24 research outputs found

    ValidaciĂłn de escala de calidad, valor percibido, futura intenciĂłn de prĂĄctica y satisfacciĂłn de la actividad chĂĄrter enfocada al desarrollo de los negocios naĂșticos

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    © 2023. This document is made available under the CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0 license http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ This document is the Published version that appeared in final form in Journal of Sport and Health Reserarch. To access the final edited and published work see https://doi.org/10.58727/jshr.98612The quality of the touristic and sports services as the nautical charter requires a careful treatment and analysis due to the economic impact that it represents in the sector in general, and moreover in Balearic Islands, which is a reflection of tourism and recreation globally. Through a questionnare, which has into account four measure factors, 185 users of charter companies during the summer season from different nationalities, ages and genders were surveyed. The objective was to verify its meassure validity for users of these services. The figures obtained by the adjustement and error rate were successful, same as every value obtained in the estimation of the scale’s fiability and its convergent and discriminant validity. This questionnare will provide a general view of the users’ opinion in conection with sport.La calidad de los servicios turĂ­sticos y deportivos como el chĂĄrter nĂĄutico requiere un tratamiento y anĂĄlisis cuidadoso debido al impacto econĂłmico que representa en el sector en general, mĂĄxime en las Islas Baleares, donde es un reflejo del turismo y la recreaciĂłn a nivel mundial. A travĂ©s de un cuestionario, que tiene en cuenta cuatro factores de medida, se encuestĂł a 185 usuarios de compañías chĂĄrter durante la temporada de verano de diferentes nacionalidades, edades y gĂ©neros. El objetivo era verificar su validez de medida para los usuarios de estos servicios. Las cifras obtenidas por el ajuste y la tasa de error fueron exitosas, igual que cada valor obtenido en la estimaciĂłn de la confiabilidad de la escala y su validez convergente y discriminante. Este cuestionario proporcionarĂĄ una visiĂłn general de la opiniĂłn de los usuarios en relaciĂłn con el deporte

    Levels of Sustainability Awareness in Spanish University Students of Nautical Activities as Future Managers of Sports and Active Tourism Programmes

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    © 2023 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (https:// creativecommons.org/licenses/by/ 4.0/).Abstract: University students will play an important role in making decisions that will affect the environment, as future leaders of our society. Their level of sensitivity and environmental knowledge will play an important role in adequately facing future challenges. This article aims to measure the sustainability awareness of a sample of future graduates in Physical Activity and Sport Sciences in Spain. The literature supports that the sensitivity of these students can be estimated by using the Spanish adaptation of the SCQ-S. This allows for establishing the level of knowledge, attitudes and behaviour pertaining to sustainability in three dimensions: environmental, social and economic. The sample consisted of 170 students (58.8% males; 41.2% females) with a mean age of 20.5 years (±4.039). The overall Cronbach’s alpha showed a fairly good value (α = 0.836). The same was true for the Kaiser–Meyer–Olkin test values (KMO = 0.816) and Bartlett’s sphericity test (p < 0.001). The knowledge construct (4.56 ± 0.53) was the highest descriptive, followed by attitude (4.12 ± 0.59). The lowest value was behaviour (3.79 ± 0.66). By gender, girls obtained the highest sensitivity indexes. In addition, the place of habitual residence and physical activity in the natural environment were related to the overall behaviour of the university students. It is concluded that being in active contact with the natural environment allows us to have a higher level of awareness

    Calidad de liderazgo en la formaciĂłn inicial

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    The aim of the article is to identify the kind of leadership in first-year students in the Degree of Sport and Exercise Sciences, who will become leaders of human team-groups. The sample is constitute by 112 students; 76 (67.9 %) are men and 36 (32.1 %) are women. The spanish version of Cuestionario de Liderazgo Multifactorial was provided to them. The results show a greatest idealized influence (attribution) with the average of 2.86, while the Laissez Faire behavior got 1.29 which can be categorize as merely symbolic. It determines that the sample students use preferably the transformational model, closely followed by the transactional one. The later fact will have an effect on the human team-groups they could lead, answering then, to the rising organizational contexts that mainly demand actions-qualities-attributes to be present in this model.  El objetivo del artículo es identificar el estilo de liderazgo de los alumnos de primer curso de Grado en Ciencias de la Actividad Física y Deporte, futuros líderes de grupos-equipos humanos. La muestra estå formada por 112 alumnos, de los que 76 (67,9%) son hombres y 36 (32,1%) mujeres. Se administró la versión española del Cuestionario de Liderazgo Multifactorial. Los resultados muestran una mayor influencia idealizada (atribución) con una media de 2,86, mientras que la conducta Laissez Faire obtuvo unos valores casi testimoniales de 1,29 puntos.  Determinar que los alumnos de la muestra utilizan preferentemente el modelo transformacional, seguido muy de cerca por el transaccional. Este hecho repercutirå positivamente en los grupos-equipos humanos que puedan dirigir, respondiendo así, a los emergentes contextos organizativos que demandan principalmente acciones-cualidades-atributos presentes en dicho modelo

    SatisfacciĂłn del usuario de turismo naĂștico en la actividad charter a vela y motor como propuesta alternativa

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    The aim of this work was to analyze the quality of nautical charter services in the Balearic Islands by means of a previously validated questionnaire that measures four measurement factors. We surveyed 185 users of different nationalities, ages and gender, users of different companies dedicated to the sector between July and August. The results showed that there were no significant differences by age groups for each of the factors, but that in general the most important was satisfaction. Likewise satisfaction and perceived value were directly related to future practice intentions.El objetivo de este trabajo fue analizar la calidad de los servicios chårter nåuticos en las islas baleares mediante un cuestionario previamente validado que dimensiona cuatro factores de medición. Se encuestaron 185 usuarios de diferentes nacionalidades, edades y género, usuarios de distintas empresas dedicadas al sector entre los meses de Julio y Agosto. Los resultados mostraron que no había diferencias significativas por grupos de edad para cada uno de los factores pero que el que en términos globales el que mås importancia mostraba era el de satisfacción. Del mismo modo la satisfacción y el valor percibido mostraban relación directa con las intenciones de pråctica futuras

    Relationship of indicators of ability and experience of military sports skydiving with the psychological state and performance in competition of elite jumpers

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    © 2018: Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Murcia. This document is made available under the CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 license http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/ This document is the Accepted version of a Published Work that appeared in final form in Cuadernos de PsicologĂ­a del Deporte.Se deben considerar mĂșltiples variables cuando se habla de rendimiento deportivo. Entre ellas, la literatura establece la importancia de la psicologĂ­a y las tĂ©cnicas indicadoras de la experiencia adquirida en la disciplina. Este estudio pretende establecer la relaciĂłn entre determinados constructos que definen el perfil psicolĂłgico del deportista con indicadores de habilidad en paracaidismo militar. Para ello, se encuestĂł a 42 saltadores de 40,86 años (±7,35) pertenecientes al ejĂ©rcito español y a la guardia civil durante la celebraciĂłn del Campeonato Nacional Militar de paracaidismo que se celebra anualmente, para conocer su nivel de optimismo, resiliencia, bienestar psicolĂłgico y burnout. Se concluye que los años de experiencia en paracaidismo y el nĂșmero de saltos, como indicadores de habilidad, deben ser tomados en cuenta con un mayor nivel de concreciĂłn y especificidad, ya que ciertas variables psicolĂłgicas pueden aumentar o disminuir dependiendo de ellas. Conviene estudiar cada caso en particular para comprender quĂ© puede ocurrir en el estado del paracaidista y desarrollar estrategias para optimizar el rendimiento deportivo.Multiple variables must be considered when talking about sports performance. Among them, the literature estblishes the importance of psychology and indicator techniques of experience acquired in the discipline. This study aims to establish the relationship between certain constructs that define the psychological profile of the athlete with skill indicators in military parachuting. For this, 42 jumpers aged 40.86 years old (±7.35) belonging to the Spanish army and the civil guard during the celebration of the National Military Championship of Skydiving which is held annually surveyed to know their level of optimism, resilience, psychological well-being, and burnout. It is concluded that the years of skydiving experience and the number of jumps, as indicators of skill, must be taken into account with a higher level of concreteness and specificity since certain psychological variables can increase or decrease depending on them. It is convenient to study each case, in particular, to understand what can happen in the state of the parachutist and develop strategies for optimizing sports performance.MĂșltiplas variĂĄveis devem ser consideradas quando se fala em desempenho desportivo. Eentre eles, a literatura estabelece a importĂąncia da psicologia e das tĂ©cnicas indicadoras da experiĂȘncia adquirida na disciplina. Este estudo visa estabelecer a relação entre determinados constructos que definem o perfil psicolĂłgico do atleta com indicadores de habilidade no paraquedismo militar. Para tal, foram inquiridos 42 saltadores com 40,86 anos (±7,35) pertencentes ao exĂ©rcito espanhol e Ă  guarda civil durante a celebração do Campeonato Nacional Militar de paraquedismo que se realiza anualmente para conhecer o seu nĂ­vel de optimismo, resiliĂȘncia, bem-estar psicolĂłgico e esgotamento. Conclui-se que os anos de experiĂȘncia em paraquedismo e o nĂșmero de saltos, como indicadores de habilidade, devem ser levados em consideração com maior grau de especificidade, pois certas variĂĄveis psicolĂłgicas podem aumentar ou diminuir. É conveniente estudar cada caso em articular para entender o que pode acontecer no estado do paraquedista e desenvolver estratĂ©gias para otimizar o desempenho esportivo

    Trends and outcome of neoadjuvant treatment for rectal cancer: A retrospective analysis and critical assessment of a 10-year prospective national registry on behalf of the Spanish Rectal Cancer Project

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    Introduction: Preoperative treatment and adequate surgery increase local control in rectal cancer. However, modalities and indications for neoadjuvant treatment may be controversial. Aim of this study was to assess the trends of preoperative treatment and outcomes in patients with rectal cancer included in the Rectal Cancer Registry of the Spanish Associations of Surgeons. Method: This is a STROBE-compliant retrospective analysis of a prospective database. All patients operated on with curative intention included in the Rectal Cancer Registry were included. Analyses were performed to compare the use of neoadjuvant/adjuvant treatment in three timeframes: I)2006–2009; II)2010–2013; III)2014–2017. Survival analyses were run for 3-year survival in timeframes I-II. Results: Out of 14, 391 patients, 8871 (61.6%) received neoadjuvant treatment. Long-course chemo/radiotherapy was the most used approach (79.9%), followed by short-course radiotherapy ± chemotherapy (7.6%). The use of neoadjuvant treatment for cancer of the upper third (15-11 cm) increased over time (31.5%vs 34.5%vs 38.6%, p = 0.0018). The complete regression rate slightly increased over time (15.6% vs 16% vs 18.5%; p = 0.0093); the proportion of patients with involved circumferential resection margins (CRM) went down from 8.2% to 7.3%and 5.5% (p = 0.0004). Neoadjuvant treatment significantly decreased positive CRM in lower third tumors (OR 0.71, 0.59–0.87, Cochrane-Mantel-Haenszel P = 0.0008). Most ypN0 patients also received adjuvant therapy. In MR-defined stage III patients, preoperative treatment was associated with significantly longer local-recurrence-free survival (p < 0.0001), and cancer-specific survival (p < 0.0001). The survival benefit was smaller in upper third cancers. Conclusion: There was an increasing trend and a potential overuse of neoadjuvant treatment in cancer of the upper rectum. Most ypN0 patients received postoperative treatment. Involvement of CRM in lower third tumors was reduced after neoadjuvant treatment. Stage III and MRcN + benefited the most

    Outcomes from elective colorectal cancer surgery during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic

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    This study aimed to describe the change in surgical practice and the impact of SARS-CoV-2 on mortality after surgical resection of colorectal cancer during the initial phases of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic

    Perfil antropométrico y somatotipo de regatistas del equipo preolímpico español de vela

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    The aim of this study was to describe the anthropometric characteristics and somatotype of sailors from different classes, who were part of the Spanish Preolympic Sailing Team between the years 2006 and 2014. The study included 50 Spanish sailors from the Spanish Preolympic Sailing Team. The following data were recorded: weight, height, skin folds, circumferences of arm, thigh and calf, diameters of the humerus, femur and wrist. Regarding the fat percentage, the girls had around 16-20% and 10-18 % boys. The mean somatotype of the sailors was mesomorph, apart from the Laser Radial class that leaned to endomorphic values. The conclusion is that there is an ideal anthropometric and somatotype profile in each class of ship listing, and it also depends on the position occupied by the sailor on the ship, hence the sailors who come to this ideal are more likely to succeed.El objetivo de este trabajo fue describir las caracterĂ­sticas antropomĂ©tricas y somatotipo de los regatistas de diferentes clases, que formaron parte del Equipo PreolĂ­mpico Español de Vela entre los años 2006 y 2014. En el estudio participaron 50 regatistas del Equipo PreolĂ­mpico Español, se registraron los siguientes datos: peso, talla, pliegues cutĂĄneos, perĂ­metros de brazo, muslo y gemelo, diĂĄmetros del hĂșmero, muñeca y fĂ©mur. Respecto al porcentaje graso, las chicas han estado alrededor de 16-20% y los chicos entre 10-18%. El somatotipo medio de los regatistas fue mesomorfo exceptuando la clase Laser Radial que se inclinĂł hacia valores endomĂłrficos. La conclusiĂłn es que existe un perfil ideal antropomĂ©trico y de somatotipo, en cada clase de barco y tambiĂ©n dependiendo de la posiciĂłn que ocupe el regatista en el barco, por lo que los regatistas que se acerquen a ese ideal tendrĂĄn mĂĄs posibilidades de Ă©xito

    Influence of the Psychomotor Profile in the Improvement of Learning in Early Childhood Education

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    © 2021. This manuscript version is made available under the CC-BY-4.0 license http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ This document is the Published Manuscript version of a Published Work that appeared in final form in International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. To access the final edited and published work see https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph182312655The development of psychomotor skills in childhood enables children to organise the outside world through their bodies, contributing to their intellectual, affective, and social development. The present study aimed to longitudinally evaluate the psychomotor profile, throughout three academic years, of 3, 4 and 5-year-olds belonging to the second cycle of infant school, relating it descriptively to academic performance. The sample consisted of 82 subjects aged between 3 and 6 years throughout the study. The distribution of the sample was homogeneous, with 47.6% boys (n = 39) and 52.4% girls (n = 43). The results not only highlight the importance of the development and stimulation of motor skills from an early age for the overall development of the child, butalso, when related to previous studies, show how they influence the development of human beings in adulthood