2,606 research outputs found

    Aplicación de un ciclo de mejora a la asignatura Psicología del Desarrollo en el Grado de Educación Primaria

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    El presente trabajo describe la aplicación de un ciclo de mejora implementado en la asignatura Psicología del Desarrollo, que se imparte en el primer cuatrimestre del primer curso del Grado de Educación Primaria con carácter obligatorio. El objetivo de las actividades planteadas fue contribuir al desarrollo de las competencias de trabajo autónomo y grupal entre el alumnado, así como facilitar la aplicación práctica de los contenidos trabajados y la conexión de los mismos con la práctica profesional. Para ello, se diseñó una secuencia de actividades que incluyó técnicas de trabajo en grupo, análisis reflexivo, estudio de casos y el uso de role playing. La aplicación del ciclo de mejora se realizó durante 6 sesiones de 80 minutos de duración cada una. Los resultados mostraron que las actividades planteadas contribuyeron al aprendizaje significativo entre el alumnado, así como a generar un clima más cooperativo y participativo en clase

    Sistema solar : Conferencia leida en la Sociedad de Ciencias el dia 5 de Diciembre 1901.

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    Copia digital : Diputación de Málaga. Biblioteca Canovas del Castillo, 201

    Co-Management Strategy for the Sustainable use of Coral Reef Resources in the National Natural Park "Corales del Rosario y San Bernardo" in Colombia

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    The National Natural Park "Corales del Rosario y San Bernardo", located in the Caribbean Sea, is one of the most important parks in Colombia since it hosts high biological biodiversity, receives more tourists than any other natural park in the country and provides sustenance to several communities settled in and around it. However, lack of governance and incompatibility of incentives among authorities, communities and visitors threaten its conservation and sustainability. Using experimental economic games with fisherman communities, we tested different rules related with the management of natural resources in the protected area. In addition to standard rules of communication and external regulation, we tested a rule called co-management, in which we explored the complementarities between repeated communication and external non-coercive authority intervention. We also tested inter temporal effects where over extraction (by the group) in a round reduces the availability of resource for next round and, in consequence, increases effort and reduces benefits for fishers. Results confirmed the effectiveness of communication and, to some extent, external regulation. More important than that, co-management treatment exhibit no matter the location of the communities with respect to the park- the best results in terms of sustainable use of the resource. Participants incorporated dynamic implications in their decisions when information asymmetries were overcome, through internal communication or external guidance. These results highlight the importance of resource management designs that recognize communities as key actors in decision making for the sustainable use and conservation of common pool resources in protected areas.Resource /Energy Economics and Policy,

    Does Scarcity Exacerbate the Tragedy of the Commons? Evidence from Fishers´ Experimental Responses

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    Economic Experimental Games (EEGs), focused to analyze dilemmas associated with the use of common pool resources, have shown that individuals make extraction decisions that deviate from the suboptimal Nash equilibrium. However, few studies have analyzed whether these deviations towards the social optimum are affected as the stock of resource changes. Performing EEG with local fishermen, we test the hypothesis that the behavior of participants differs under a situation of abundance versus one of scarcity. Our findings show that under a situation of scarcity, players over-extract agiven resource, and thus make decisions above the Nash equilibrium; in doing so, they obtain less profit, mine the others-regarding interest, and exacerbate the tragedy of the commons. This result challenges previous findings from the EEG literature. Whenindividuals face abundance of a given resource, however, they deviate downward from the prediction of individualistic behavior. The phenomenon of private, inefficient overexploitation is corrected when management strategies are introduced into the game, something that underlines the importance of institutions.tragedy of the commons intensified, economic experimental games,resource abundance, resource scarcity, dynamic effects

    Can Co-Management Improve the Governance of A Common- Pool Resource? Lessons From A Framed Field Experiment in A Marine Protected Area in the Colomb

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    Complexities associated with the management of common pool resources (CPR)threaten governance at some marine protected areas (MPA). In this paper, using economic experimental games (EEG), we investigate the effects of both external regulation and the complementarities between internal regulation and non-coercive authority intervention-what we call co-management-on fishermen´s extraction decisions. We perform EEG with fishermen inhabiting the influence zone of an MPA in the Colombian Caribbean. The results show that co- management exhibits the best results, both in terms of resource sustainability and reduction in extraction, highlighting the importance of strategies that recognize communities as key actors in the decision-making process for the sustainable use and conservation of CPR in protected areas.Common-pool resources, governance, co-management, experimental economic games, fisheries, Latin America

    Does scarcity exacerbate the tragedy of the commons? Evidence from fishers’ experimental responses

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    Economic Experimental Games (EEG) have challenged the theoretical prediction showing that individuals balance own and collective interests when making decisions that deviate away from suboptimal Nash equilibrium. However, few studies have analyzed whether these deviations from Nash equilibrium towards social optimum are affected as the stock of resource changes. Performing EEG with real fishers we test the hypothesis that behavior of participants –measured as relative deviations from Nash equilibrium- differs under a situation of abundance versus a situation of scarcity. The design of our EEG is based on a profit maximization model that incorporates intertemporal effects of aggregated extraction. Our findings show that in a situation of scarcity, players over extract the resource making decisions above the Nash equilibrium, obtaining less profit, mining the others-regarding interest, and exacerbating the tragedy of the commons. This result challenges previous general findings from the EEG literature. When individuals face abundance of the resource, however, they deviate downward from the individualistic and myopic behavior prediction. This phenomenon of private inefficient over exploitation is corrected when management strategies are introduced in the game, which underlines the importance of institutions.Resource /Energy Economics and Policy,

    Direct and indirect influences of objective socioeconomic position on adolescent health: the mediating roles of subjective socioeconomic status and lifestyles

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    The use of composite indices and subjective measures to evaluate socioeconomic position, taking into account the effect of inequalities on adolescent health-related behaviors, can contribute to understanding the effect of inequalities on health during adolescence. The aim of this study was to examine the direct and indirect contribution of objective and subjective socioeconomic factors in a broad range of health and lifestyles outcomes. The data come from a representative sample of adolescents (N = 15,340; M age = 13.69) of the Health Behavior in School-aged Children study in Spain. Structural equation modeling was used for data analysis. A global index for evaluating objective socioeconomic position predicted both health and healthy lifestyles. Subjective socioeconomic status mediated the relationship between objective socioeconomic position and health but did not have a significant effect on healthy lifestyles when objective indicators were considered. Lastly, fit indices of the multiple-mediator model—including the direct effect of objective socioeconomic position on health and its indirect effects through the subjective perception of wealth and lifestyles—explained 28.7% of global health variance. Interventions aimed at reducing the impact of health inequalities should address, in addition to material deprivation, the psychological and behavioral consequences of feeling poor.Consejería de Economía, Innovación y Ciencia de la Junta de Andalucía P11—SEJ—800

    Do Environmental Services Buyers Prefer Differentiated Rates? A Case Study from the Colombian Andes

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    Flat user fees in payment for environmental services (PES) schemes promote administrative ease, and are sometimes perceived as egalitarian. However, when environmental service (ES) buyers are heterogeneous in their income and water consumption levels, this may not be optimal, as total payments become too low and services are under-supplied. This paper identifies ES buyer preferences and estimates their willingness to pay (WTP) differentiated fees in an ongoing PES initiative in an Andean watershed in Colombia. Small, flat user payments have recently been introduced to implement incipient watershed protection upstream. Environmental service users fall into two highly heterogeneous categories: smallholder peasants and owners of recreational houses. We performed a contingent valuation analysis in a representative stratified sample of 218 user households. For improved water services, ES buyers on average were willing to pay a monthly US1premiumovercurrentflatPESrates.OwnersofrecreationalhouseswerewillingtopayaboutUS1 premium over current flat PES rates. Owners of recreational houses were willing to pay about US1.50 more; smallholders only US$0.5. 85% of ES buyers also agree to pay differentiated fees. Of these, 41% would prefer fees differentiated by water consumption, 23% by household income, 30% criteria combination, and 6% by other criteria. Spatial variables, such as distance to the water distribution point and to the town center, importantly influenced WTP. The results may help designing users-driven PES schemes in accordance with efficiency and equity objectives.PES, WTP, environmental services, Colombia, watershed protection.

    P-22 and His Race Against Time

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    Relación entre la sensibilidad cutáneo plantar y el balance dinámico en adultos mayores saludables del sector suroriente de la ciudad de Talca

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    114 p.La información sensorial es fundamental para mantener el balance siendo la sensibilidad cutánea plantar de los miembros inferiores de vital importancia. La falta de ésta es a menudo observada clínicamente en el Adulto Mayor (AM), y puede conducir a una inestabilidad postural, aumentando el riesgo de caer (Meyer, Oddsson, & De Luca, 2004). Sin embargo, no existe evidencia clínica si la severidad de la pérdida sensorial se asocia a una estabilidad postural dinámica (Wang & Lin, 2008). El propósito de este estudio fue investigar el nivel de relación entre la sensación cutánea plantar y el balance dinámico en AM saludables de la comunidad. Se utilizó un Diseño de tipo observacional, de corte transversal, relacional para la investigación, aprobada por el Comité de Bioética del Servicio de Salud Maule. Se reclutó a 74 AM entre 65 y 80 años de ambos géneros, pertenecientes al Centro de Salud Familiar (CESFAM) Carlos Trupp, previa revisión del Examen de Medicina Preventiva del AM (EMPAM). Los que cumplieron con los criterios de inclusión y exclusión, fueron invitados a participar del proyecto explicándoles los objetivos del estudio, se solicitó completar la ficha personal y se procedió a firmar el consentimiento informado. Luego se evaluaron las condiciones de salud generales, se realizó la evaluación del balance dinámico en el Balance System S.D. (BMS, 1999) y se aplicó la prueba de sensibilidad cutánea plantar del pie, a través del test de discriminación táctil de dos puntos. En los resultados se evidenció un aumento de la sensibilidad cutáneo plantar en ambos talones en un índice medio lateral bilateral con tendencia de movimiento del Centro de Presión (COP) hacia el cuadrante D de forma bilateral. Las variables independientes no tienen influencia estadísticamente significativa en la estabilidadpostural. En conclusión, clínicamente los pacientes AM con alteraciones somatosensoriales en la planta del pie, presentan un deterioro del balance postural dinámico asociado a un menor control neuromuscular que aumenta el riesgo de caer