25 research outputs found

    Topically applied vitamin C increases the density of dermal papillae in aged human skin

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    BACKGROUND: The influence of ageing on the density of the functional entities of the papillae containing nutritive capillaries, here in terms as the papillary index, and the effect of topically applied vitamin C were investigated by confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM) in vivo. METHODS: The age dependency of the papillary index was determined by CLSM on 3 different age groups. Additionally, we determined the effect of a topical cream containing 3% vitamin C against the vehicle alone using daily applications for four months on the volar forearm of 33 women. RESULTS: There were significant decreases in the papillary index showing a clear dependency on age. Topical vitamin C resulted in a significant increase of the density of dermal papillae from 4 weeks onward compared to its vehicle. Reproducibility was determined in repeated studies. CONCLUSIONS: Vitamin C has the potential to enhance the density of dermal papillae, perhaps through the mechanism of angiogenesis. Topical vitamin C may have therapeutical effects for partial corrections of the regressive structural changes associated with the aging process

    Reelaborando o viver: o papel do grupo no cotidiano de mulheres idosas Rediseñando el vivir: el papel de los grupos en el cotidiano de mujeres ancianas Redrawing the living: the role of groups in the quotidian of elderly women

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    Objetiva-se compreender a motivação que impulsiona mulheres idosas a procurarem grupos de convivência, analisar e pontuar a apreensão de estratégias que contribuam para a reelaboração e reinvenção de saberes e fazeres em seus cotidianos. Estudo descritivo-exploratório com abordagem qualitativa realizado durante o primeiro semestre de 2007, com 14 mulheres de 60 anos ou mais, participantes há mais de 1 ano do grupo de convivência para idosos denominado Projeto Gugu, ofertado na cidade de Niterói/RJ. O trabalho de campo efetivou-se por meio de observação participante e de entrevistas. Os dados gerados possibilitaram a produção de categorias que expressam a significância do grupo como cenário de redimensionamento do processo de envelhecimento, de resgate e ampliação da sociabilidade e de vínculos afetivos. Conclui-se que cenários como o estudado podem recriar formas de conceber e viver o envelhecimento, tornando-o ativo e alargando a possibilidade de inclusão social.<br>El objetivo es comprender la motivación que impulsa a las mujeres mayores a buscar grupos de apoyo, analizar y puntuar la toma de estrategias que contribuyan a la reconversión y la reinvención de conocimientos y prácticas en sus vidas cotidianas. Estudio descriptivo-exploratorio con enfoque cualitativo realizado durante el primer semestre de 2007, con 14 mujeres de 60 años o más, participantes de más de 1 año de grupo de apoyo para la tercera edad llamado Proyecto Gugu, ofrecido en la ciudad de Niterói, RJ. El trabajo de campo se llevó a cabo a través de la observación participante y entrevistas. Los datos obtenidos permitieron la producción de las categorías que expresan la importancia del grupo como una configuración para redimensionar el proceso de envejecimiento, de recuperación y expansión de la sociabilidad y lazos afectivos. Concluye-se que, los escenarios estudiados pueden volver a crear formas de diseño y el envejecimiento, lo que activa y amplía la posibilidad de la inclusión social.<br>It aims to understand the motivation that drives elderly women to seek support groups, analyze and score the seizure of strategies that contribute to the redevelopment and reinvention of knowledge and practices in their daily lives. A descriptive and exploratory qualitative approach performed during the first half of 2007, with 14 women aged 60 years or more, participants for more than 1 year of support group for seniors called Project Gugu, offered in the city of Niterói, RJ. The field work was accomplished through participant observation and interviews. Data generated enabled the production of categories that express the significance of the group as a setting for resizing of the aging process, of recovery and expansion of sociability and bonds. It is concluded that as the scenarios studied can recreate forms of design and the aging, making it active and expanding the possibility of social inclusion

    Rede de suporte social do idoso atendido por equipes de Saúde da Família Social support networks for elderly patients attended by Family Health teams

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    O envelhecimento tem especificidades marcadas pela posição de classe de indivíduos e grupos sociais, assim como pela cultura, política, condições socioeconômicas e sanitárias das coletividades. No atendimento às necessidades específicas dos idosos, os sistemas de suporte social são essenciais. O objetivo deste artigo é descrever o perfil sociodemográfico e a rede de suporte social do idoso assistido pela Estratégia Saúde da Família. Trata-se de um estudo transversal com idosos residentes em Dourados (MS). Utilizou-se questionário sociodemográfico e Mapa Mínimo de Relações do Idoso (MMRI). Foram entrevistados 503 idosos: 69,0% são do sexo feminino, 53,1% são analfabetos, 58,3% têm renda per capita inferior a um salário mínimo e 82,9% moram acompanhados. O MMRI destacou a família como maior provedora de cuidados em todas as dimensões avaliadas, mas os idosos possuem redes sociais pequenas. Os idosos assistidos pelas ESF têm baixa renda e escolaridade, e possuem uma rede de suporte social pequena para atender às suas necessidades.<br>The aging process has specific aspects marked by the class of individuals and social groups as well as cultural, political, socio-economic and sanitary conditions of the collective groups. Social support systems are essential for meeting the specific needs of the elderly. The aim of this paper is to describe the socio-demographic profile and the social support networks of elderly patients served by the Family Health Strategy. It's a cross-sectional study with elderly patients living in Dourados, in the state of Mato Grosso do Sul (Brazil). Data were collected using a socio-demographic questionnaire and a Minimum Relationships Map for the Elderly (MMRI). Of the 503 elderly patients interviewed, 69% were female, 53.1% were illiterate, 58.3% earned less than one minimum salary and 82.9% lived with others. The MMRI showed that the family was the most important provider of care in all the dimensions assessed, but the elderly have their own small social networks. Elderly patients attended by the Family Health teams have low incomes and little formal education, and social support networks that are too small to meet their needs

    Antivirals for influenza-like illness? A randomized Controlled trial of Clinical and Cost effectiveness in primary CarE (ALIC4E): The ALIC4E Protocol

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    Introduction: Effective management of seasonal and pandemic influenza is a high priority internationally. Guidelines in many countries recommend antiviral treatment for older people and individuals with co-morbidity at increased risk of complications. However, antivirals are not often prescribed in primary care in Europe, partly because its clinical and cost effectiveness has been insufficiently demonstrated by non-industry funded and pragmatic studies. Methods and analysis: ALIC4E is a European multi-national, multi-centre, open-labelled, non-industry funded, pragmatic, adaptive-platform, randomised controlled trial (RCT). Initial trial arms will be best usual primary care, and best usual primary care plus treatment with oseltamivir for five days. We aim to recruit at least 2500 participants ≥1 year old presenting with influenza-like illness (ILI), with symptom duration ≤72 hours in primary care over three consecutive periods of confirmed high influenza incidence. Participant outcomes will be followed-up to 28 days by diary and telephone. The primary objective is to determine whether adding antiviral treatment to best usual primary care is effective in reducing time to return to usual daily activity with fever, head- and muscle-ache reduced to minor severity or less. Secondary objectives include estimating cost-effectiveness; benefits in subgroups according to age (&lt;12, 12-64, &gt;64 years), severity of symptoms at presentation (low, medium, high), comorbidity (yes/no), and duration of symptoms (≤48hours/&gt;48-72 hours); complications (hospital admission and pneumonia); use of additional prescribed medication including antibiotics, and; use of over-the-counter medicines and self-management of ILI symptoms. Ethics and dissemination: Research ethics committee (REC) approval was granted by the NRES Committee South Central (Oxford B) and Clinical Trial Authority (CTA) approval by The Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency. All participating countries gained national REC and CTA approval as required. Dissemination of results will be through peer reviewed scientific journals and conference presentations.</p

    Antivirals for influenza-like illness? A randomized Controlled trial of Clinical and Cost effectiveness in primary CarE (ALIC4E): The ALIC4E Protocol

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    Introduction: Effective management of seasonal and pandemic influenza is a high priority internationally. Guidelines in many countries recommend antiviral treatment for older people and individuals with co-morbidity at increased risk of complications. However, antivirals are not often prescribed in primary care in Europe, partly because its clinical and cost effectiveness has been insufficiently demonstrated by non-industry funded and pragmatic studies. Methods and analysis: ALIC4E is a European multi-national, multi-centre, open-labelled, non-industry funded, pragmatic, adaptive-platform, randomised controlled trial (RCT). Initial trial arms will be best usual primary care, and best usual primary care plus treatment with oseltamivir for five days. We aim to recruit at least 2500 participants ≥1 year old presenting with influenza-like illness (ILI), with symptom duration ≤72 hours in primary care over three consecutive periods of confirmed high influenza incidence. Participant outcomes will be followed-up to 28 days by diary and telephone. The primary objective is to determine whether adding antiviral treatment to best usual primary care is effective in reducing time to return to usual daily activity with fever, head- and muscle-ache reduced to minor severity or less. Secondary objectives include estimating cost-effectiveness; benefits in subgroups according to age (&lt;12, 12-64, &gt;64 years), severity of symptoms at presentation (low, medium, high), comorbidity (yes/no), and duration of symptoms (≤48hours/&gt;48-72 hours); complications (hospital admission and pneumonia); use of additional prescribed medication including antibiotics, and; use of over-the-counter medicines and self-management of ILI symptoms. Ethics and dissemination: Research ethics committee (REC) approval was granted by the NRES Committee South Central (Oxford B) and Clinical Trial Authority (CTA) approval by The Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency. All participating countries gained national REC and CTA approval as required. Dissemination of results will be through peer reviewed scientific journals and conference presentations.</p