13 research outputs found

    Absorption Line Survey of H3+ toward the Galactic Center Sources II. Eight Infrared Sources within 30 pc of the Galactic Center

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    Infrared absorption lines of H3+, including the metastable R(3,3)l line, have been observed toward eight bright infrared sources associated with hot and massive stars located in and between the Galactic Center Cluster and the Quintuplet Cluster 30 pc to the east. The absorption lines with high velocity dispersion arise in the Galaxy's Central Molecular Zone (CMZ) as well as in foreground spiral arms. The temperature and density of the gas in the CMZ, as determined from the relative strengths of the H3+ lines, are T=200-300K and n=50-200cm^-3. The detection of high column densities of H3+ toward all eight stars implies that this warm and diffuse gaseous environment is widespread in the CMZ. The products of the ionization rate and path length for these sight lines are 1000 and 10 times higher than in dense and diffuse clouds in the Galactic disk, respectively, indicating that the ionization rate, zeta, is not less than 10^-15 s^-1 and that L is at least on the order of 50 pc. The warm and diffuse gas is an important component of the CMZ, in addition to the three previously known gaseous environments: (1) cold molecular clouds observed by radio emission of CO and other molecules, (2) hot (T=10^4-10^6K) and highly ionized diffuse gas (n_e=10-100cm^-3) seen in radio recombination lines, far infrared atomic lines, and radio-wave scattering, and (3) ultra-hot (T=10^7-10^8K) X-ray emitting plasma. Its prevalence significantly changes the understanding of the environment of the CMZ. The sight line toward GC IRS 3 is unique in showing an additional H3+ absorption component, which is interpreted as due to either a cloud associated with circumnuclear disk or the "50 km s^-1 cloud" known from radio observations. An infrared pumping scheme is examined as a mechanism to populate the (3,3) metastable level in this cloud.Comment: 15 pages, 5 figures, 4 tables Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa


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    Author Institution: Department of Chemistry, Department of Astronomy &\& Astrophysics,; and the Enrico Fermi Institute, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL 60637Last year we reported on the observation of 70 new rovibrational transitions of H3+_3^+ in the near-infrared and visible regions.} An additional 50 new lines have been observed since then including two hot band transitions in the near-infrared region between 10,300-12,700 cm1^{-1}. Both liquid nitrogen and water cooled discharges were used to study the ions. The rotational temperatures of the liquid nitrogen cooled discharge is about 700 K, while the water cooled discharge has a rotational temperature around 1000 K and was used for only a few of the strong high \emph{J}>>4 lines and the hot band transitions. These energy levels are above the barrier to linearity (>>10,000 cm1^{-1}), the regime in which H3+_3^+ has enough energy to sample linear configurations. A high-resolution, high-sensitivity spectrometer based on a Ti:sapphire laser and incorporating velocity modulation and phase modulation with heterodyne detection} \textbf{118}, 10890 (2003).}, was used to observe the transitions. The transitions are more than 6200 times weaker than the fundamental band. Due to the abundance of strong hydrogen Rydberg transitions, both pure hydrogen and He/H2_2 plasmas were used to discriminate and identify the much weaker H3+_3^+ transitions. The sparsity and weakness of the lines necessitated the use of the predicted intensities and frequencies} \textbf{464}, 516 (1996).}} \textbf{101}, 189 (2003).} to focus the wavelength region of our search. The measured rovibrational energy levels will assist in the development and verification of the theoretical calculations of H3+_3^+ from first principles, which is the benchmark for \emph{ab initio} theory


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    Author Institution: Department of Chemistry, Department of Astronomy &\& Astrophysics,; and the Enrico Fermi Institute, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL 60637Recent observations of highly deuterated molecules such as ND3_3 and D2_2CO in prestellar cores and their explanation as due to the extraordinarily high deuterium fractionation of H3+_3^+ to H2_2D+^+, HD2+_2^+ and D3+_3^+,} \textbf{591}, L41 (2003).} have revealed the importance of observing other deuterated variants of fundamental molecular ions that also play pivotal roles in interstellar chemistry. We have launched an infrared project to study such ions systematically in order to provide their approximate rotational constants for millimeter wave spectroscopists. \vspace{2ex} We are presenting our work on the near-infrared spectroscopy of CHD+^+ and CD2+_2^+. While our search for interstellar CH2+_2^+ based on our infrared} \textbf{153}, 738 (1992).} and near-infrared} \textbf{121}, 11527 (2004).} laboratory spectra has not been successful due to its extremely high reactivity, its detection in the future is expected in diffuse clouds since it is the intermediate between the abundant CH+^+ and yet to be observed but very important CH3+_3^+. CH2+_2^+ and its deuterated species are also of special interest for theoretical study because of their unique intramolecular dynamics, i.e., the Renner-Teller interaction and quasi-linearity. \vspace{2ex} Using He-dominated liquid-N2_2 cooled plasmas (\sim10 Torr) containing a small amount (\sim0.1 Torr) of CH4_4, CH2_2D2_2, CD4_4 and their mixtures, we are searching for the spectra of CD2+_2^+ and CHD+^+ in the near-infrared from 10,500 cm1^{-1} to 12,500 cm1^{-1} with our Ti:sapphire laser spectrometer that combines velocity modulation and phase modulation with heterodyne detection for near shot-noise-limited sensitivity. Our search is based on the \textit{ab initio} calculation by Bunker, Jensen and colleagues} \textbf{225}, 33 (1997).} which predicts the A~(0,5,0)1\tilde{A}(0,5,0)^1 and A~(0,4,0)1X~(0,0,0)0\tilde{A}(0,4,0)^1 \leftarrow \tilde{X}(0,0,0)^0 bands of CD2+_2^+, and the A~(0,4,0)1X~(0,0,0)0\tilde{A}(0,4,0)^1 \leftarrow \tilde{X}(0,0,0)^0 band of CHD+^+ as the most intense in the region


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    H. Roberts, E. Herbst, and T.J. Millar, ApJM. Rosslein, C.M. Gabrys, M.-F. Jagod, and T. Oka, J. Mol. Spectrosc.J.L. Gottfried and T. Oka, J. Chem. Phys.H. Wang, C. Morong, and T. Oka, 62 ^ndP.R. Bunker, private communications.Author Institution: Department of Chemistry, Department of Astronomy &\& Astrophysics; and the Enrico Fermi Institute, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL 60637Observations of highly deuterated molecules in prestellar cores and protostars in recent years have aroused new interest in deuterium ion chemistry. The widely accepted interpretation of this phenomenon as due to extraordinarily high deuterium fractionation of H3+_3^+ to H2_2D+^+, HD2+_2^+ and D3+_3^+} \textbf{591}, L41 (2003).} implies that deuterated variants of other fundamental molecular ions also play pivotal roles in the deuterium fractionation. Aiming at providing approximate rotational constants for millimeter wave spectroscopists to identify these deuterated species, we are continuing our project to study the laboratory spectra of the deuterated CH2+_2^+ molecular ions. CH2+_2^+ has been chosen as our first target ion because it is the intermediate between the abundant CH+^+ and yet to be observed but very important CH3+_3^+ in the ``tree'' of interstellar chemistry. Its abundance is expected in diffuse clouds although our search for interstellar CH2+_2^+ based on our infrared} \textbf{153}, 738 (1992).} and near-infrared} \textbf{121}, 11527 (2004).} laboratory spectra has not been successful. CH2+_2^+ and its deuterated species are also of special interest for theoretical studies because of their unique intramolecular dynamics, i.e., the Renner-Teller interaction and quasi-linearity. Using He-dominated liquid-N2_2 cooled plasmas (\sim10 Torr) containing a small amount (\sim0.1 Torr) of CD4_4, we have measured the spectra of CD2+_2^+ in the near-infrared from 11,000 cm1^{-1} to 12,500 cm1^{-1} with our Ti:sapphire laser spectrometer that combines velocity modulation and phase modulation with heterodyne detection for near shot-noise-limited sensitivity. In this talk, we will review our analysis of the A~(0,5,0)1X~(0,0,0)0\tilde{A}(0,5,0)^1 \leftarrow \tilde{X}(0,0,0)^0 band, presented last year} OSU International Symposium on Molecular Spectroscopy, MJ02 (2007).} and examine the \tilde{A}(0,5,0)^0 \leftarrow \tilde{X}(0,0,0)^1and and \tilde{A}(0,4,0)^2 \leftarrow \tilde{X}(0,0,0)^1bandsofCD bands of CD_2^+ based on the \textit{ab initio} calculations by Bunker and colleagues}. A scan for CHD^+$ is in preparation


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    {M. Okumura, B. D. Rehfuss, B. M. Dinelli, M. G. Bawendi, and T. Oka, J. Chem. Phys. \textbf{90{Y. Kabbadj, T. R. Huet, D. Uy, and T. Oka, J. Mol. Spectrosc. \textbf{175{G. Osmann, P. R. Bunker, P. Jensen, and W. P. Kraemer, J. Mol. Spectrosc. \textbf{186Author Institution: Department of Chemistry, Department of Astronomy &\& Astrophysics,; and the Enrico Fermi Institute, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL 60637Like its isoelectronic cousins BH2_2^- and CH2_2, the amidogen cation NH2+_2^+ has a quasilinear ground state X~\widetilde{X}3^3B1_1 with a low barrier to linearity (155 cm1^{-1}) and metastable excited electronic states a~\widetilde{a}1^1A1_1 and b~\widetilde{b}1^1B1_1 that become degenerate (1Δ^1\Delta) at linearity. In addition to its theoretical interest (due to the quasilinearity and the Renner effect), NH2+_2^+ is one of the most fundamental molecular ions that exist abundantly in laboratory plasmas containing hydrogen and nitrogen. Despite this, only two high-resolution experimental detections of NH2+_2^+ have been reported (the observation of the antisymmetric N-H stretch}, 5918 (1989).} at 3360 cm1^{-1}, and four hot bands}, 277 (1996).} from 2900-3500 cm1^{-1}). \vspace{1em} In an attempt to observe the predicted near-infrared electronic absorption spectrum of NH2+_2^+,}, 319 (1997).} we have recently obtained new spectra of positive ions in a liquid-nitrogen-cooled positive column He/N2_2/H2_2 plasma. The spectra were recorded using a high-resolution, high-sensitivity spectrometer based on a Ti:sapphire laser (11,000-13,000 cm1^{-1}) and incorporating velocity modulation, phase modulation with heterodyne detection, noise subtraction, and optical multi-passing. The observation and assignment of the spectra is complicated by the presence of thousands of lines from the A2ΠuX2Σg+A^2\Pi_u - X^2\Sigma_g^+ system of N2+_2^+. We will report the results of our analysis of the new spectra


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    M. Rosslein, C. M. Gabrys, M.-F. Jagod, and T. Oka, \textit{J. Mol. Spectrosc.J. L. Gottfried and T. Oka, \textit{J. Chem. Phys.H.-M. Wang, C. P. Morong, and T. Oka, 62^{ndP. R. Bunker, private communications.Author Institution: Department of Chemistry, Department of Astronomy \&Astrophysics;andtheEnricoFermiInstitute,UniversityofChicago,Chicago,IL60637Laboratoryspectroscopyofdeuteratedmolecularionsisessentialinunderstandingdeuteriumionchemistryasignificantareainastrochemistrysincethediscoveryofmanyextraordinarilyabundantdeuteratedspeciesinprestellarcoresandprotostarsinrecentyears.Aimingatprovidingapproximaterotationalconstantsformillimeterwavespectroscopiststoidentifythecorrespondingspeciesinspace,wearemeasuringthenearinfraredspectrumofdeuteratedCH Astrophysics; and the Enrico Fermi Institute, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL 60637Laboratory spectroscopy of deuterated molecular ions is essential in understanding deuterium ion chemistry-a significant area in astrochemistry since the discovery of many extraordinarily abundant deuterated species in prestellar cores and protostars in recent years. Aiming at providing approximate rotational constants for millimeter wave spectroscopists to identify the corresponding species in space, we are measuring the near-infrared spectrum of deuterated CH_2^+.CH. CH_2^+istheintermediatebetweentheabundantCH is the intermediate between the abundant CH^+andyettobeobservedbutveryimportantCH and yet to be observed but very important CH_3^+ininterstellarchemistry.ItsabundanceisexpectedindiffusecloudsalthoughoursearchforinterstellarCH in interstellar chemistry. Its abundance is expected in diffuse clouds although our search for interstellar CH_2^+ based on our infrared \textbf{153}, 738 (1992).} and near-infrared \textbf{121}, 11527 (2004).} laboratory spectra has not been successful yet. CH_2^+anditsdeuteratedspeciesarealsoofspecialinterestfortheoreticalstudiesbecauseoftheiruniqueintramoleculardynamics,i.e.,theRennerTellerinteractionandquasilinearity.UsingHedominatedliquidN and its deuterated species are also of special interest for theoretical studies because of their unique intramolecular dynamics, i.e., the Renner-Teller interaction and quasi-linearity. Using He-dominated liquid-N_2cooledplasmas( cooled plasmas (\sim10Torr)containingasmallamount(10 Torr) containing a small amount (\sim0.1Torr)ofCD0.1 Torr) of CD_4,wehavemeasuredthespectraofCD, we have measured the spectra of CD_2^+inthenearinfraredfrom11,000cm in the near-infrared from 11,000 cm^{-1}to12,500cm to 12,500 cm^{-1}withourTi:sapphirelaserspectrometerthatcombinesvelocitymodulationandphasemodulationwithheterodynedetectionfornearshotnoiselimitedsensitivity.The with our Ti:sapphire laser spectrometer that combines velocity modulation and phase modulation with heterodyne detection for near shot-noise-limited sensitivity. The \tilde{A}(0,5,0)^1 \leftarrow \tilde{X}(0,0,0)^0,, \tilde{A}(0,5,0)^0 \leftarrow \tilde{X}(0,0,0)^1and and \tilde{A}(0,4,0)^2 \leftarrow \tilde{X}(0,0,0)^1bandsofCD bands of CD_2^+havebeenidentifiedandanalyzedsofar have been identified and analyzed so far, 63rd^{rd} OSU International Symposium on Molecular Spectroscopy, MJ02 (2007) and WG04 (2008).}. Currently a scan for CHD+^+ using CH2_2D2_2 gas is underway. The spectrum will be discussed in comparison with the theoretical predictions by Bunker and colleagues


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    T. Furuya, S. Saito, & M. Araki, J. Chem. Phys. 127, 244314 (2007)T. Araki & S. Saito, J. Chem. Phys. 128, 034311 (2008)Author Institution: Department of Chemistry, University of Chicago; Research Center for Development of Far-Infrared Region, Fukui University, Fukui, Japan; Caltech Submillimeter Observatory; Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics, and Department of Chemistry, University of ChicagoThe recent laboratory discoveries of submillimeter wave spectra of deuterated hydronium ions, H2_2DO+^+} and HD2_2O+^+,} have opened up the possibility to search for these fundamental deuterated molecular ions in dense clouds where deuterium fractionation occur efficiently. We have used the Caltech Submillimeter Observatory to search for the 000+_{00}^+~\rightarrow~110+_{10}^+ transition at 673.257007 GHz in IRAS16293A and Oph D. So far the freezing of CO and N2_2 has been the main issue of the depletion and deuterium fractionation, but this work adds new information on depletion and deuteration chemistry of O and O2_2. Our observational results and analyses will be presented