615 research outputs found

    Formation of correlations and energy-conservation at short time scales

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    The formation of correlations due to collisions in an interacting nucleonic system is investigated. Results from one-time kinetic equations are compared with the Kadanoff and Baym two-time equation with collisions included in Born approximation. A reasonable agreement is found for a proposed approximation of the memory effects by a finite duration of collisions. This form of collision integral is in agreement with intuitive estimates from Fermi's golden rule. The formation of correlations and the build up time is calculated analytically for the high temperature and the low temperature limit. Different approximate expressions are compared with the numerical results. We present analytically the time dependent interaction energy and the formation time for Gau\ss{}- and Yukawa type of potentials.Comment: Europ. Lournal Physics A accepte

    Correlations in Many-Body Systems with Two-time Green's Functions

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    The Kadanoff-Baym (KB) equations are solved numerically for infinite nuclear matter. In particular we calculate correlation energies and correlation times. Approximating the Green's functions in the KB collision kernel by the free Green's functions the Levinson equation is obtained. This approximation is valid for weak interactions and/or low densities. It relates to the extended quasi-classical approximation for the spectral function. Comparing the Levinson, Born and KB calculations allows for an estimate of higher order spectral corrections to the correlations. A decrease in binding energy is reported due to spectral correlations and off-shell parts in the reduced density matrix

    Dynamical mechanism of antifreeze proteins to prevent ice growth

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    The fascinating ability of algae, insects and fishes to survive at temperatures below normal freezing is realized by antifreeze proteins (AFPs). These are surface-active molecules and interact with the diffusive water/ice interface thus preventing complete solidification. We propose a new dynamical mechanism on how these proteins inhibit the freezing of water. We apply a Ginzburg-Landau type approach to describe the phase separation in the two-component system (ice, AFP). The free energy density involves two fields: one for the ice phase with a low AFP concentration, and one for liquid water with a high AFP concentration. The time evolution of the ice reveals microstructures resulting from phase separation in the presence of AFPs. We observed a faster clustering of pre-ice structure connected to a locking of grain size by the action of AFP, which is an essentially dynamical process. The adsorption of additional water molecules is inhibited and the further growth of ice grains stopped. The interfacial energy between ice and water is lowered allowing the AFPs to form smaller critical ice nuclei. Similar to a hysteresis in magnetic materials we observe a thermodynamic hysteresis leading to a nonlinear density dependence of the freezing point depression in agreement with the experiments

    Conductivity in quasi two-dimensional systems

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    The conductivity in quasi two-dimensional systems is calculated using the quantum kinetic equation. Linearizing the Lenard-Balescu collision integral with the extension to include external field dependences allows one to calculate the conductivity with diagrams beyond the GW approximation including maximally crossed lines. Consequently the weak localization correction as an interference effect appears here from the field dependence of the collision integral (the latter dependence sometimes called intra-collisional field effect). It is shown that this weak localization correction has the same origin as the Debye-Onsager relaxation effect in plasma physics. The approximation is applied to a system of quasi two-dimensional electrons in hetero-junctions which interact with charged and neutral impurities and the low temperature correction to the conductivity is calculated analytically. It turns out that the dynamical screening due to charged impurities leads to a linear temperature dependence, while the scattering from neutral impurities leads to the usual Fermi-liquid behavior. By considering an appropriate mass action law to determine the ratio of charged to neutral impurities we can describe the experimental metal-insulator transition at low temperatures as a Mott-Hubbard transition.Comment: 7 pages 7 pages appendix 11 figure

    Phase diagram for interacting Bose gases

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    We propose a new form of the inversion method in terms of a selfenergy expansion to access the phase diagram of the Bose-Einstein transition. The dependence of the critical temperature on the interaction parameter is calculated. This is discussed with the help of a new condition for Bose-Einstein condensation in interacting systems which follows from the pole of the T-matrix in the same way as from the divergence of the medium-dependent scattering length. A many-body approximation consisting of screened ladder diagrams is proposed which describes the Monte Carlo data more appropriately. The specific results are that a non-selfconsistent T-matrix leads to a linear coefficient in leading order of 4.7, the screened ladder approximation to 2.3, and the selfconsistent T-matrix due to the effective mass to a coefficient of 1.3 close to the Monte Carlo data

    Effective mass in quasi two-dimensional systems

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    The effective mass of the quasiparticle excitations in quasi two-dimensional systems is calculated analytically. It is shown that the effective mass increases sharply when the density approaches the critical one of metal-insulator transition. This suggests a Mott type of transition rather than an Anderson like transition.Comment: 3 pages 3 figure

    In-medium two-nucleon properties in high electric fields

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    The quantum mechanical two - particle problem is considered in hot dense nuclear matter under the influence of a strong electric field such as the field of the residual nucleus in heavy - ion reactions. A generalized Galitskii-Bethe-Salpeter equation is derived and solved which includes retardation and field effects. Compared with the in-medium properties in the zero-field case, bound states are turned into resonances and the scattering phase shifts are modified. Four effects are observed due to the applied field: (i) A suppression of the Pauli-blocking below nuclear matter densities, (ii) the onset of pairing occurs already at higher temperatures due to the field, (iii) a field dependent finite lifetime of deuterons and (iv) the imaginary part of the quasiparticle self-energy changes its sign for special values of density and temperatures indicating a phase instability. The latter effect may influence the fragmentation processes. The lifetime of deuterons in a strong Coulomb field is given explicitly.Comment: ps file + 7 figures (eps

    Electronic transport properties through thiophenes on switchable domains

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    The electronic transport of electrons and holes through stacks of α\alpha,\ome ga-dicyano-β\beta,β\beta'-dibutyl- quaterthiophene (DCNDBQT) as part of a nov el organic ferroic field-effect transistor (OFFET) is investigated. The novel ap plication of a ferroelectric instead of a dielectric substrate provides the poss ibility to switch bit-wise the ferroelectric domains and to employ the polarizat ion of these domains as a gate field in an organic semiconductor. A device conta ining very thin DCNDBQT films of around 20 nm thickness is intended to be suitab le for logical as well as optical applications. We investigate the device proper ties with the help of a phenomenological model called multilayer organic light-e mitting diodes (MOLED), which was extended to transverse fields. The results sho wed, that space charge and image charge effects play a crucial role in these org anic devices

    Enhancement of pairing due to the presence of resonant cavities

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    A correlated fermion system is considered surrounding a finite cavity with virtual levels. The pairing properties are calculated and the influence of the cavity is demonstrated. To this end the Gell-Mann and Goldberger formula is generalized to many-body systems. We find a possible enhancement of pairing temperature if the Fermi momentum times the cavity radius fulfills a certain resonance condition which suggests an experimental realization.Comment: 4 pages 2 figure