1,442 research outputs found

    Ulipristal acetate before in vitro fertilization: Efficacy in infertile women with submucous fibroids

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    Background: The presence of submucous fibroids strongly impacts on IVF results, therefore, these patients should be considered for surgical or medical treatment. The aim of this study was to assess the role of Ulipristal acetate (UPA), a selective progesterone receptor modulator, in restoring uterine cavity deformation due to submucous fibroids, in infertile patients attempting an IVF treatment. The secondary study outcome was to evaluate the impact of preconception UPA treatment on rate of biochemical pregnancy, ongoing pregnancy, and live birth compared to a control group without fibroids. Methods: Infertile patients with submucosal fibroid (Type 1 and Type 2 according to FIGO classification) were enrolled in the study as fibroids group and received 1 to 3 treatment cycles of UPA, according to their response, as reflected by fibroid volume reduction and restoration of normal uterine cavity. Patients in control group were randomly selected from a general IVF cohort by a ratio of 2:1 with fibroids group, matched by age, BMI, type and cause of infertility and antral follicle count. The impact of UPA on fibroids volume reduction was evaluated. IVF outcome was compared between groups. Results: Twenty-six patients underwent UPA treatment revealed a mean volume reduction of their fibroids of 41%. A total of 15 (57.6%) biochemical pregnancy were obtained, resulting in 13 (50%) ongoing pregnancy and 9 (34.6%) healthy babies were already delivered. Similar results were obtained in control group. Conclusion: Restoration of normal uterine cavity by UPA treatment prior to IVF treatment avoids surgery and establishes a pregnancy rate comparable to a control group without fibroids

    Genetic, hormonal and metabolic aspects of PCOS: An update

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    Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a complex endocrine disorder affecting 5-10 % of women of reproductive age. It generally manifests with oligo/anovulatory cycles, hirsutism and polycystic ovaries, together with a considerable prevalence of insulin resistance. Although the aetiology of the syndrome is not completely understood yet, PCOS is considered a multifactorial disorder with various genetic, endocrine and environmental abnormalities. Moreover, PCOS patients have a higher risk of metabolic and cardiovascular diseases and their related morbidity, if compared to the general population

    Plantas com ativos biotecnológicos.

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    A vegetação nativa pode ser vista como um reservatório natural de características a serem incorporadas a programas de melhoramento genético.bitstream/item/158047/1/cadernos-ativos-carolina-ana-valeria.pd

    Serum thyroid hormone evaluation during transition periods in dairy cows

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    Abstract. Thirty-five multiparous Holstein dairy cows were selected from a high-producing dairy farm in northeastern Italy: 16 in second lactation (L2), 10 in third lactation (L3) and 9 in fourth lactation (L4). Blood sampling was carried out 7 ± 5 days before calving (Pre/C) and 7 ± 5 days after calving (Post/C). Serum triiodothyronine (T3), thyroxine (T4) and a thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) were assessed. Two-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) showed statistically significant effects of class (L2, L3, L4) and of period (Pre/C, Post/C) on the parameters studied (T3, T4, TSH). In particular, Bonferroni's multiple comparison test showed lower values in post-calving than in the pre-calving in L2 and L3 for TSH; lower values in post-calving than in the pre-calving in L2 for T3; and lower values in post-calving than in the pre-calving in L2, L3 and L4 for T4. Our results improve the knowledge of endocrine and metabolic changes occurring in dairy cows during transition periods and may be useful to supply a new strategy for the improvement of dairy cow farm management and reproductive performance

    Enterotoxin production by Staphylococcus aureus isolated from mastitic cows.

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    Staphylococcus aureus is an important cause of mastitis in cows. The ability of S. aureus strains to produce one or more enterotoxins in milk and dairy products is linked to staphylococcal food poisoning. To determine whether staphylococci causing bovine mastitis could cause human foodborne intoxication, the production of staphylococcal enterotoxins A through D (SEA, SEB, SEC, and SED) by 160 S. aureus isolates was evaluated with the use of a reverse passive latex agglutination enterotoxin kit. All S. aureus strains were isolated over a 9-month period from 2,343 routine submissions of a composite quarter collection of individual mastitic cows at 18 dairy farms in the San Joaquin Valley in California. Prior to enterotoxin detection, isolates were grown by a method that enhances the in vitro synthesis of enterotoxin. Twenty-two of 160 S. aureus isolates produced enterotoxin. Seven produced SEC, 12 produced SED, and 3 produced both SEC and SED. None of the isolates produced SEA or SEB

    Effect of Coulomb interactions on the physical observables of graphene

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    We give an update of the situation concerning the effect of electron-electron interactions on the physics of a neutral graphene system at low energies. We revise old renormalization group results and the use of 1/N expansion to address questions of the possible opening of a low-energy gap, and the magnitude of the graphene fine structure constant. We emphasize the role of Fermi velocity as the only free parameter determining the transport and electronic properties of the graphene system and revise its renormalization by Coulomb interactions in the light of recent experimental evidence.Comment: Proceedings of the Nobel Symposium on graphene 2010, to appear as a special issue in Physica Script

    Metal-Organic-Framework-based nanofiltration membranes for selective multi-cationic recovery from seawater and brines

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    Nanofiltration (NF) is gaining a role of increasing importance in Zero Liquid Discharge (ZLD)/Minimal Liquid Discharge (MLD) systems, enhancing the efficiency of downstream technologies to recover valuable minerals from seawater and brines. However, often the purity of the recovered minerals does not meet market specifications, making ZLD/MLD currently economically unfeasible. To such end, in this study, a novel positively charged NF membrane was developed to enhance magnesium and calcium selectivity. The membrane comprised: (i) an ultrafiltration substrate and (ii) an active layer that incorporated NH2-MIL-101(Al) and ZnO nanoparticles in a chitosan matrix. The influence of different loadings of NH2-MIL-101(Al) and ZnO on membrane structure, selectivity and water permeability was investigated. Initial filtration tests with single-salt solutions at 1000 ppm (NaCl, Na2SO4, MgCl2, CaCl2) showed that the membrane with 35%wt of ZnO presented the highest rejections of MgCl2 (90.10%) and CaCl2 (86.49%). Selectivity towards MgCl2 and CaCl2 was higher than those of commercial membranes (NF90 and NF270) and the positively charged membranes introduced in recent literature. The novel synthesized membrane in this work was also tested with synthetic seawater and brine at a trans-membrane pressure of 30 bar. Results highlighted the intriguing competitiveness of the novel membrane in terms of magnesium and calcium selectivity with NF90 and NF270 within the field of both seawater and brine valorization

    Abnormal plasticity of sensorimotor circuits extends beyond the affected body part in focal dystonia

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    Objective: To test whether abnormal sensorimotor plasticity in focal hand dystonia is a primary abnormality or is merely a consequence of the dystonic posture. Methods: This study used the paired associative stimulation (PAS) paradigm, an experimental intervention, capable of producing long term potentiation (LTP) like changes in the sensorimotor system in humans. PAS involves transcranial magnetic stimulation combined with median nerve stimulation. 10 patients with cranial and cervical dystonia, who showed no dystonic symptoms in the hand, and nine patients with hemifacial spasm (HFS), a non-dystonic condition, were compared with 10 healthy age matched controls. Motor evoked potential amplitudes and cortical silent period (CSP) duration were measured at baseline before PAS and for up to 60 min (T0, T30 and T60) after PAS in the abductor pollicis brevis and the first dorsal interosseus muscles. Results: Patients with dystonia showed a stronger increase in corticospinal excitability than healthy controls and patients with HFS. In addition, patients with dystonia showed a loss of topographical specificity of PAS induced effects, with a facilitation in both the median and ulnar innervated muscles. While PAS conditioning led to a prolonged CSP in healthy controls and patients with HFS, it had no effect on the duration of the CSP in patients with cranial and cervical dystonia. Conclusion: The data suggests that excessive motor cortex plasticity is not restricted to the circuits clinically affected by dystonia but generalises across the entire sensorimotor system, possibly representing an endophenotypic trait of the disease