81 research outputs found

    Evaluations of female subordinates by male superiors: Status and gender threats.

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    Previous research has shown that female superiors are negatively evaluated by their male subordinates whose masculinity is threatened. In this study, we examined how female subordinates are evaluated by their male superiors when they elicit two types of feelings of threat: gender threats (i.e., masculinity for men and femininity for women) and status threats. We conducted three studies in Japan using a 2 (participants’ genders) × 2 (subordinates’ genders) design; participants had to read a hypothetical scenario in which superiors lost a competition to their subordinates and then evaluate the subordinates on two dimensions (i.e., warmth and competence) and liking (study 2 and 3). In study 1, a structural equation modeling analysis revealed that male participants experienced a higher gender threat than female participants and evaluated their subordinates’ competence as low. Participants, regardless of gender, also elicited status threats leading to a higher evaluation on the warmth dimension. In study 2, female subordinates (vs. male subordinates) provoked both feelings of gender and status threat and received lower evaluations on warmth and competition. In study 3, status threat led to a lower evaluation on the warmth dimension and the subordinates’ favorability degree, regardless of participants’ and subordinates’ genders. Although we used the same scenario and response items in studies 2 and 3, we could not find similar results. The studies’ results are discussed with reference to threat types and evaluation dimensions.本論文の研究1は,広島大学教育学部提出した平成30年度卒業論文をもとに執筆したものである。 研究の一部は中国四国心理学会第74回大会学部生研究発表会,The 13th Biennial Asian Association of Social Psychology Conference,日本社会心理学会第60回大会において報告した

    "Women can't do math": A review of the social psychological literature on the effects of negative stereotypes on both women and girls

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    It is unclear why the number of women in the fields of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) is still small. In this review article, I focus on gender stereotypes (i.e., the belief that “women canʼt do math”) from a social psychological perspective. It has been reported that women and girls are influenced by negative stereotypes in experimental settings as well as in the real world. For example, researchers have found that negative stereotypes can undermine the performance of women in math exams. More recently, implicit stereotypes have been found to affect womenʼs math preferences either equally or even more than explicit stereotypes. How can we counteract the effects of negative stereotypes? Interventions, such as informing women that their math performances and career decisions are often unconsciously influenced by gender stereotypes, have been introduced based on accumulated knowledge of both gender and stereotypes. Having reviewed such literature, I conclude that psychologists in Japan should put more effort into conducting research on how to encourage women and girls to pursue their career plans, especially in the STEM field

    Victim blaming and perpetrator blaming by bystanders to cyberbullying: The separate effects of subordinate concepts of belief in a just world

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    Previous research has shown that belief in a just world (BJW) is associated with victim blaming at a crime scene. We investigated the effects of two subordinate concepts of BJW—belief in immanent justice (BIJ) and belief in ultimate justice (BUJ)—on victim and perpetrator blaming in cyberbullying in two studies. In both studies, university students responded to a Multidimensional Belief in a Just World Scale (i.e., BIJ and BUJ), and then, one week later, they evaluated a victim and perpetrators in a hypothetical scenario in which a high school student is bullied by his/her classmates online. In both studies, participants who considered the scenario cyberbullying blamed the victim less and blamed the perpetrators more than those who did not believe it was cyberbullying. Of the participants from the second study who considered the scenario cyberbullying, structural equation modeling analysis revealed that BIJ endorsement led to perpetrators blaming, whereas BUJ endorsement led to psychological dissociation from the victim. These results indicate that there can be different relationships between the two types of BJW and just-world maintenance strategies when cyberbullying occurs.本論文は広島大学教育学部に提出した令和元年度卒業論文をもとに執筆したものである。研究の一部は中国四国心理学会第75回大会学部生研究発表会において報告した

    Cluster analysis of two factors of self-esteem and two types of narcissism in Japanese: How are unbalanced positive and negative aspects of self-esteem related to narcissism?

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    The present study sought to reveal the relationship between two types of narcissism (grandiose and hypervigilant) and the positive and negative wording items (PSE and NSE) of Rosenberg’s self-esteem scale (RSES). We conducted a series of clustering analyses using three datasets with a k-means++ clustering method. Each dataset included both RSES and one or two narcissism scales: (a) RSES and two types of narcissism scales (N = 900), (b) RSES and a grandiose narcissism scale (N = 400), and (c) RSES and a hypervigilant narcissism scale (N = 600). Based on the result of a preliminary cluster analysis performed on a RSES dataset extracted both from the three datasets mentioned above and other data sets (N = 5,337), we determined the number of clusters as five. The results of a cluster analysis of dataset (a) revealed that individuals who were in the “PSE-predominant self-evaluation cluster” (i.e., individuals who had high self-evaluation on the PSE items and low self-evaluation on the NSE items) exhibited a greater tendency for both grandiose and hypervigilant narcissism compared with those in the other four clusters. In contrast, individuals in the “NSE-predominant self-evaluation cluster” exhibited a reduced tendency for both grandiose and hypervigilant narcissism compared with those in the other clusters. Analyses of the other two datasets (b and c) revealed similar clusters to those in dataset (a). These results suggest that the relationship between self-esteem and narcissism can be better interpreted using a two-factor solution for RSES compared with using an average score of all items of the RSES.本研究はJSPS科研費(JP16J03013)によって実現しました

    Effects of experimental procedures on lie recognition

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    It has been pointed out that conventional experimental procedures might distort results about lie recognition. Levine (2014) argues in his Truth–Default Theory (TDT) that people usually trust others but that they can quickly abandon their trust when witnessing a trigger event in which they examine why the person told a lie. He also stated that asking participants to judge which stimulus persons are lying in experiments can work as a “lie prime” (i.e., a trigger event). Furthermore, when participants are asked to think about lies, this may increase the estimated frequency of lies. We conducted two studies to investigate the effects of the following instruction: “Please determine who told a lie.” Instead of asking participants to determine who is lying, we asked participants to give their impressions of stimulus persons, based on the presumption that an individual positively evaluates others who tell the truth. Study 1 employed a between-participant design but we found that the instructions had no significant effects. Study 2 employed a within-participant design and we found that the lie instructions had significant effects on lie recognition in evaluating stimulus persons. In the without-lie-instruction condition, stimulus persons were more likely to be positively evaluated than those in the with-lie-instruction condition. Our study suggests that researchers should be more careful about what instructions they give to participants in lie recognition experiments

    A sense of power and system justification: Reexamining van der Troon et al. (2015)

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    We conducted two studies reexamining the findings of van der Toorn et al. (2015) that a sense of powerlessness fosters system justification (SJ). In Study 1, we used the Sense of Power Scale (Anderson et al., 2012) and found that a sense of powerfulness as well as a sense of powerlessness are positively associated with SJ. In Study 2, after priming participants with a feeling of powerfulness vs. powerlessness, we investigated the mediating effects of emotions on the relationship between sense of power and SJ. Although participants experienced positive emotions in the Powerful condition and negative emotions in the Powerless condition, we did not find any significant effects of emotions on SJ. Further studies are needed to investigate the relationship between a sense of power and SJ using more sophisticated methods.本論文は,2019年度に広島大学教育学部で開講された心理学課題演習において,第1著者の指導により第2著者から第5著者が実施した研究をもとに執筆したものである。研究の一部は第2著者から第5著者により中国四国心理学会第75回大会学部生研究発表会において報告された。また,本研究はJSPS科研費JP18K03007 の助成を受けた

    Interview study on the process of social participation by former street children and child laborers in India <Article>

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    This study examined how young adults in India, who were former street children and/or child laborers, were struggling to become independent and find jobs with the support of NGOs. We conducted interviews with young adults and NGO staff, and also observed activities conducted by NGOs in India. Some young adults successfully obtained technical skills and applied for jobs with the support of NGOs. However, difficulties in admitting their own mental problems, and not being completely understood by NGO staff, made it difficult for these young people to adapt to the mainstream Indian society. Our results suggest that former street children and child laborers need continuous psychological support, in order to facilitate their participation in society as independent adults.本研究は広島大学校友会学生による学術研究への研究資金助成を受けて行われた

    Effects of Morality, Dominance, and Relational Maturity on Perception of Intimate Partner Violence

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    The effects of morality, social dominance orientation, and relational maturity on perception of intimate partner violence (IPV) were investigated in a sample of 300 Japanese male in their 30s. After reading a description of an IPV scenario involving a hypothetical couple, participants responded to items of victim (i.e., wife) blame. We expected that men with higher self-rated morality, higher social dominance orientation and less mature relationships with their own partners would show the highest victim blame. However, we found that men who rated themselves as having high morality blamed the victim more than those who did not, regardless of their dominance orientation and relational maturity. The results suggested that morality might play an important role in IPV.本研究はJSPS科研費JP263808440の助成を受けたものである

    Prejudice against people with mental disorders: Cognition, emotions, and social distance

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    Prejudice against people with mental disorders is a persistent phenomenon. Inspired by Corrigan and Shapiro’s (2010) path model of cognition-emotion-behavior of stigma, we examined the effects of news stories on these three factors. A total of 125 university students responded to questions after reading one of three news articles excerpted from Corrigan et al. (2013): a story describing a patient recovering from a mental disorder, a story regarding the improvement of mental institutions, and a story about dental care (control condition). Structural equation modeling revealed that the recovery story (vs. the dental care story) increased positive perceptions of people with mental disorders (i.e., the sense that people with mental illness are as ordinary as those without it), leading to positive behavior (i.e., decreasing social distance). The mental institution story (vs. the dental care story) increased negative emotion and decreased positive emotion, but these emotions did not affect participants’ behavior. Although we did not find any significant paths from cognition to behavior through emotion, the current results suggested that perceived ordinariness may play an important role in the reduction of prejudice against people with mental illness.本論文は,広島大学教育学部に提出した平成28年度卒業論文をもとに執筆したものである。本研究の一部は,日本教育心理学会第58回総会で報告した