124 research outputs found

    Optimization of a solar air heater with phase change materials: Experimental and ‎numerical study

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    In this paper, a solar air heater (SAH) with phase change material (PCM)-based energy storage is ‎investigated. Paraffin was placed underneath the absorber plate as the PCM. A transient two-‎dimensional laminar model was used in the Ansys Fluent 17 software to study the effects of different ‎parameters on the performance of the SAH, such as the air mass flow rate, the amount of paraffin, and ‎the thermal conductivity of the paraffin. The performance of the SAH was optimized by considering ‎two objectives simultaneously: thermal energy efficiency and maximum nocturnal temperature ‎difference between the inlet and the outlet of the SAH. To validate the numerical model, a SAH with ‎a 2-cm paraffin layer and the same dimensions as the numerical model was built and tested. The ‎results of the simulation showed good agreement with the experimental results.

    Carrier multipath mitigation in linear combinations of Global Navigation Satellite Systems measurements

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    Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) are the main systems that provide positioning, navigation and timing at a global level. They are being used in numerous applications in different sectors including transport, military, oil & gas, agriculture as well as location based services. A significant number of these applications require centimetre-level positioning accuracy, a challenging feat due to the many error sources that affect GNSS measurements. These include errors at the satellite, propagation medium, and receiver levels. Most of these errors can be mitigated by modeling, or by exploiting their spatial and temporal correlation characteristics. However, multipath errors, which result from the combination of the direct signal with reflected signals in the vicinity of the receiver antenna, are difficult to model and therefore, difficult to mitigate. Furthermore, high accuracy positioning applications typically rely on linear combinations of measurements at different frequencies (e.g. L1 and L2 in the case of the Global Positioning System) to mitigate frequency-dependent errors such as ionospheric errors (i.e. ionosphere free combination) or otherwise facilitate position calculation (e.g. Wide Lane observable). The multipath errors associated with such combinations are significantly larger than those of individual signals. The dependency of the multipath error on the environment and its low level in single frequency measurements (i.e. up to quarter of wavelength) makes modelling and mitigating it very difficult. Current techniques attempt to mitigate multipath errors for measurements at each individual frequency, independently of the error at other frequencies, even when linear combinations of measurements are used. The literature review carried out in this thesis has drawn three main conclusions regarding carrier multipath mitigation. Firstly, existing carrier multipath mitigation techniques are inaccurate, impractical or not effective. Secondly most of the practical techniques attempt to mitigate the error by de-weighting the measurements which are most prone to the multipath error (i.e measurement at low elevation). Thirdly, existing weighting techniques are oversimplified and do not reflect the error level accurately. In this research and for the first time, carrier multipath errors have been studied directly at the linear combination level. This is by exploiting the dispersive nature of multipath errors in order to model and correct them. New carrier multipath mitigation techniques applicable to linear combinations of measurements have been developed in this thesis on the basis of a new error model and a new observable referred to as the IFM (Inter-Frequency carrier Multipath). The IFM is computed from carrier phase measurements at two different frequencies, and corresponds to the combined multipath errors of those signals. In addition to multipath mitigation, this observable has various other applications. The well-defined relationship between the IFM and carrier multipath errors is used in this thesis to develop multipath mitigation techniques based on two approaches: multipath correction and measurement weighting. The new mitigation techniques are applicable to linear combinations of observations such as Wide Lane (WL) and Ionosphere Free (IF) carrier phase measurements in double differenced mode. The new multipath mitigation techniques have been validated using real data and the results compared with those obtained using the elevation weighting technique. The results show that the new methods developed in this thesis improve the mean error of horizontal position by up to 33% when using the IF combination. The results also show improvements of up to 78% in the time it takes to resolve ambiguities when using the WL combination.Open Acces

    Comparison between 1-D and grey-box models of a SOFC

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    Solid Oxide Fuel Cells (SOFCs) have shown unique performance in terms of greater electrical efficiency and thermochemical integrity with the power systems compared to gas turbines and internal combustion engines. Nonetheless, simple and reliable models still must be defined. In this paper, a comparison between a grey-box model and a 1-D model of a SOFC is performed to understand the impact of the heat transfer inside the cell on the internal temperature distribution of the solid electrolyte. Hence, a significant internal temperature peak of the solid electrolyte is observed for a known difference between anode and cathode inlet temperatures. Indeed, it highlights the difference between the 1-D model and the grey-box model regarding the thermal conditioning of the SOFC. Therefore, the results of this study can be used to investigate the reliability of the thermal results of box models in system-level simulations

    Survey of Magneto-tactic Properties of Escherichia coli Under Static Magnetic Fields

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    Some of the microorganisms such as Escherichia coli have the ability to migrate to areas in which the intensity of magnetic fields (MFs) is higher, which is called magnetotactic properties. Magnetotaxis is a process implemented by a group of gram-negative bacteria that involves orienting and coordinating movement in response to magnetic fields. This study was conducted to investigate these properties of Escherichia coli in laboratory conditions. By means of coated wires (30 rounds) placed in two parts of the reactor (with five zones and a volume of 250 mL) and direct current (DC), an intensity of 0.18 mT for 42 minutes has been prepared. The most probable number of E. coli per 100 mL (MPN/100 mL) in each zone of the reactor, before and after exposure, was estimated. According to the results of this study, E. coli has magnetotactic properties, and the mean density of these bacteria in higher MFs (0.18 mT) is higher compared to the other zones in the reactor

    Exploration of methods for using SACADA data to estimate HEPs: Final Report

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    This report provides summary of the project "Exploration of methods for using SACADA data to estimate HEPs." The goal of the project was to conduct exploratory research on how to use the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission's SACADA (Scenario, Authoring, Characterization, and Debriefing Application) database to develop an algorithm for estimating human error probabilities (HEPs). The approach used by the University of Maryland SyRRA lab uses a combination of Bayesian statistical methods and Bayesian Network models to conduct data analysis on SACADA data and to construct hybrid models informed by both data and engineering models. The end results provided various algorithms for mapping and binning SACADA data to be used within HEP estimation, and demonstrated a variety of options which create a framework for streamlined updating of HEPs as the amount and variety of SACADA data increases. This report summarizes the project's major accomplishments, and gathers the abstracts and references for the publication submissions and reports that were prepared as part of this work
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