase in the fractional variability with energy, while no significant interband correlations of flux changes are found on the basis of the acquired data set. The SSC model grid-scan shows that the flaring activity around May 22 cannot be modeled adequately with a one-zone SSC scenario (using an electron energy distribution with two breaks), while it can be suitably described within a two (independent) zone SSC scenario. Here, one zone is responsible for the quiescent emission from the averaged 4.5-month observing period, while the other one, which is spatially separated from the first, dominates the flaring emission occurring at X-rays and very-high-energy (> 100 GeV, VHE) gamma-rays. The flaring activity from May 1, which coincides with a rotation of the electric vector polarization angle (EVPA), cannot be satisfactorily reproduced by either a one-zone or a two-independent-zone SSC model, yet this is partially affected by the lack of strictly simultaneous observations and the presence of large flux changes on sub-hour timescales (detected at VHE gamma rays).Conclusions. The higher variability in the VHE emission and lack of correlation with the X-ray emission indicate that, at least during the 4.5-month observing campaign in 2009, the highest energy (and most variable) electrons that are responsible for the VHE gamma rays do not make a dominant contribution to the similar to 1 keV emission. Alternatively, there could be a very variable component contributing to the VHE gamma-ray emission in addition to that coming from the SSC scenario. The studies with our dedicated SSC grid-scan show that there is some degeneracy in both the one-zone and the two-zone SSC scenarios probed, with several combinations of model parameters yielding a similar model-to-data agreement, and some parameters better constrained than others. The observed gamma-ray flaring activity, with the EVPA rotation coincident with the first gamma-ray flare, resembles those reported previously for low frequency peaked blazars, hence suggesting that there are many similarities in the flaring mechanisms of blazars with different jet properties


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    Aim: То determine the efficacy of intraarticular injections of Gentamycin in gout arthtiris a randomized double blind, placebo-controlled trial was carried out. Material and methods: 27 patients answering the criteria of the definite gout diagnosis were randomly recruited from rheumatological clinic. The patients received an intraarticular injection of either 4- mg of Gentamycin in 4 ml of sterile 0.25% procaine or 5 ml of the vehicle alone. Results: It was found that weekly intraarticular injections of Gentamycin performed better than the inert vehicle alone over a 2-week period and were conjirmed during 4 week period of crossing-over. Conclusion: The possible mechanisms of Gentamycin activity are discussed. It is concluded, that intraarticular administration of Gentamicin offers signijicant benejit over placebo. The serious side effects were not obsen’ed. Therefore, the technique could be applied in the routine treatment of gout

    Microbial communities and processes in Arctic permafrost environments

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    In polar regions, huge layers of frozen ground, termed permafrost, are formed. Permafrost covers more than 25 % of the land surface and significant parts of the coastal sea shelfs. Its habitats are controlled by extreme climate and terrain conditions. Particularly, the seasonal freezing and thawing in the upper active layer of permafrost leads to distinct gradients in temperature and geochemistry. Microorganisms in permafrost environments have to survive extremely cold temperatures, freeze-thaw cycles, desiccation and starvation under long-lasting background radiation over geological time scales. Although the biology of permafrost microorganisms remains relatively unexplored, recent findings show that microbial communities in this extreme environment are composed by members of all three domains of life (Archaea, Bacteria, Eukarya), with a total biomass comparable to temperate soil ecosystems. This chapter describes the environmental conditions of permafrost and reviews recent studies on microbial processes and diversity in permafrost-affected soils as well as the role and significance of microbial communities with respect to global biogeochemical cycles