11,712 research outputs found

    Dark matter and neutrino masses in the R-parity violating NMSSM

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    The R-Parity symmetry Violating (RPV) version of the Next-to-Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (NMSSM) is attractive simultaneously with regard to the so-called mu-problem and the accommodation of three-flavor neutrino data at tree level. In this context, we show here that if the Lightest Supersymmetric Particle (LSP) is the gravitino, it possesses a lifetime larger than the age of the universe since its RPV induced decay channels are suppressed by the weak gravitational strength. This conclusion holds if one considers gravitino masses ~ 10^2 GeV like in supergravity scenarios, and is robust if the lightest pseudoscalar Higgs field is as light as ~ 10 GeV [as may occur in the NMSSM]. For these models predicting in particular an RPV neutrino-photino mixing, the gravitino lifetime exceeds the age of the universe by two orders of magnitude. However, we find that the gravitino cannot constitute a viable dark matter candidate since its too large RPV decay widths would then conflict with the flux data of last indirect detection experiments. The cases of a sneutrino LSP or a neutralino LSP as well as the more promising gauge-mediated supersymmetry breaking scenario are also discussed. Both the one-flavor simplification hypothesis and the realistic scenario of three neutrino flavors are analyzed. We have modified the NMHDECAY program to extend the neutralino mass matrix to the present framework.Comment: Latex file, 23 pages, 7 figures. References added and discussion on the indirect detection modifie

    Single superpartner production at Tevatron Run II

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    We study the single productions of supersymmetric particles at Tevatron Run II which occur in the 2→2−body2 \to 2-body processes involving R-parity violating couplings of type \l'_{ijk} L_i Q_j D_k^c. We focus on the single gaugino productions which receive contributions from the resonant slepton productions. We first calculate the amplitudes of the single gaugino productions. Then we perform analyses of the single gaugino productions based on the three charged leptons and like sign dilepton signatures. These analyses allow to probe supersymmetric particles masses beyond the present experimental limits, and many of the \l'_{ijk} coupling constants down to values smaller than the low-energy bounds. Finally, we show that the studies of the single gaugino productions offer the opportunity to reconstruct the χ~10\tilde \chi^0_1, χ~1±\tilde \chi^{\pm}_1, ν~L\tilde \nu_L and l~L±\tilde l^{\pm}_L masses with a good accuracy in a model independent way.Comment: 47 pages, epsfi

    A Formal Account of the Open Provenance Model

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    On the Web, where resources such as documents and data are published, shared, transformed, and republished, provenance is a crucial piece of metadata that would allow users to place their trust in the resources they access. The Open Provenance Model (OPM) is a community data model for provenance that is designed to facilitate the meaningful interchange of provenance information between systems. Underpinning OPM is a notion of directed graph, where nodes represent data products and processes involved in past computations, and edges represent dependencies between them; it is complemented by graphical inference rules allowing new dependencies to be derived. Until now, however, the OPM model was a purely syntactical endeavor. The present paper extends OPM graphs with an explicit distinction between precise and imprecise edges. Then a formal semantics for the thus enriched OPM graphs is proposed, by viewing OPM graphs as temporal theories on the temporal events represented in the graph. The original OPM inference rules are scrutinized in view of the semantics and found to be sound but incomplete. An extended set of graphical rules is provided and proved to be complete for inference. The paper concludes with applications of the formal semantics to inferencing in OPM graphs, operators on OPM graphs, and a formal notion of refinement among OPM graphs

    Grimoires: Grid Registry with Metadata Oriented Interface: Robustness, Efficiency, Security --- Work-in-Progress

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    Grid registries allow users to discover resources made available by Grid resource providers. In this paper, we present our on-going work on a next-generation registry, initially designed as part of the myGrid project and to be part of the OMII Grid software release. Specifically, we discuss the support of semantic service descriptions and task/user-specific metadata, along with related performance and security considerations

    Leniency for Testimony: Hypocrisy Or Judicial Necessity

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    Measurement of Indeterminacy in Packings of Perfectly Rigid Disks

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    Static packings of perfectly rigid particles are investigated theoretically and numerically. The problem of finding the contact forces in such packings is formulated mathematically. Letting the values of the contact forces define a vector in a high-dimensional space enable us to show that the set of all possible contact forces is convex, facilitating its numerical exploration. It is also found that the boundary of the set is connected with the presence of sliding contacts, suggesting that a stable packing should not have more than 2M-3N sliding contacts in two dimensions, where M is the number of contacts and N is the number of particles. These results were used to analyze packings generated in different ways by either molecular dynamics or contact dynamics simulations. The dimension of the set of possible forces and the number of sliding contacts agrees with the theoretical expectations. The indeterminacy of each component of the contact forces are found, as well as the an estimate for the diameter of the set of possible contact forces. We also show that contacts with high indeterminacy are located on force chains. The question of whether the simulation methods can represent a packing's memory of its formation is addressed.Comment: 12 pages, 13 figures, submitted to Phys Rev

    Intestinal absorption of macromolecules during viral enteritis: an experimental study on rotavirus-infected conventional and germ-free mice.

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    Epithelial transport and degradation of horseradish peroxidase (HRP), a macromolecular tracer, was studied in conventional and germ-free suckling mice following an experimental infection with rotavirus. Conventional and germ-free mice developed diarrhea from days 2 to 8 postinfection (pi), with growth failure. In mucosal homogenates, infectious virus detected by immunofluorescence on MA 104 cells was present from day 2 through day 8 pi in germ-free mice, but persisted longer (day 13 pi) in conventional mice. Only mild histological lesions were observed during diarrhea, but obvious macrovacuolation of epithelial cells and increased cellular density occurred during the convalescence period (days 9 to 13 pi). Intact and degraded HRP fluxes from mucosa to serosa were measured in vitro on segments of jejunum mounted in Ussing chambers. Both groups of mice developed increased HRP permeability during the experimental period, but at different times after inoculation: during the diarrheal period (days 2 and 3 pi) conventional mouse epithelium absorbed five times more HRP than noninfected controls and during the convalescence period (days 9 to 13 pi) HRP absorption in germ-free mice rose 10-fold as compared to its level before infection. In both cases, this increase in HRP permeability was entirely due to an increase in intact HRP absorption, probably via a transcellular route, and occurred without any alteration in degraded HRP transport. These results indicate that in mice, rotavirus infection causes a transient rise in gut permeability to undegraded proteins. The intestinal microflora seems to affect the timing, magnitude, and duration of this increased permeability
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