3 research outputs found
Parâmetros genéticos da mandioca quanto à tolerância ao deficit hídrico
The objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of drought on genetic parameters and breeding values of cassava. The experiments were carried out in a completely randomized block design with three replicates, under field conditions with (WD) or without (FI) water deficit. Yield of storage roots (RoY), shoot (ShY), and starch (StY), as well as the number of roots (NR), and root dry matter content (DMC) were evaluated in 47 cassava accessions. Significant differences were observed among accessions; according to heritability, these differences had mostly a genetic nature. Heritability estimates for genotypic effects () ranged from 0.25±0.12 (NR) to 0.60±0.18 (DMC), and from 0.51±0.17 (NR) to 0.80±0.21 (RoY and StY) for WD and FI, respectively, as a consequence of greater environmental influence on WD. Selective accuracy was lower in WD, and ranged from 0.71 (NR) to 0.89 (RoY, DMC, and StY). However, genetic gains were quite high and ranged from 24.43% (DMC) to 113.41% (StY), in WD, and from 8.5% (DMC) to 75.70% (StY) in FI. These genetic parameters may be useful for defining which selection strategies, breeding methods, and experimental designs are more suitable to obtain cassava genetic gains for tolerance to drought.O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito do deficit hídrico sobre os parâmetros e os valores genéticos da mandioca. Os experimentos foram realizados em delineamento de blocos ao acaso com três repetições, em campo com (CD) ou sem deficit hídrico (SD). A produtividade de raízes (PR), da parte aérea (PA) e de amido (PAM), assim como o número de raízes (NR) e a massa de matéria seca das raízes (MS) foram avaliados em 47 acessos de mandioca. Observaram-se diferenças significativas entre os acessos; conforme a herdabilidade, estas diferenças foram em sua maioria de natureza genética. As estimativas de herdabilidade dos efeitos genotípicos () variaram de 0,25±0,12 (NR) a 0,60±0,18 (MS) e de 0,51±0,17 (NR) a 0,80±0,21 (PR e PAM) para CD e SD, respectivamente, em decorrência da maior influência ambiental sobre o CD. A acurácia seletiva foi menor no CD, com variação de 0,71 (NR) a 0,89 (PR, MS e PAM). No entanto, os ganhos genéticos foram elevados, de 24,43% (MS) a 113,41% (PAM) no CD, e de 8,5% (MS) a 75,70% (PAM) no SD. Estes parâmetros genéticos podem ser úteis para definir estratégias de seleção, métodos de melhoramento e delineamentos experimentais mais apropriados, para a obtenção de ganhos genéticos em mandioca quanto à tolerância à seca
Genetic parameters for drought-tolerance in cassava
The objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of drought on genetic parameters and breeding values of cassava. The experiments were carried out in a completely randomized block design with three replicates, under field conditions with (WD) or without (FI) water deficit. Yield of storage roots (RoY), shoot (ShY), and starch (StY), as well as the number of roots (NR), and root dry matter content (DMC) were evaluated in 47 cassava accessions. Significant differences were observed among accessions; according to heritability, these differences had mostly a genetic nature. Heritability estimates for genotypic effects () ranged from 0.25±0.12 (NR) to 0.60±0.18 (DMC), and from 0.51±0.17 (NR) to 0.80±0.21 (RoY and StY) for WD and FI, respectively, as a consequence of greater environmental influence on WD. Selective accuracy was lower in WD, and ranged from 0.71 (NR) to 0.89 (RoY, DMC, and StY). However, genetic gains were quite high and ranged from 24.43% (DMC) to 113.41% (StY), in WD, and from 8.5% (DMC) to 75.70% (StY) in FI. These genetic parameters may be useful for defining which selection strategies, breeding methods, and experimental designs are more suitable to obtain cassava genetic gains for tolerance to drought