271 research outputs found

    A Different Voice?: African American and Latino Representation in the U.S. Courts of Appeals

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    The increase in the number of racial and ethnic minority judges in the federal courtroom has led several scholars to examine the merits of descriptive representation. Advocates of descriptive representation argue that it is important, not only because it can translate into positive attitudes towards government, but also because it can lead to more substantive policy outcomes that can benefit under-represented groups in society. Research focusing on the latter of the two merits of descriptive representation, however, has a tendency to treat racial and ethnic minority judges as monolithic groups. It contends that racial and ethnic minority judges, based on their experiences with discrimination, will be more likely than their white colleagues to vote in favor of the claimant across policy issues considered salient to other racial and ethnic minorities. It also argues that these same differences in individual voting behavior will give racial and ethnic minority judges a distinct advantage, as they can crystallize issues of race, enhance perceptions of policy specialization, and threaten panel unanimity to influence panel outcomes. This research is far from conclusive, however. While research focusing on the behavior of African American judges demonstrates mixed results with regards to both individual voting behavior and panel outcomes (Scherer, 2004-2005; Boyd et al., 2010), others find that Latino judges tend to be more conservative than their white colleagues (Manning, 2004). This dissertation attempts to reconcile some of these mixed results and unexpected findings by providing one of the first comprehensive examinations of African American and Latino judicial behavior in the U.S. Courts of Appeals. More specifically, it extends the above arguments by focusing on those conditions that can mediate the individual voting behavior of African American and Latino judges and their ability to influence panel outcomes, which includes both panel rulings and majority opinion writing. While the presence of salient policy issues, such as discrimination cases, provides one condition for understanding African American and Latino judicial behavior, this dissertation contends that claimant effects\u27 or the presence of co-racial and co-ethnic claimants can enhance perceptions of commonality that motivate African American and Latino judges to vote in favor of the claimant as well as influence panel outcomes. By controlling for these judge-claimant relationships, it is possible to not only test whether previous results are due to the exclusion of \u27claimant effects,\u27 but also examine whether theory is applicable to both African American and Latino judges across the same set of data. To test my argument, this dissertation focuses exclusively on Title VII employment discrimination cases based on race and ethnicity between 2001 and 2009. The data is unique in that it records both the race and ethnicity of the judge and the claimant. The results from this dissertation show that African American and Latino judges are not monolithic in their individual voting behavior. Although African American judges are more likely than non-Black judges to vote in favor of other co-racial claimants, Latino judges are less likely than non-Latino judges to rule in favor of Latino and non-Latino claimants alike. The results also show that African American and Latino judges are not marginalized in the courtroom, as they can influence both individual voting behavior and panel outcomes. While the presence of an African American judge on a panel increases the probability that a panel will rule in favor of a Black claimant, the presence of a Latino judge has the opposite effect by decreasing the likelihood that both Latino and non-Latino claimants will win their appeal. Finally, the results demonstrate that African American and Latino judges are more likely than their white colleagues to write the majority opinion across Title VII employment discrimination cases. Interestingly, though, the likelihood of writing the majority opinion is not conditioned by the formal role of the presiding position. Overall, the results from this dissertation have important implications for the relationship between descriptive representation and substantive outcomes. In the U.S. Courts of Appeals, it has been well documented that Title VII employment discrimination claims are difficult to win on appeal. Minority judges, at least African American judges, can help alleviate some of this difficulty by bringing a different voice to the bench. Different from Latino judges, African American judges can influence their panel colleagues and, at the very minimum, moderate the policy preferences of their panel colleagues. By having more opportunities to write the majority opinion, moreover, African American judges can also set the policy agenda as well as change, strike down, or even create new legal guidelines that may lead to more winnable claims in the future. This dissertation also provides an added dimension to the study of descriptive representation by focusing on the more direct effects that African American and Latino judges can have on the claimants who wish to appeal or defend their case in the intermediary courts. By coming to the bench with a different perspective, African American judges can level the playing field by being directly responsive to other Blacks claimants. This is especially important given that Blacks are over-represented in Title VII employment discrimination claims. Finally, this dissertation concludes by arguing that diversity in the courtroom is a normative good. Even though Latino and African American judges come to the bench with different voices, efforts to make the bench look more like the United States\u27 diverse population remains important for achieving greater inclusion in the political system

    Identifying ILI Cases from Chief Complaints: Comparing the Accuracy of Keyword and Support Vector Machine Methods

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    We compared the accuracy of two methods of identifying ILI cases from chief complaints. We found that a support vector machine method was more accurate than a keyword method


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    Additive manufacturing is becoming an important part of modern manufacturing technology. Before additively manufactured parts gain widespread adoption, the material properties of the additively manufactured material itself must be accurately quantified. Stress strain curves must be produced over a wide variety of test conditions so that accurate modeling of material behavior can be done. Materials that may undergo dynamic loading must therefore be tested under dynamic conditions. In this study the tensile and high strain rate compressive material properties of additively manufactured Inconel 625 are compared to conventionally formed wrought material. The results of testing showed that there is a clear difference in material properties between wrought and additively manufactured Inconel 625 in tension and compression. The additively manufactured tensile samples showed anisotropy between print directions of approximately ±10%. The printed samples had a 35% higher yield strength, a similar ultimate strength, and 20-40% the elongation when compared to wrought. There was also a significant difference in properties between the additive and wrought materials during the compressive tests. The additive material showed little anisotropy and had a 30% higher yield stress than wrought. Additionally, the additive material had a higher strain hardening rate than the wrought samples. No significant strain rate effects were noted

    Translating a Regular Grid over a Point Set

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    We consider the problem of translating a (finite or infinite) square grid G over a set S of n points in the plane in order to maximize some objective function. We say that a grid cell is k-occupied if it contains k or more points of 5. The main set of problems we study have to do with translating an infinite grid so that the number of fe-occupied cells is maximized or minimized. For these problems we obtain running times of the form O(kn polylog n). We also consider the problem of translating a finite size grid, with m cells, in order to maximize the number of fe-occupied cells. Here we obtain a running time of the form O(knm polylog nm)

    Portraying the hosts: Stellar science from planet searches

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    Information on the full session can be found on this website: https://sites.google.com/site/portrayingthehostscs18/We present a compendium of the splinter session on stellar science from planet searches that was organized as part of the Cool Stars 18 conference. Seven speakers discussed techniques to infer stellar information from radial velocity, transit and microlensing data, as well as new instrumentation and missions designed for planet searches that will provide useful for the study of the cool stars