154 research outputs found

    Slow fashion and sustainability in Spain: How can local manufacturing improve sustainability and how do consumers respond?

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    "Slow Fashion" attempts to offset the demand for fast fashion and mass production (Fletcher, 2007). Consumers' response to sustainability-based practices is a limited discourse and studies for slow fashion concept are scarce. This study thus aims to enlighten the subject of how slow fashion concept could improve local economies and how Spanish consumers respond to such initiatives. This paper is based on an exploratory qualitative research for which focus group interviews including three group discussions with Spanish consumers were held. The data was examined by constant comparison analysis to present consumer insights. Moreover, a case study was conducted with a Spanish apparel brand. Saint Brissant was chosen since it manufactures in Spain to (i) ensure its products? high quality and (ii) to empower Spanish economy. This paper provides empirical insights. Even though local manufacturing was perceived to have a higher quality, Spanish consumers? behavioural intentions of using local brands were not high.Self-interest, mainly price and design, was recorded as the most influential purchase criteria. Furthermore, Saint Brissant case demonstrated that local manufacturing could boost local economies by creating workforce. However, governmental subsidies should be rearranged and consumers? perceptions should be improved to support local manufacturers in Spain

    How Can Local Manufacturing Improve Economic Sustainability? Saint Brissant: a case study of local manufacturing in Spain

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    Fast-fashion retailers and mass production dominate the fashion and apparel industry. Increased globalization, labor intensity and outsourcing to developing countries are fostering the interest in sustainability within the industry. There is a growth of a new movement attempting to offset the demand for fast fashion, "Slow Fashion" movement. Slow fashion is not time-based but quality-based approach in which designers, buyers, retailers and consumers are more aware of the impacts on workers, communities and ecosystems (Fletcher 2007). European Union has also some critical targets to reach by 2020. Spain, specifically, has to meet some requirements in terms of economy and sustainability. This exploratory study analyzed how slow fashion concept, precisely manufacturing locally, could improve economic development. Local manufacturing, its impact on economic development and the challenges of Spanish market are illustrated through a case study of one Spanish fashion brand, Saint Brissant

    Simulación numérica de elementos estructurales de hormigón armado de alta resistencia sometidos a explosiones

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    En los últimos años ha crecido el interés por el uso del hormigón de alta resistencia en la construcción de estructuras resistentes a explosiones y de elementos de protección frente a impactos y explosiones. En el presente trabajo se analiza la capacidad de los modelos numéricos existentes a la hora de reproducir resultados experimentales obtenidos sobre hormigones de alta resistencia sometidos a cargas explosivas y cargas estáticas. Para ello se emplea una campaña experimental desarrollada por la Agencia de Defensa de Suecia sobre vigas de este material. Los resultados obtenidos demuestran la capacidad de las herramientas numéricas para reproducir adecuadamente el comportamiento del hormigón si bien, paradójicamente, proporcionan mejores resultados en régimen dinámico que en régimen estático. Las simulaciones numéricas, junto con el análisis de los resultados experimentales, permiten obtener conclusiones acerca del diferente comportamiento de los elementos estructurales sometidos a altas velocidades de deformación frente a su comportamiento en régimen estático

    Analysis of the Fracture of Reinforced Concrete Flat Elements Subjected to Explosions. Experimental Procedure and Numerical Validation

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    Many of the material models most frequently used for the numerical simulation of the behavior of concrete when subjected to high strain rates have been originally developed for the simulation of ballistic impact. Therefore, they are plasticity-based models in which the compressive behavior is modeled in a complex way, while their tensile failure criterion is of a rather simpler nature. As concrete elements usually fail in tensión when subjected to blast loading, available concrete material models for high strain rates may not represent accurately their real behavior. In this research work an experimental program of reinforced concrete fíat elements subjected to blast load is presented. Altogether four detonation tests are conducted, in which 12 slabs of two different concrete types are subjected to the same blast load. The results of the experimental program are then used for the development and adjustment of numerical tools needed in the modeling of concrete elements subjected to blast

    Does family matter? A study of parents’ influence on the entrepreneurial intention of technical degrees students in Spain

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    The purpose of this study is to verify the parental influence on the entrepreneurial intention of technical degrees students in Spain. In an economic crisis context such as the one Spain is currently suffering, entrepreneurship is often regarded as an opportunity for productivity increase and wealth generation, especially if it is technology-based. Therefore, the research of factors that may determine young engineers’ attitude towards entrepreneurship is of great interest. Special attention is paid to parents’ role as knowledge transferors, as their experience may have a positive effect on the entrepreneurial intention of their children

    Sustainability and the Sharing Economy: Modelling the Interconnections

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    Advances in technology have led to the rise of sharing economy, which has become a strong competitor for capitalist companies in various fields. In addition to the economic aspects of such phenomenon, the activities of the sharing economy can have social and environmental impacts, which brings sustainability pillars into mind. In this paper, based on the system thinking approach, a causal loop diagram that is a part of system dynamics modelling is applied for visualizing the relationships between sharing economy and sustainability pillars. The reinforcing and balancing loops modelled show the dynamics in the system, which help decision makers to gain a deeper and more accurate understanding of the current and potential future mutual interactions between the sharing economy and sustainability

    Importancia de los modelos de conducta en la intención emprendedora en estudiantes de ingeniería = The importance of role models for the entrepreneurial intention of technical degrees students

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    El emprendimiento de base tecnológica es un tema crítico para la generación de crecimiento económico, por lo que conocer los determinantes de la intención emprendedora de estudiantes de universidades técnicas adquiere una especial relevancia. En este estudio se analiza la importancia de los modelos de conducta en la intención emprendedora entre los estudiantes de carreras técnicas. Los resultados muestran que los estudiantes de padres empresarios tienen una intención emprendedora superior a la media, mientras que los de hijos de padres funcionarios están por debajo de ella. Igualmente, la ausencia de modelos de conducta emprendedora en el entorno cercano disminuye la intención emprendedora, mientras que la ausencia de funcionarios no la hace aumentar

    Sustainable business models through the lens of organizational design: a systematic literature review

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    The interest in sustainable business models has grown rapidly in recent years. Although some progress has been made in identifying this concept and making the practices more sustainable, little is known about the organizational design that is most appropriate for creating new business models or implementing changes in existing ones towards a sustainability approach. This paper presents a review of sustainable business models in terms of the key factors that influence firm design based on organization theory. We retrieved 394 Journal Citation Reports papers from the WoK and Scopus databases, identifying 19 papers that have addressed the interplay between both constructs. We used the Galbraith Star Model to analyze the selected papers. We discuss three key findings for the cross-fertilization of both literatures: (i) the extension of the design elements outside the firm boundaries at the inter-organizational and ecosystem levels; (ii) the emphasis on certain design elements (strategy, process, people, structure) rather than others (rewards); and (iii) the use of the organizational design construct as a tactic tool for strategy execution of the sustainable business model. We also present theoretical and practical implications for the use and further development of this framework, as well as future avenues of research

    Influencia de la velocidad de deformación en el modo de rotura de vigas de hormigón armado de alta resistencia

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    Gran parte de los edificios e infraestructuras que son susceptibles de ser objeto de un atentado terrorista están sustentados por una estructura portante de hormigón armado. El comportamiento de estructuras de hormigón armado está bien caracterizado ante solicitaciones estáticas, por el contrario, existen todavía incertidumbres sobre el comportamiento ante cargas impulsivas como la que provoca una explosión. Por este motivo en este trabajo se estudia un mismo esquema estructural ante dos solicitaciones de distinta velocidad de deformación, con el objeto de comprobar su influencia en el modo de fallo de la estructura. Se parte de una campaña experimental desarrollada por la Agencia de Defensa de Suecia sobre vigas de hormigón armado de alta resistencia, a partir de la cual se desarrollan estudios analíticos y simulaciones numéricas. Se comprueba que ante carga impulsiva las vigas tienen una resistencia mayor que ante carga estática, si bien con cuantías altas de armado pueden presentarse modos de fallo frágiles, lo que debe ser tenido en cuenta en el diseño de estructuras de hormigón armado para que sean seguras ante explosiones