6,972 research outputs found

    The pasta phase within density dependent hadronic models

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    In the present paper we investigate the onset of the pasta phase with different parametrisations of the density dependent hadronic model and compare the results with one of the usual parametrisation of the non-linear Walecka model. The influence of the scalar-isovector virtual delta meson is shown. At zero temperature two different methods are used, one based on coexistent phases and the other on the Thomas-Fermi approximation. At finite temperature only the coexistence phases method is used. npe matter with fixed proton fractions and in beta-equilibrium are studied. We compare our results with restrictions imposed on the the values of the density and pressure at the inner edge of the crust, obtained from observations of the Vela pulsar and recent isospin diffusion data from heavy-ion reactions, and with predictions from spinodal calculations.Comment: 15 pages, 11 figures and 7 table

    Germinação in vitro de embriões do híbrido dendezeiro (E. guineensis) x caiaué (E. oleifera).

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi testar condições para a germinação in vitro dos embriões híbridos

    Alternativas para incremento da produção ovina no Sul do Brasil.

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    Apresenta diagnóstico sucinto da exploração ovina nos estados do Rio Grande do Sul, Santa Catarina e Paraná, com interpretação resumida no ambiente externo. Na parte referente a Produção Tecnológica, além de abordar diretamente alguns aspectos limitantes a maior produtividade da espécie, tais como aqueles referentes ao meio ambiente/sistemas de exploração ou aqueles associados a capacidade gênica dos indivíduos, apresenta algumas soluções/sugestões para incrementar a exploração ovina. Procurou-se compilar as informações sob o enfoque de produção animal, relacionando os pontos de maior impacto para a produção primária e registrando "uma memória" dos problemas ainda carentes de pesquisa técnico-científica.bitstream/item/110626/1/ALTERNATIVAS-PARA-INCREMENTO.pd

    Consumo dos nutrientes em caprinos alimentados com dietas contendo bagaço de caju desidratado (Anacardium occidentale L.).

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    Foram avaliados os consumos de nutrientes em dietas contendo bagaço de caju desidratado (BCD) em diferentes níveis de inclusão. O experimento foi conduzido nas dependências do Núcleo de Pesquisas em Forragicultura do Departamento de Zootecnia da Universidade Federal do Ceará. Utilizaram-se doze caprinos com peso vivo inicial de 18,2 kg, distribuídos num delineamento inteiramente casualizado com quatro tratamentos e seis repetições no tempo. As inclusões de bagaço de caju nas dietas foram de 18, 36, 46 e 72%. A estimativa da produção fecal foi avaliada por coleta total. Os consumos de todos os nutrientes avaliados aumentaram (P<0,01) linearmente com a inclusão do BCD às dietas. Somente o maior nível de inclusão (72%) atendeu aos requisitos do NRC (2007) para consumo de matéria seca, enquanto os consumos de proteína bruta foram atendidos parcialmente nos níveis acima de 18% de inclusão e totalmente em 72%. Foram encontrados valores de 199,19 a 440,04g FDN/dia para 18 e 72% de inclusão, respectivamente

    In vitro rescue of interspecific embryos from Elaeis guineensis x E. oleifera (Arecaceae).

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    The African oil palm (Elaeis guineensis) is the most effective oil producer in tons per hectare. Nevertheless, its increasing cultivation in Latin America is harmed by the lethal yellowing. Genetic resistance to this anomaly can be found in the germplasm of American oil palm or caiaué (E. oleifera), a native species from the Amazon rainforest. However, the procedures adopted to induce seeds of E. guineensis to germination frequently result mild for interespecific hybrids. Embryo in vitro cultivation can be a viable option. This work was aimed initially to test liquid MS medium supplemented with different glucose or sucrose concentrations for the in vitro cultivation of zygotic embryos from E. guineensis x E. oleifera controlled pollinations. Additionally we investigated different compost mixtures to acclimatize the regenerated hybrid plantlets. Concentrations of 10, 20 and 30g/L of both sugars were tested on flasks containing five mature zygotic embryos, with 15 repetitions per treatment in a total of 450 explants. The number of embryos displaying shoots and radicles at least 2mm in length per experimental unit was evaluated during phase one of in vitro cultivation. Plantlets displaying shoots and radicles were transferred to phase two of in vitro cultivation and subsequently to acclimatization, under 70% shading with manual water supply. The experiments of acclimatization were conducted with 130 plantlets randomly distributed in pure horticultural compost, 3:1 or 1:1 compost:sand mixtures and each plantlet was defined as an experimental unit. Data were submitted to ANOVA, t test and analyzes of correlation (p?0.05). Highest emergence rates were 97% for shoots and 73% for radicles, observed in MS medium supplemented with 20g/L (110mM) of glucose. This sugar in concentrations of 20 or 30g/L provided balanced shoot/root development, and this was considered one of the reasons for the higher frequency of plantlet establishment. The survival percentage was 55% after the first 43 days of acclimatization and by the fourth month, 66 plants developed simultaneously longer shoot and root systems in pure horticultural compost. In conclusion, radicle development was an impairment to plantlet establishment and was overcame under media with glucose above 110mM. Acclimatization could benefit from an extended period of in vitro development

    In vitro rescue of interspecific embryos from Elaeis guineensis x E. oleifera (Arecaceae).

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    This work was aimed initially to test liquid MS medium supplemented with different glucose or sucrose concentrations for the in vitro cultivation of zygotic embryos from E. guineensis x E. oleifera controlled pollinations. Additionally we investigated different compost mixtures to acclimatize the regenerated hybrid plantlets

    Morfogênese de Trachypogon plumosus Submetido à Calagem e Adubação Fosfatada.

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