3 research outputs found

    A likely association between low mannan-binding lectin level and brain fog onset in long COVID patients

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    : Brain fog can be described as a constellation of new-onset neuropsychiatric sequelae in the post-acute phase of COVID-19 (long COVID). The symptoms include inattention, short-term memory loss, and reduced mental acuity, which may undermine cognition, concentration, and sleep. This cognitive impairment, persisting for weeks or months after the acute phase of SARS-CoV-2 infection, can significantly impact on daily activities and the quality of life. An important role for the complement system (C) in the pathogenesis of COVID-19 has emerged since the beginning of pandemic outbreak. A number of pathophysiological characteristics including microangiopathy and myocarditis have been attributed to dysregulated C activation due to SARS-CoV-2 infection. Mannan-binding lectin (MBL), the first recognition subcomponent of the C lectin pathway, has been shown to bind to glycosylated SARS-CoV-2 spike protein, genetic variants of MBL2 are suggested to have an association with severe COVID-19 manifestations requiring hospitalization. In the present study, we evaluated MBL activity (lectin pathway activation) and levels in the sera of a cohort of COVID-19 patients, presenting brain fog or only hyposmia/hypogeusia as persistent symptoms, and compared them with healthy volunteers. We found significantly lower levels of MBL and lectin pathway activity in the sera of patients experiencing brain fog as compared to recovered COVID-19 patients without brain fog. Our data indicate that long COVID-associated brain fog can be listed among the variegate manifestations of increased susceptibility to infections and diseases contributed by MBL deficiency

    Biochemical methane potential assays to test the biogas production from the anaerobic digestion of sewage sludge and other organic matrices

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    8sinoneThe present paper shows the results of some anaerobic digestion batch assays carried out with the objective to test the biochemical methane potential of a sewage sludge taken from a wastewater treatment plant in Varese (Northern Italy). In order to optimize the waste treatment and consequently to increase the energetic yield of the process, some biological and chemical pre-treatments were applied to enhance the hydrolytic step. These pre-treatments mainly consisted of adding external enzymes or a nutrient solution able to create the optimal conditions for the reaction start-up. In addition, different organic matrices were added to sewage sludge with the aim of testing the benefits achievable by using co-digestion. The method used to check the biochemical methane potential was based on a volumetric test, which converted the displacement of a liquid barrier into the measure of biogas production. In order to do so, each assay was developed by using three different positions running in parallel.restrictedMorosini, C.; Conti, F.; Torretta, V.; Rada, E.C.; Passamani, G.; Schiavon, M.; Cioca, L.I.; Ragazzi, M.Morosini, Cristiana; Conti, Fabio; Torretta, Vincenzo; Rada, E. C.; Passamani, G.; Schiavon, M.; Cioca, L. I.; Ragazzi, M

    Methodological critical issues for the assessment of the environmental impacts from transport of marble; a case study

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    The marble mining is very important for the Italian economy and has important traditions, especially in some areas of the Country. Among these, the area of the Dolomites in Val Venosta, located in Trentino, one of the North-East italian regions. In many cases, these quarries are very old and often are located in areas with high natural value. This work regards two quarries, which are located within an important national park. The need to reduce the environmental effects related to the traffic of trucks used for the transport of marble from the quarries to the processing plants, has led us to make assessments on the methodology to be applied. This paper presents the methodological approach identified to determine the best technical solution among several alternatives regarding the transport of marble. The validation of the methodology has its natural outlet in the application of a real case