6 research outputs found

    Towards meaningful quantification of glomalin-related soil protein (GRSP) taking account of interference in the Coomassie Blue (Bradford) assay

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    International audienceGlomalin-related soil protein (GRSP), an operationally defined fraction of soil organic matter containing protein and various other components, is usually quantified using the colorimetric non-specific Bradford method. This method is limited by a short working range, a non-linear response and interference from co‐extracted compounds. These limitations hinder the exact quantification of the protein component. The aim of this study was to investigate the source of interference in the Bradford quantification of GRSP and propose several methodological improvements based on identified interferences. The easily extractable and total GRSP in five topsoils with contrasting texture, organic carbon content and land use were compared. Results showed that: (i) the extent of interference varied between different soils, (ii) the standard addition method overestimated the extent of inhibition, (iii) absorbance should be corrected for colour, (iv) use of the ratio of absorbances at 595 and 465 nm, A595/A465, is not recommended because it is sensitive to pH and dilution‐dependent absorbance at 465 nm, (v) although a quadratic fit to the protein calibration curve was better than the linear fit, it was not possible for the dilution method and (vi) estimation of protein content from the dilution curve of the soil extract appeared to be suitable as it integrates the often observed, and hitherto unexplained, effect of dilution on the calculated protein content of soil extracts and avoids artefacts because of the choice of protein spike and dilution

    Assessment of methodologies for the quantification of Glomalin Related Soil Proteins (GRSP): Identification of interferences and methodological improvements

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    Community level physiological profiles (CLPP) performed by the MicroResp method are reliable ecological indicators to assess soil microbial functional diversity. Functional diversity provides a great insight to microbial roles in ecosystems, and it is regulated among others, by soil physicochemical properties. The application of biochar or wood ash to forest soils is often employed to improve soil structure and soil hydraulic properties, increase soil organic matter stocks, neutralise acidity and restore nutrients. We hypothesized that addition of new carbon sources (biochar and wood ashes) may induce a change in the microbial functional diversity. Two experimental sites were established on acidic soils: one on a loamy soil (SOC% 3.9; pH: 4.8) and another on a sandy loam soil (SOC% 10.8; pH: 3.8). CLPP were performed using MicroResp system in surface (0-5 cm) soil samples. The carbon sources used were selected on the basis of their ecological relevance to the soil microbial community. CLLP data of each experimental site was ordinated by principal component analysis. The first two ordination axes (explaining more than 70% of the variance) were selected and their relation with soil hydraulic and nutritional properties, soil structure and microbial biomass carbon was analysed. The major findings of this study may be summarised as follows: a) In the short term, a shift in the microbial substrate use profile for wood ash and biochar additions was not observed, b) the soil microbial community responded most strongly to the addition of carboxylic acids and carbohydrates in both experimental sites, and c) in the loamy soil the first axis of the PCA was related with pH and the second one to the mean weight diameter of soil aggregates, and in the sandy-loam site, the first axis was related to the available water content and the second one to the mean pore diamete

    Wood ash and biochar addition to forests do not shift soil microbial functional diversity in the short term

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    Community level physiological profiles (CLPP) performed by the MicroResp method are reliable ecological indicators to assess soil microbial functional diversity. Functional diversity provides a great insight to microbial roles in ecosystems, and it is regulated among others, by soil physicochemical properties. The application of biochar or wood ash to forest soils is often employed to improve soil structure and soil hydraulic properties, increase soil organic matter stocks, neutralise acidity and restore nutrients. We hypothesized that addition of new carbon sources (biochar and wood ashes) may induce a change in the microbial functional diversity. Two experimental sites were established on acidic soils: one on a loamy soil (SOC% 3.9; pH: 4.8) and another on a sandy loam soil (SOC% 10.8; pH: 3.8). CLPP were performed using MicroResp system in surface (0-5 cm) soil samples. The carbon sources used were selected on the basis of their ecological relevance to the soil microbial community. CLLP data of each experimental site was ordinated by principal component analysis. The first two ordination axes (explaining more than 70% of the variance) were selected and their relation with soil hydraulic and nutritional properties, soil structure and microbial biomass carbon was analysed. The major findings of this study may be summarised as follows: a) In the short term, a shift in the microbial substrate use profile for wood ash and biochar additions was not observed, b) the soil microbial community responded most strongly to the addition of carboxylic acids and carbohydrates in both experimental sites, and c) in the loamy soil the first axis of the PCA was related with pH and the second one to the mean weight diameter of soil aggregates, and in the sandy-loam site, the first axis was related to the available water content and the second one to the mean pore diameter

    Red para la innovaciĂłn en la selvicultura y los sistemas de integraciĂłn de riesgos en la gestiĂłn forestal

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    La forĂȘt, en plus de ses fonctions Ă©conomiques reconnues par tous les acteurs du milieu rural tels que le dĂ©veloppement de l'emploi rural et le marchĂ© local du bois pour la transformation ou pour l'Ă©nergie, rend de nombreux autres services. Cependant, de multiples risques sont identifiables et doivent ĂȘtre gĂ©rĂ©s dans et pourront Ă©ventuellement ĂȘtre aggravĂ©s par les changements climatiques: futures sĂ©cheresses favorables aux pathogĂšnes et ravageurs ainsi qu'Ă  la propagation des incendies, et le risque de la modification du vent. Le projet FORRISK se focalisera ainsi sur les risques en forĂȘt dont l'intensitĂ© est modulĂ©e par le changement climatique. L'histoire des forĂȘts du sud de l'Europe nous rappelle que pour de nombreux problĂšmes, une approche seulement nationale n'a pas de sens. C'est-Ă -dire, les risques concernĂ©s, les rĂ©ponses Ă  apporter peuvent ĂȘtre soit au niveau technique soit au niveau de l'organisation des institutions. Pour cette raison, FORRISK vise Ă  coordonner et mettre en rĂ©seau trois communautĂ©s diffĂ©rentes que sont les acteurs politiques, les gestionnaires et les scientifiques, dans le but d'obtenir que la gestion des risques soit partie intĂ©grante des dĂ©cisions prises Ă  tous les niveaux du secteur forestier. Cela permettra d'initier une plateforme europĂ©enne sur les risques forestiers en facilitant des recommandations et des informations pertinentes Ă  tous les niveaux. Pour y parvenir, le projet analysera et comparera les outils institutionnels, les systĂšmes et organisations liĂ©s Ă  la gestion de risques dans les rĂ©gions Ă©tudiĂ©es. Ensuite, FORRISK dĂ©veloppera sur le terrain des techniques de lutte Ă©cologique, gĂ©nĂ©tique et sylvicole, dont les rĂ©sultats feront l'objet de guides de bonne pratique. Les outils produits consisteront Ă  des cartes de risques Ă  l'Ă©chelle rĂ©gionale ou subrĂ©gionale, ainsi que Ă  des modĂšles informatiques permettant de faire des diagnostics sur le terrain et de modĂ©liser la propagation du fomĂšs dans les peuplements de pin maritime. Ainsi, dĂ©cideurs politiques, gestionnaires et scientifiques auront entre leurs mains des outils adaptĂ©s Ă  la gestion de nombreux risques menaçant la forĂȘt dans leurs rĂ©gions

    FORRISK. RĂ©seau pour l’innovation dans les sylvicultures et les systĂšmes de gestion intĂ©grĂ©e des risques de forĂȘt

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    La forĂȘt, en plus de ses fonctions Ă©conomiques reconnues par tous les acteurs du milieu rural tels que le dĂ©veloppement de l'emploi rural et le marchĂ© local du bois pour la transformation ou pour l'Ă©nergie, rend de nombreux autres services. Cependant, de multiples risques sont identifiables et doivent ĂȘtre gĂ©rĂ©s dans et pourront Ă©ventuellement ĂȘtre aggravĂ©s par les changements climatiques: futures sĂ©cheresses favorables aux pathogĂšnes et ravageurs ainsi qu'Ă  la propagation des incendies, et le risque de la modification du vent. Le projet FORRISK se focalisera ainsi sur les risques en forĂȘt dont l'intensitĂ© est modulĂ©e par le changement climatique. L'histoire des forĂȘts du sud de l'Europe nous rappelle que pour de nombreux problĂšmes, une approche seulement nationale n'a pas de sens. C'est-Ă -dire, les risques concernĂ©s, les rĂ©ponses Ă  apporter peuvent ĂȘtre soit au niveau technique soit au niveau de l'organisation des institutions. Pour cette raison, FORRISK vise Ă  coordonner et mettre en rĂ©seau trois communautĂ©s diffĂ©rentes que sont les acteurs politiques, les gestionnaires et les scientifiques, dans le but d'obtenir que la gestion des risques soit partie intĂ©grante des dĂ©cisions prises Ă  tous les niveaux du secteur forestier. Cela permettra d'initier une plateforme europĂ©enne sur les risques forestiers en facilitant des recommandations et des informations pertinentes Ă  tous les niveaux. Pour y parvenir, le projet analysera et comparera les outils institutionnels, les systĂšmes et organisations liĂ©s Ă  la gestion de risques dans les rĂ©gions Ă©tudiĂ©es. Ensuite, FORRISK dĂ©veloppera sur le terrain des techniques de lutte Ă©cologique, gĂ©nĂ©tique et sylvicole, dont les rĂ©sultats feront l'objet de guides de bonne pratique. Les outils produits consisteront Ă  des cartes de risques Ă  l'Ă©chelle rĂ©gionale ou subrĂ©gionale, ainsi que Ă  des modĂšles informatiques permettant de faire des diagnostics sur le terrain et de modĂ©liser la propagation du fomĂšs dans les peuplements de pin maritime. Ainsi, dĂ©cideurs politiques, gestionnaires et scientifiques auront entre leurs mains des outils adaptĂ©s Ă  la gestion de nombreux risques menaçant la forĂȘt dans leurs rĂ©gions