25 research outputs found

    Identification of media strategies by girls and boys (Means ± SD).

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    <p>Identification of media strategies by girls and boys (Means ± SD).</p

    Demographic description of studied population (% or mean±SD).

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    <p>Demographic description of studied population (% or mean±SD).</p

    Self-report measures' description.

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    <p>Self-report measures' description.</p

    ANOVA analysis of the differences between intervention and control groups.

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    <p>Note: Partial η2<0.05 is a small effect, 0.059–0.1 a medium effect and <b>above 0.1 large effect</b>. Means, standard deviations.</p

    Media literacy, pressure from media and wish to fix appearance.

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    <p>Note:Partial η2<0.05 is a small effect, 0.059–0.1 a medium effect and <b>above 0.1 large effect</b>. Paired comparisons' ANOVA: means, standard deviations and effect size (Partial eta-squared) for participants in the intervention group at base line, post- intervention and 3- month follow up.</p

    Participation flow.

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    <p>Participation flow.</p

    Drive for thinness and self-worth.

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    <p>Note: Partial η2<0.05 is a small effect, 0.059–0.1 a medium effect and <b>above 0.1 large effect</b>. Paired comparisons' ANOVA: means, standard deviations and effect size (Partial eta-squared) for participants in the intervention group at base line, post- intervention and 3- month follow up.</p

    Identification of media strategies by girls and boys (Means ± SD).

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    <p>Identification of media strategies by girls and boys (Means ± SD).</p

    Awareness of changes during adolescent and use of negative and positive communication.

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    <p>Note: Partial η2<0.05 is a small effect, 0.059–0.1 a medium effect and <b>above 0.1 large effect</b>. Paired comparisons' ANOVA: means, standard deviations and effect size (Partial eta-squared) on participants in the intervention group at base line, post- intervention and 3- month follow up.</p

    Mean and standard deviations of body figures rating of adolescents: girls (top) boys (bottom).

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    <p>Mean and standard deviations of body figures rating of adolescents: girls (top) boys (bottom).</p