243 research outputs found

    Exhaled Breath Marker in Asthma Patients with Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease

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    Prevention of acid is important in gastroesophageal reflex disease (GERD)-related asthma therapy. Proton pump inhibitors (PPI) and H2-receptor blockers have been reported as useful therapies for improving asthma symptoms. GERD prevalence is high in asthma; however, methods for validating GERD existence based on questionnaire, endoscopic examination and 24h-pH monitoring do not directly determine GERD influence on the airway. Exhaled breath condensate analysis is a novel and non-invasive tool for assessing information directly from the airway. Breath collected by cooling can be applied to pH, 8-isoprostane and cytokine analysis in patients with GERD-related asthma, and the pH and 8-isoprostane levels have been shown to reflect the effects of PPI therapy in these patients. Although the analysis of cooled breath has not yet been established in a clinical setting, this method is expected to provide a novel tool for monitoring airway acidification associated with GERD

    A Prospective Study of Long-term Outcomes in Female Patients with Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis Using Age- and Body Mass Index-matched Cohorts

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    In patients with nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH), the prevalence of cirrhosis is higher among women than men, and hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) develops mainly in the cirrhotic stage among women. However, the long-term outcomes in female patients with NASH have not been fully elucidated, and age, gender and BMI were not simultaneously adjusted in previous studies on the prognosis of NASH. To elucidate the outcomes in female patients with NASH, we prospectively compared NASH patients with advanced fibrosis (advanced NASH) with hepatitis C virus-related advanced fibrosis (advanced CHC) patients and NASH patients with mild fibrosis (mild NASH) using study cohorts that were adjusted for body mass index (BMI) in addition to age. The median follow-up period was 92.5 months. Liver-related complication-free survival was significantly reduced in the advanced NASH group compared to the mild NASH group. No liver-related complications developed in the mild NASH group. The overall survival, liver-related complication- and cardiovascular/cerebrovascular disease-free survival were not significantly different between the advanced NASH and CHC groups. Female patients with NASH and advanced fibrosis may have a less favorable prognosis for liver-related complications than the matched cohorts with NASH and mild fibrosis, but may have a similar prognosis to the matched cohorts with CHC

    Different gastoroesophageal reflux symptoms of middle-aged to elderly asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) patients

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    Symptomatic differences and the impact of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) have not been clarified in patients with asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). The purpose of this study is to assess the differences of GERD symptoms among asthma, COPD, and disease control patients, and determine the impact of GERD symptoms on exacerbation of asthma or COPD by using a new questionnaire for GERD. A total of 120 subjects underwent assessment with the frequency scale for the symptoms of GERD (FSSG) questionnaire, including 40 age-matched patients in each of the asthma, COPD, and disease control groups. Asthma and control patients had more regurgitation-related symptoms than COPD patients (p<0.05), while COPD patients had more dysmotility-related symptoms than asthma patients (p<0.01) or disease control patients (p<0.01). The most distinctive symptom of asthma patients with GERD was an unusual sensation in the throat, while bloated stomach was the chief symptom of COPD patients with GERD, and these symptoms were associated with disease exacerbations. The presence of GERD diagnosed by the total score of FSSG influences the exacerbation of COPD. GERD symptoms differed between asthma and COPD patients, and the presence of GERD diagnosed by the FSSG influences the exacerbation of COPD

    Transforming growth factor α protects against Fas-mediated liver apoptosis in mice

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    AbstractThe Fas/Fas ligand interaction plays a crucial role in various liver diseases, and administration of agonistic anti-Fas antibody to mice causes massive hepatic apoptosis and fulminant hepatic failure. Several growth factors have recently been found to function in preventing apoptosis. In this study, we demonstrated that overexpression of transforming growth factor α (TGFα) has a dramatic protective effect on Fas-mediated hepatic apoptosis at the biochemical and histological levels. Moreover, 85.7% (six out of seven) of TGFα transgenic mice survived the lethal liver damage, whereas all wild-type mice died. Expression of Bcl-xL, an anti-apoptotic protein, was greatly increased in the transgenic mice. Taken together, our findings suggest that TGFα protects against Fas-mediated liver apoptosis in vivo and up-regulation of Bcl-xL may participate in protective effect of TGFα

    Overexpression of hepatocyte growth factor/scatter factor promotes vascularization and granulation tissue formation in vivo

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    AbstractThe effect of hepatocyte growth factor/scatter factor (HGF/SF) during wound healing in the skin was investigated, using HGF/SF-overexpressing transgenic mouse model. Histological analysis of HGF/SF transgenic mouse excisional wound sites revealed increased granulation tissue with marked vascularization. Northern blot analysis demonstrated that, relative to control, vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) expression in transgenic skin was significantly higher at baseline and was robustly up-regulated during wound healing. Elevated levels of VEGF protein were detected immunohistochemically, predominantly in endothelial cells and fibroblasts within the granulation tissue of HGF/SF transgenic skin. Serum levels of VEGF were also elevated in HGF/SF transgenic mice. Thus, results from our study suggest that HGF/SF has a significant effect on vascularization and granulation tissue formation during wound healing in vivo, involving with induction of VEGF

    Lack of effect of bone marrow transplantation on airway hyperresponsiveness in an asthmatic

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    ABSTRACTBronchial asthma has been recognized as an inflammatory disorder in this past decade. This leads to an assumption that perfect control of inflammatory cells may cure this disease. However, herein we report on an asthmatic whose airway hyperresponsiveness (AHR) did not change after bone marrow transplantation (BMT). The concentrations of acetylcholine to produce a 20% fall in forced expiratory volume in 1 s 15 days before and 98 days after BMT were 900 and 480 μg/mL, respectively. Asthma treatment with beclo-methasone dipropionate and theophylline was continued before and after BMT and a conventional supporting therapy for BMT with cyclosporine A and methylprednisolone, followed by oral administration of tacrolimus hydrate alone inhibited graft-versus-host disease. Plasma interleukin (IL)-4, IL-5 and IgE, but not interferon-γ, levels decreased after BMT. Note that the second measurement of airway sensitivity was performed under systemic administration of tacrolimus. The presented case suggests that replacement of bone marrow-derived inflammatory cells is not enough to reverse once-established AHR. Hence, AHR and airway inflammation may develop independently in some part, but both need to be present for asthma to be present in this asthmatic

    Ectopic varices in a right diaphragm that ruptured into the pleural cavity.

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    The term ectopic varices is used to describe dilated portosystemic collateral veins in unusual locations other than the gastroesophageal region. We recently experienced a rare case of ectopic varices that developed in the right diaphragm and ruptured into the pleural cavity. A 68-year-old female with hepatocellular carcinoma complicated with liver cirrhosis was admitted due to an acute onset of dyspnea and right bloody pleural effusion. Because of the patient's advanced hepatocellular carcinoma and poor condition, conservative therapies such as hemostats and blood transfusion were selected. Even though the bleeding to the pleural cavity stopped spontaneously, the patient died due to a progression of liver failure. Autopsy revealed a huge collateral vein in the right diaphragm. The etiology, prevalence, relationship with portal hypertension, and treatment of ectopic varices are discussed herein

    Coinfection of Invasive Pulmonary Aspergillosis and Pneumocystis Jiroveci Pneumonia in a Non-HIV Patient

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    Invasive pulmonary aspergillosis (IPA) and pneumocystis jiroveci pneumonia (PCP) are life-threatening opportunistic infections that occur in immunocompromised hosts. Early diagnosis and treatment of these opportunistic infections is essential to the survival of immunocompromised patients. We report a 60-year-old man undergoing short-term steroid therapy after surgical resection of a brain tumor infected with combined invasive pulmonary aspergillosis and pneumocystis jiroveci pneumonia diagnosed by bronchoscopy with bronchoalveolar lavage. Our case demonstrated that short-term systemic steroid therapy in non-HIV patients with underlying chronic lung conditions and malignancies was a risk factor for IPA and PCP, and for a combination of these infections

    Genomic organization and promoter function of the mouse uncoupling protein 2 (UCP2) gene1The nucleotide sequences reported in this paper will appear in the DDBJ, and GenBank/EMBL Data Bank with accession number AB012159.1

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    AbstractWe cloned and characterized the mouse uncoupling protein 2 (UCP2) gene and its promoter region. The gene spans approximately 6.3 kb and contains eight exons and seven introns. Two short exons are located in the 5′ untranslated region, and each of the remaining exons encodes one of the transmembrane domains. 3′-RACE analysis showed that a polyadenylation signal 257 bp downstream from the stop codon was functional. Primer extension analysis indicated a single transcriptional start site 369 bp upstream from the translational start site. The promoter region lacks both TATA and CAAT boxes but is GC-rich. A construct containing 1250 bp of the promoter region showed significant activity in all 6 cell lines examined, and the region between −160 and −678 bp exhibited strong positive regulatory activity. These features of the UCP2 gene are different from those of the UCP1 gene and may contribute to its ubiquitous expression

    Solitary mandibular metastasis as an initial manifestation of hepatocellular carcinoma.

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    Oral metastases from hepatocellular carcinoma are very rare. We encountered a case of hepatocellular carcinoma with a solitary metastasis to the mandible as an initial manifestation. The patient was a 76-year-old man who was admitted for left mandibular swelling. A biopsy specimen of mandible was suspected to be a metastatic tumor. The histological findings, abdominal computed tomography, bone scintigraphy, and F-18 fluorodeoxyglucose-positron emission tomography (FDG-PET) revealed it to be a solitary metastasis from hepatocellular carcinoma. As a result, he was diagnosed to have liver cirrhosis due to a hepatitis C virus infection and hepatocellular carcinoma with a solitary metastasis to the mandible. The primary lesion was treated with transcatheter arterial embolization (TAE), and the metastasis to the mandible was surgically resected. The patient survived for 9 months after treatment without recurrence
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