569 research outputs found

    Modeling dust emission in PN IC 418

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    We investigated the infrared (IR) dust emission from PN IC 418, using a detailed model controlled by a previous determination of the stellar properties and the characteristics of the photoionized nebula, keeping as free parameters the dust types, amounts and distributions relative to the distance of the central star. The model includes the ionized region and the neutral region beyond the recombination front (Photodissociation region, or PDR), where the [OI] and [CII] IR lines are formed. We succeeded in reproducing the observed infrared emission from 2 to 200~\mm. The global energy budget is fitted by summing up contributions from big grains of amorphous carbon located in the neutral region and small graphite grains located in the ionized region (closer to the central star). Two emission features seen at 11.5 and 30~\mm are also reproduced by assuming them to be due to silicon carbide (SiC) and magnesium and iron sulfides (Mgx_xFe1x_{1-x}S), respectively. For this, we needed to consider ellipsoidal shapes for the grains to reproduce the wavelength distribution of the features. Some elements are depleted in the gaseous phase: Mg, Si, and S have sub-solar abundances (-0.5 dex below solar by mass), while the abundance of C+N+O+Ne by mass is close to solar. Adding the abundances of the elements present in the dusty and gaseous forms leads to values closer to but not higher than solar, confirming that the identification of the feature carriers is plausible. Iron is strongly depleted (3 dex below solar) and the small amount present in dust in our model is far from being enough to recover the solar value. A remaining feature is found as a residue of the fitting process, between 12 and 25~\mm, for which we do not have identification.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysics. V2: adding reference

    ISO spectroscopy of compact HII regions in the Galaxy. II Ionization and elemental abundances

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    Based on the ISO spectral catalogue of compact HII regions by Peeters et al. (2001), we present a first analysis of the hydrogen recombination and atomic fine-structure lines originated in the ionized gas. The sample consists of 34 HII regions located at galactocentric distances between Rgal = 0 and 15 kpc. The SWS HI recombination lines between 2 and 8 mum are used to estimate the extinction law at these wavelengths for 14 HII regions. An extinction in the K band between 0 and \sim 3 mag. has been derived. The fine-structure lines of N, O, Ne, S and Ar are detected in most of the sources. Most of these elements are observed in two different ionization stages probing a range in ionization potential up to 41 eV. The ISO data, by itself or combined with radio data taken from the literature, is used to derive the elemental abundances relative to hydrogen. The present data thus allow us to describe for each source its elemental abundance, its state of ionization and to constrain the properties of the ionizing star(s).Comment: Accepted in Astronomy and Astrophysics, 22 pages, 20 figures, 9 table

    A photoionization model of the compact HII region G29.96-0.02

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    We present a detailed photoionization model of G29.96-0.02 (hereafter G29.96), one of the brightest Galactic Ultra Compact HII (UCHII) regions in the Galaxy. This source has been observed extensively at radio and infrared wavelengths. The most recent data include a complete ISO (SWS and LWS) spectrum, which displays a remarkable richness in atomic fine-structure lines. The number of observables is twice as much as the number available in previous studies. In addition, most atomic species are now observed in two ionization stages. The radio and infrared data on G29.96 are best reproduced using a nebular model with two density components: a diffuse (n_e~680cm-3) extended (~1 pc) component surrounding a compact (~0.1 pc) dense (n_e~57000cm-3) core. The properties of the ionizing star were derived using state-of-the-art stellar atmosphere models. CoStar models yield an effective temperature of \~30^{+2}_{-1} kK whereas more recent non-LTE line blanketed atmospheres with stellar winds indicate somewhat higher values, Teff~32--38 kK. This range in Teff is compatible with all observational constraints, including near-infrared photometry and bolometric luminosity. The range 33-36 kK is also compatible with the spectral type O5-O8 determined by Watson and Hanson (97) when recent downward revisions of the effective temperature scale of O stars are taken into account. The age of the ionizing star of G29.96 is found to be a few 10^6 yr, much older than the expected lifetime of UCHII regions. Accurate gas phase abundances are derived with the most robust results being Ne/S=7.5 and N/O=0.43 (1.3 and 3.5 times the solar values, respectively).Comment: Accepted in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Three-dimensional photoionization modelling of the planetary nebula NGC 3918

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    The three-dimensional Monte Carlo photoionization code Mocassin has been applied to construct a realistic model of the planetary nebula NGC 3918. Three different geometric models were tried. The effects of the interaction of the diffuse fields coming from two adjacent regions of different densities were investigated. These are found to be non-negligible, even for the relatively uncomplicated case of a biconical geometry. We found that the ionization structure of low ionization species near the boundaries is particularly affected. It is found that all three models provided acceptable matches to the integrated nebular optical and ultraviolet spectrum. Large discrepancies were found between all of the model predictions of infrared fine-structure line fluxes and ISO SWS measurements. This was found to be largely due to an offset of ~14 arcsec from the centre of the nebula that affected all of the ISO observations of NGC 3918. For each model, we also produced projected emission-line maps and position-velocity diagrams from synthetic long-slit spectra, which could be compared to recent HST images and ground-based long-slit echelle spectra. This comparison showed that spindle-like model B provided the best match to the observations. We have therefore shown that although the integrated emission line spectrum of NGC 3918 can be reproduced by all three of the three-dimensional models investigated in this work, the capability of creating projected emission-line maps and position-velocity diagrams from synthetic long-slit spectra was crucial in allowing us to constrain the structure of this object

    Comparative analysis of eliciting capacity of raw and roasted peanuts: the role of gastrointestinal digestion

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    This study investigated the simultaneous impact of food matrix and processing on the food allergy eliciting capacity of peanuts in a physiologically relevant context. Whole raw and roasted peanuts were subjected to in vitro digestion combining the harmonized oral-gastric-duodenal digestion models with brush border membrane enzymes (BBM) to simulate the jejunal degradation of peptides. SDS-PAGE and HPLC analysis showed that roasting increased digestibility of peanuts and this trend was even more evident after BBM degradation. The eliciting properties of raw and roasted peanuts were assessed by Rat Basophil Leukemia assay in the presence of sera from peanut-allergic patients. As general features, the BBM digestion reduced allergenicity of roasted peanuts compared to the raw counterpart, suggesting that intestinal peptidases effectively contribute to further destroy specific domains of peanut allergens. These findings provide new and more realistic insights in the stability of peanut allergens within their natural matrix

    MUSE spectroscopy of planetary nebulae with high abundance discrepancies

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    We present MUSE deep integral-field unit spectroscopy of three planetary nebulae(PNe) with high abundance discrepancy factors (ADF > 20): NGC 6778, M 1-42 and Hf 2-2. We have constructed flux maps for more than 40 emission lines, and use them to build extinction, electron temperature (Te_e), electron density (ne_e), and ionic abundances maps of a number of ionic species. The effects of the contribution of recombination to the auroral [N II] and [O II] lines on Te_e and the abundance maps of low-ionization species are evaluated using recombination diagnostics. As a result, low Te_e values and a downward gradient of Te_e are found toward the inner zones of each PN. Spatially, this nearly coincides with the increase of abundances of heavy elements measured using recombination lines in the inner regions of PNe, and strongly supports the presence of two distinct gas phases: a cold and metal-rich and a warm one with "normal" metal content. We have simultaneously constructed, for the first time, the ADF maps of O+^+ and O2+^{2+} and found that they centrally peak for all three PNe under study. We show that the main issue when trying to compute realistic abundances from either ORLs or CELs is to estimate the relative contribution of each gas component to the H I emission, and we present a method to evaluate it. It is also found that, for the studied high-ADF PNe, the amount of oxygen in the cold and warm regions is of the same order

    Impact of using a privacy model on smart buildings data for CO2 prediction

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    There is a constant trade-off between the utility of the data collected and processed by the many systems forming the Internet of Things (IoT) revolution and the privacy concerns of the users living in the spaces hosting these sensors. Privacy models, such as the SITA (Spatial, Identity, Temporal, and Activity) model, can help address this trade-off. In this paper, we focus on the problem of CO2CO_2 prediction, which is crucial for health monitoring but can be used to monitor occupancy, which might reveal some private information. We apply a number of transformations on a real dataset from a Smart Building to simulate different SITA configurations on the collected data. We use the transformed data with multiple Machine Learning (ML) techniques to analyse the performance of the models to predict CO2CO_{2} levels. Our results show that, for different algorithms, different SITA configurations do not make one algorithm perform better or worse than others, compared to the baseline data; also, in our experiments, the temporal dimension was particularly sensitive, with scores decreasing up to 18.9%18.9\% between the original and the transformed data. The results can be useful to show the effect of different levels of data privacy on the data utility of IoT applications, and can also help to identify which parameters are more relevant for those systems so that higher privacy settings can be adopted while data utility is still preserved

    MUSE spectroscopy of planetary nebulae with high abundance discrepancies

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    We present MUSE deep integral-field unit spectroscopy of three planetary nebulae(PNe) with high abundance discrepancy factors (ADF > 20): NGC 6778, M 1-42 and Hf 2-2. We have constructed flux maps for more than 40 emission lines, and use them to build extinction, electron temperature (Te_e), electron density (ne_e), and ionic abundances maps of a number of ionic species. The effects of the contribution of recombination to the auroral [N II] and [O II] lines on Te_e and the abundance maps of low-ionization species are evaluated using recombination diagnostics. As a result, low Te_e values and a downward gradient of Te_e are found toward the inner zones of each PN. Spatially, this nearly coincides with the increase of abundances of heavy elements measured using recombination lines in the inner regions of PNe, and strongly supports the presence of two distinct gas phases: a cold and metal-rich and a warm one with "normal" metal content. We have simultaneously constructed, for the first time, the ADF maps of O+^+ and O2+^{2+} and found that they centrally peak for all three PNe under study. We show that the main issue when trying to compute realistic abundances from either ORLs or CELs is to estimate the relative contribution of each gas component to the H I emission, and we present a method to evaluate it. It is also found that, for the studied high-ADF PNe, the amount of oxygen in the cold and warm regions is of the same order

    Shock shaping? Nebular Spectroscopy of Nova V906 Carinae

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    V906 Carinae was one of the best observed novae of recent times. It was a prolific dust producer and harboured shocks in the early evolving ejecta outflow. Here, we take a close look at the consequences of these early interactions through study of high-resolution UVES spectroscopy of the nebular stage and extrapolate backwards to investigate how the final structure may have formed. A study of ejecta geometry and shaping history of the structure of the shell is undertaken following a spectral line SHAPE model fit. A search for spectral tracers of shocks in the nova ejecta is undertaken and an analysis of the ionised environment. Temperature, density and abundance analyses of the evolving nova shell are presented