6 research outputs found


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    The author considers and analyzes different types of risks that an investment building project may be exposed to, as well as the influence of risks on the project life cycle; sustainability of organizations is studied in the context of risk as an attribute of uncertainty-related parameters of the external environment. The conceptual approach to managerial solutions based on (1) the criterion of flexibility, and (2) the rate of change of characteristics of external actions is proposed. The proposed approach serves as the basis for the following conclusions: the nature of project management as a system is based on the velocity of changes that affect the project sustainability environment; the methodology of risk management applicable to investment building projects based on decision making under conditions of ambiguity fails to guarantee the viability of the project in the turbulent environment, namely, the environment that demonstrates intensively changing characteristics; effective project implementation requires a reasonable combination of principles of optimal and extreme risk management; minimization of risky situations requires reduction of the project implementation period; development of domestic methodologies and standards of project risk management tailored to the conditions of our construction industry is a relevant assignment

    Features of the life cycle and phases of development of an investment construction project ОСОБЕННОСТИ ЖИЗНЕННОГО ЦИКЛА И ЭТАПЫ РАЗРАБОТКИ ИНВЕСТИЦИОННО-СТРОИТЕЛЬНОГО ПРОЕКТА

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    Features of the organizational structure of an investment construction project are considered in the article. The need for a detailed breakdown of the life cycle of an investment construction project is substantiated by the need to improve the management of processes and to have the responsibilities shared by the project executives. The sequence of key actions to be implemented in the course of development and implementation of an investment construction project is provided. The author considers the organizational procedures and their sequence as applied to the Moscow City construction project. Several methods aimed at the acceleration of construction processes through merged coordination procedures at the phase of the project due diligence are proposed.<br>Рассмотрены вопросы, связанные с особенностями разработки структуры организации инвестиционно-строительного проекта (ИСП). Обоснована необходимость детальной декомпозиции жизненного цикла ИСП на этапность и фазовость с целью повышения эффективности управления блок-процессами и разграничения ответственности исполнителя. Представлена последовательность ключевых организационных событий при реализации ИСП. Приведены процедуры и их последовательность при реализации инвестиционно-строительного проекта в г. Москве на примере строительства жилого дома. Предложена методика сокращения согласовательных сроков проекта на основе совмещения процедур согласования, реализуемых на этапах подготовки проекта, проектирования, подготовки объекта проекта

    Management of investment-construction projects basing on the matrix of key events

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    The article considers the current problematic issues in the management of investment-construction projects, examines the questions of efficiency increase of construction operations on the basis of the formation of a reflex-adaptive organizational structure. The authors analyzed the necessity of forming a matrix of key events in the investment-construction project (ICP), which will create the optimal structure of the project, basing on the work program for its implementation. For convenience of representing programs of the project implementation in time the authors make recommendations to consolidate the works into separate, economically independent functional blocks. It is proposed to use an algorithm of forming the matrix of an investment-construction project, considering the economic independence of the functional blocks and stages of the ICP implementation. The use of extended network model is justified, which is supplemented by organizational and structural constraints at different stages of the project, highlighting key events fundamentally influencing the further course of the ICP implementation


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    The article discusses the current disadvantages of the scheduling-network planning in the management of the terms of investment-construction project. Problems associated with the construction of the schedule and the definitions of the duration of the construction project are being studied. The problems of project management for the management apparatus are shown, which consists in the absence of mechanisms for prompt response to deviations in the parameters of the scheduling-network diagram. A new approach to planning the implementation of an investment-construction project based on a matrix of key events and a rejection of the current practice of determining the duration based on inauthentic regulatory data. An algorithm for determining the key events of the project is presented. For increase the reliability of the organizational structure, the load factor of the functional block in the process of achieving the key event is proposed. Recommendations for improving the interaction of the participants in the investment-construction project are given

    Management of investment-construction projects basing on the matrix of key events

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    The article considers the current problematic issues in the management of investment-construction projects, examines the questions of efficiency increase of construction operations on the basis of the formation of a reflex-adaptive organizational structure. The authors analyzed the necessity of forming a matrix of key events in the investment-construction project (ICP), which will create the optimal structure of the project, basing on the work program for its implementation. For convenience of representing programs of the project implementation in time the authors make recommendations to consolidate the works into separate, economically independent functional blocks. It is proposed to use an algorithm of forming the matrix of an investment-construction project, considering the economic independence of the functional blocks and stages of the ICP implementation. The use of extended network model is justified, which is supplemented by organizational and structural constraints at different stages of the project, highlighting key events fundamentally influencing the further course of the ICP implementation