38 research outputs found


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    The fatty acid composition of lipids in the subcutaneous tissue, muscle and organs such as the liver of the adult, nursling and foetus whales, Stenella caeruleo-alba was studied. In the adult and nursling, short- and long-chain branched acids (including both iso and anteiso acids) were contained also in the muscle (body part) and organs in addition to the adipose tissue (muscle of jaw and melon parts and subcutaneous tissue). However, the acids in the muscle and organs were much less than those in the adipose tissue, and their compositions in the former differed from that in the latter. Especially, the long-chain branched acid composition in the muscle and organs was rather similar to that of fish oil. On the other hand, a fair amount of the branched-chain acids existed in the tongue and gall-bladder of the adult and nursling and in the stomach of the nursling, and thier compositions also were similar to that in the adipose tissue. In the foetus, the lipid content in the melon and jaw (corresponding to the adipose tissue in the adult and nursling) was less than 1.0% and the branched-chain acids also were scanty, although they were more than in the muscle and organs. The relative content of short- and long-chain branched acids in various kinds of adipose tissue was almost similar in both the adult and nursling.成体,乳児,胎児イルカの各皮下組織,筋肉,肝臓などの諸器管の脂質の低級および高級酸組成をしらべた.成体と乳児では,脂肪組織(顎部およびメロン体部の筋肉と皮下組織)のほか,筋肉(体部)や肝臓などの諸器管にも低級および高級分枝酸(イソおよびアンテイソ酸の双方を含む)が存在した.しかしながら,筋肉や肝臓などの諸器管では分枝酸は少なく,組成も脂肪組織と異なり,高級分枝酸に至っては魚油に類似していた.ところが,成体と乳児の舌,胆のうおよび乳児の胃にはかなり多量の分枝酸が存在し,その組成も脂肪組織のものと似ていた.胎児のメロン体と顎皮(成体および乳児では脂肪組織)の脂質量は1%以下で,分枝酸も少なかった.しかしながら,分枝酸は筋肉や肝臓などの諸器管以上に含まれていた.成体,乳児とも,各種脂肪組織の低級分枝酸量と高級分枝酸量の大小関係はほぼ似ていた

    Calcium ions function as a booster of chromosome condensation

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    Phengchat, R., Takata, H., Morii, K. et al. Calcium ions function as a booster of chromosome condensation. Sci Rep 6, 38281 (2016). https://doi.org/10.1038/srep38281

    Motile Enterococci Isolated from Fishery Products

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    魚病原細菌Photobacterium damselae subsp. piscicidaの伝達性Rプラスミドのクロラムフェニコールおよび エリスロマイシン耐性因子のクローニングと塩基配列解析

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    Transferable resistance to various drugs was investigated in a strain of Photobacterium damselae subsp. piscicida from Japan. Drug resistance was transferred via three plasmids of 100, 50, and 40 kirobases (kb). Resistances to choloramphenicol and erythromycin were transferred on the 40-kb plasmid pPDP9106b. The cloned PstⅠ fragment of pPDP9106b was determined as being 6377 base pairs (bp). The chloramphenicol resistance gene conferring cross-resistance to florfenicol has been designated floR, which was found to be part of the 4279-bp transposon and coded 404 amino acid residues with a calculated molecular mass of 42.6 kDa. The transposon consisted of the gene floR, a putative regulatory gene (101 amino acid residues), and the transposase gene tnpA (497 amino acid residues) and constituted a circular form. The erythromycin resistance gene designated as ermM, which coded 303 amino acid residues with a calculated molecular mass of 35.6 kDa, was suggested to be a novel 23S rRNA methyltransferase from the presence of nine conserved sequence motifs that are important in target sequence, catalysis, and S-adenosyl-L-methionine binding and very low homology (35 to 15%) between the ErmM protein of P.damselae and the 23S rRNA methyltransferases of nineteen other bacteria

    Cloning and nucleotide sequence analysis of the chloramphenicol resistance gene on conjugative R plasmids from the fish pathogen

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    Transferable resistance to various drugs was investigated in Photobacterium damselae subsp. piscicida from Japan. Drug resistances were transferred via plasmids of 100, 50, and 40 kb. Resistance to chloramphenicol (Cmr) was transferred on plasmids of all 3 sizes. The Cmr gene (cat) was cloned from the 50 kb plasmids pPDP8511 and pPDP9106 transferred from P. damselae subsp. piscicida strains isolated in different years and places in Japan. Subcloning localized the cat to within 1.5 kb HindIII-HincII (or PstI) fragments. Nucleotide sequences of the coding and flanking region of the cat were determined as 1607 bp (HindIII-HincII fragment) in pPDP8511 and 1568 bp (HindIII-PstI fragment) in pPDP9106, which corresponded with the sequence from nucleotides 40 to 1607 in pPDP8511. The nucleotide sequences identified an open reading frame (ORF) encoding 213 amino acid residues with a calculated molecular mass of about 24.8 kDa, a size consistent with the molecular mass of known cat gene products, and the ORF had maximum homology (99.5%) with a Type II CAT variant from Haemophilus influenzae

    Bacterial Flora of the Intestine of Mudskippers in Indonesia

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