470 research outputs found
The Old Order Changeth
America is truly a new world. Four hundred years ago the Indian ruled the length and breadth of the land. From the Atlantic to the Pacific, from the frozen plains of the north land to the tropical seas, he roamed unmolested, his actions restricted only by stronger tribes with which he came in contact. The great region which he possessed contained the most varied, the most valuable and the most magnificent forests to be found in the world. the extent of the vast virgin forests in area and in volume of merchantable timber can only be approximated. The timbered portion of our country is thought to have comprised 850 million acres, and the stand upwards of 5,000 billion feet, board measure
The Root of Empire: Botany, British Imperialism, & Early American Encounters with Ginseng, 1738-1784
Recent historical scholarship has emphasized the link between the emergence of botanical science and British imperial expansion. However, this research has generally neglected the contribution that plants from the colder climates of Britain’s American colonies made to the country’s imperial interests. A key moment in this unfolding relationship between botany and imperialism was the discovery of ginseng, a flowering plant whose root was renowned for its medicinal properties, in Pennsylvania in 1738. Drawing on the transatlantic correspondence of eighteenth-century botanists, this article reveals how ginseng was turned from a botanical oddity to a plant that would shape the trajectory of British imperialism. The discovery of ginseng set off a frenzy to gather the plant and offered imperial Britain something it could find nowhere else: a good that Chinese traders, who long occupied a privileged position in global trade, would pay for with silver. Over time, the trade in ginseng would grow and help stem the outflow of silver currency to Chinese markets, strengthening Britain’s position economically and contributing to the remaking of the capitalist world system along British lines
A Summer on the Arapho
The forestry at Ames includes in its curriculum a summer quarter of 12 weeks held away from the college, usually in the forest region of the north, or in the west. During this period such subjects are taught as cannot be satisfactory handled in the class room, or laboratories on the campus. Experience along practical forestry lines is attained in its fullest extent in the great out-of-door laboratories of the mountains, streams, lakes and forests, and in the mills and factories which transform the great masses of inert wood into useful articles of commerce
Utilization Problems on the Ozark National Forest
The problems which have confronted the administrative officers of the Ozark National Forest have been numerous and varied. In the handling of most of them definite policies have been followed and results have been very satisfactory. The fire situation is well in hand. The erection of numerous observation towers, well located, and the conviction of some of the chief offenders have had a very decided effect in descreasing the acreage burned over each year. The settlement of claims cases; the administration of the Forest Homestead act; free use; special use; and other problems, which on Western Forests are simply routine, because of the peculiar nature of the people living within the boundaries of the Ozarks National Forest, require a high degree of tact and skill
Logging Shortleaf Pine in Arkansas
Arkansas- is one of the foremost states of the Union in lumber production. Until recently the material produced was largely yellow pine, principally shortleaf and loblolly. Many tracts of pine have been cut over, and several mills of considerable size have been dismantled
The Old Order Changeth; The Attitude of the Country Toward Its Timber Resources
America is truly a new world. Four hundred years ago tile Indian ruled the length and breadth of the land. From tile Atlantic to the Pacific, from the frozen plains of the northland to the tropical seas, he roamed unmolested, his actions restricted only by stronger tribes with which he came in contact. The great region which he possessed contained the most varied, the most valuable and the most magnificent forests to be found in the world. The extent of the vast virgin forests in area and in volume of merchantable timber can only be approximated. The timbered portion of our country is thought to have comprised 850 million acres, and the stand upwards of 5,000 billion feet, board measure
Paul Bunyan: An Authentic Account of his Prehistoric Activities
Paul Bunyan is as old as the earth itself. His activities on this terrestrial ball antedate those of any other living being. Bunyan\u27s life has been an open book to foresters and woodsmen since the dawn of history. It was generally believed that Paul, his blue ox Babe, and Ills faithful Crew, roamed the earth long ages before the usual run of mankind, commonly known as the public, had lost their tails and had a lick of` sense, but it could not be definitely proved. It had almost been proved on many occasions, but there was always that something about the story which savored of fiction which finally carried it out of the realm of absolute fact
Tecnologias digitais e estratégias educacionais: um incentivo aos docentes do município de Pau Brasil – BA
Trabalho apresentado no II Congresso Nacional do PROJETO RONDON, realizado em Florianópolis, SC, no período de 23 a 25 de setembro de 2015 - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina.Este artigo trata-se de um relato de experiência sobre uma oficina desenvolvida com docentes do município de Pau Brasil – Ba numa Operação do Projeto Rondon Regional. Teve como objetivo discutir com os professores os benefícios das tecnologias digitais no conteúdo pedagógico, e estimula-los a utilizarem o laboratório de informática do Programa Nacional de Tecnologia Educacional (ProInfo) nas suas atividades acadêmicas. Foram realizadas três rodas de conversas sobre a necessidade do professor se familiarizar com as tecnologias digitais, certo que, elas auxiliam no fazer interdisciplinar. Ao final da atividade observou-se interesse dos docentes sobre a temática, haja vista, questionamentos, anseios e curiosidade sobre como relacionar a web com o conteúdo pedagógico. Decerto, tecnologias só tem valor pedagógico se forem levadas para sala de aula em concomitância com os conteúdos, compreendendo que tal iniciativa ajuda a desenvolver nos alunos habilidades que os capacitarão para atuar com mais assertividade no mercado de trabalho
Subvertendo padrões de gênero na docência
Resenha de "Lésbicas e Professoras: O Gênero na Docência", livro de Patrícia Daniela Maciel, editado em 2018 (Ed. Appris). 
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