35 research outputs found

    Lifetime effects and satellites in the photoelectron spectrum of tungsten metal

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    Tungsten is an important and versatile transition metal and has a firm place at the heart of many technologies. A popular experimental technique for the characterisation of tungsten and tungsten-based compounds is X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), which enables the assessment of chemical states and electronic structure through the collection of core level and valence band spectra. However, in the case of metallic tungsten, open questions remain regarding the origin, nature, and position of satellite features that are prominent in the photoelectron spectrum. These satellites are a fingerprint of the electronic structure of the material and have not been thoroughly investigated, at times leading to their misinterpretation. The present work combines high-resolution soft and hard X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (SXPS and HAXPES) with reflection electron energy loss spectroscopy (REELS) and a multi-tiered ab-initio theoretical approach, including density functional theory (DFT) and many-body perturbation theory (G0W0 and GW+C), to disentangle the complex set of experimentally observed satellite features attributed to the generation of plasmons and interband transitions. This combined experiment-theory strategy is able to uncover previously undocumented satellite features, improving our understanding of their direct relationship to tungsten's electronic structure. Furthermore, it lays the groundwork for future studies into tungsten based mixed-metal systems and holds promise for the re-assessment of the photoelectron spectra of other transition and post-transition metals, where similar questions regarding satellite features remain

    Traditional microscopy instruction versus process-oriented virtual microscopy instruction: a naturalistic experiment with control group

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Virtual microscopy is being introduced in medical education as an approach for learning how to interpret information in microscopic specimens. It is, however, far from evident how to incorporate its use into existing teaching practice. The aim of the study was to explore the consequences of introducing virtual microscopy tasks into an undergraduate pathology course in an attempt to render the instruction more process-oriented. The research questions were: 1) How is virtual microscopy perceived by students? 2) Does work on virtual microscopy tasks contribute to improvement in performance in microscopic pathology in comparison with attending assistant-led demonstrations only?</p> <p>Method</p> <p>During a one-week period, an experimental group completed three sets of virtual microscopy homework assignments in addition to attending demonstrations. A control group attended the demonstrations only. Performance in microscopic pathology was measured by a pre-test and a post-test. Student perceptions of regular instruction and virtual microscopy were collected one month later by administering the Inventory of Intrinsic Motivation and open-ended questions.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The students voiced an appreciation for virtual microscopy for the purposes of the course and for self-study. As for learning gains, the results indicated that learning was speeded up in a subgroup of students consisting of conscientious high achievers.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The enriched instruction model may be suited as such for elective courses following the basic course. However, the instructional model needs further development to be suited for basic courses.</p

    A Theoretical Analysis of How Segmentation of Dynamic Visualizations Optimizes Students' Learning

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    This article reviews studies investigating segmentation of dynamic visualizations (i.e., showing dynamic visualizations in pieces with pauses in between) and discusses two not mutually exclusive processes that might underlie the effectiveness of segmentation. First, cognitive activities needed for dealing with the transience of dynamic visualizations impose extraneous cognitive load, which may hinder learning. Segmentation may reduce the negative effect of this load by dividing animations into smaller units of information and providing pauses between segments that give students time for the necessary cognitive activities after each of those units of information. Second, event segmentation theory states that people mentally segment dynamic visualizations during perception (i.e., divide the information shown in pieces). Segmentation of dynamic visualisation could cue relevant segments to students, which may aid them in perceiving the structure underlying the process or procedure shown

    Antimicrobial activity against oral pathogens and immunomodulatory effects and toxicity of geopropolis produced by the stingless bee Melipona fasciculata Smith

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Native bees of the tribe Meliponini produce a distinct kind of propolis called geopropolis. Although many pharmacological activities of propolis have already been demonstrated, little is known about geopropolis, particularly regarding its antimicrobial activity against oral pathogens. The present study aimed at investigating the antimicrobial activity of <it>M. fasciculata </it>geopropolis against oral pathogens, its effects on <it>S. mutans </it>biofilms, and the chemical contents of the extracts. A gel prepared with a geopropolis extract was also analyzed for its activity on <it>S. mutans </it>and its immunotoxicological potential.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Antimicrobial activities of three hydroalcoholic extracts (HAEs) of geopropolis, and hexane and chloroform fractions of one extract, were evaluated using the agar diffusion method and the broth dilution technique. Ethanol (70%, v/v) and chlorhexidine (0.12%, w/w) were used as negative and positive controls, respectively. Total phenol and flavonoid concentrations were assayed by spectrophotometry. Immunotoxicity was evaluated in mice by topical application in the oral cavity followed by quantification of biochemical and immunological parameters, and macro-microscopic analysis of animal organs.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Two extracts, HAE-2 and HAE-3, showed inhibition zones ranging from 9 to 13 mm in diameter for <it>S. mutans </it>and <it>C. albicans</it>, but presented no activity against <it>L</it>. <it>acidophilus</it>. The MBCs for HAE-2 and HAE-3 against <it>S. mutans </it>were 6.25 mg/mL and 12.5 mg/mL, respectively. HAE-2 was fractionated, and its chloroform fraction had an MBC of 14.57 mg/mL. HAE-2 also exhibited bactericidal effects on <it>S. mutans </it>biofilms after 3 h of treatment. Significant differences (p < 0.05) in total phenol and flavonoid concentrations were observed among the samples. Signs toxic effects were not observed after application of the geopropolis-based gel, but an increase in the production of IL-4 and IL-10, anti-inflammatory cytokines, was detected.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>In summary, geopropolis produced by <it>M. fasciculata </it>can exert antimicrobial action against <it>S. mutans </it>and <it>C. albicans</it>, with significant inhibitory activity against <it>S. mutans </it>biofilms. The extract with the highest flavonoid concentration, HAE-2, presented the highest antimicrobial activity. In addition, a geopropolis-based gel is not toxic in an animal model and displays anti-inflammatory effect.</p

    An Evolutionary Upgrade of Cognitive Load Theory: Using the Human Motor System and Collaboration to Support the Learning of Complex Cognitive Tasks

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    Cognitive load theory is intended to provide instructional strategies derived from experimental, cognitive load effects. Each effect is based on our knowledge of human cognitive architecture, primarily the limited capacity and duration of a human working memory. These limitations are ameliorated by changes in long-term memory associated with learning. Initially, cognitive load theory's view of human cognitive architecture was assumed to apply to all categories of information. Based on Geary's (Educational Psychologist 43, 179-195 2008; 2011) evolutionary account of educational psychology, this interpretation of human cognitive architecture requires amendment. Working memory limitations may be critical only when acquiring novel information based on culturally important knowledge that we have not specifically evolved to acquire. Cultural knowledge is known as biologically secondary information. Working memory limitations may have reduced significance when acquiring novel

    Unconscious learning processes: mental integration of verbal and pictorial instructional materials

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    Instructional control of cognitive load in the design of complex learning environments.

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    Instructional design theories focus more and more on authentic learning tasks that are based on complex real-life experiences as the driving force for learning. The general assumption of these theories is that providing learners with authentic ‘whole’ tasks helps them to integrate the knowledge, skills, and attitudes necessary for effective task performance, gives them the opportunity to learn to coordinate qualitatively different constituent skills that make up this performance, and eventually enables them to transfer what is learned to their daily life or work settings. However, these complex tasks pose such a high load on the learner’s cognitive system, that it may interfere with efficient learning if the instructional design is not properly aligned with the cognitive architecture. This chapter uses a cognitive load theory oriented perspective to describe the implications of focusing on complex tasks in instructional design for chosing effective instructional methods. First, the importance of inducing germane load for fostering transfer is outlined. Second, instructional methods that aim at balancing the intrinsic and germane load during complex learning are discussed. Finally, the implications of these methods for instructional design theories are clarified on the basis of three instructional design models that aim at complex learning

    The Dilemmas of Formulating Theory-Informed Design Guidelines for a Video Enhanced Rubric for the Formative Assessment of Complex Skills

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    Learners aiming to master a complex skill may benefit from the combina-tion of abstract information found in a text-based analytical rubric and con-crete information provided by a video modeling example. In this paper, we address the design dilemmas of combining video modeling examples and rubrics into a Video Enhanced Rubric. We propose a model to address these design dilemma’s and develop our first prototype based on this model. This first prototype is then reviewed through a two-stage international expert validation session. In the first stage, 20 experts are asked to design a user interface for the Video Enhanced Rubric. In the second stage, 20 experts are asked to perform an expert appraisal of our first prototype. The preliminary results of the expert validation session are subsequently analyzed using Sauli, Cattaneo and van der Meij’s Framework for Developing Instructional Hypervideo to detect common design suggestions. Following the results of the expert validation, we developed a second prototype of the Video En-hanced Rubric. With the design guidelines of a Video Enhanced Rubric, we aim to improve the formative assessment and mastery of complex skills by fostering learner’s mental model development and the quality (consistency, concreteness) of both given as well as received feedback. On a more general note, we expect the design dilemmas addressed in this paper to inform re-searchers who aim to apply theoretical multimedia design guidelines to formative assessment practices with rubrics.We would like to gratefully acknowledge the contribution of the Viewbrics project, that is funded by the practice-oriented research program of the Netherlands Initiative for Education Research (NRO), part of The Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO)