9 research outputs found

    The State and Development Prospects of Goat Production in the World

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    Goats are the most popular animals in the world and goat meat and milk consumption are most widely distributed in the world. Goats are popular with small holders because of their efficient conversion of feed into edible and high-quality meat, milk and hide. Goats are also used as holistic tools for land vegetation management and fire fuel load control. With proper grazing management, goats can eliminate noxious weeds, restore native grasses and prevent fires through fuel load reduction. In the world the number of goats is increasing. However, when it comes to growing goats, the conditions prevailing today are fairly complex. Problems and prospects vary by region, which consequently have different cultural and economic implications. Both global and regional approaches to livestock farming are important from the economic aspect of developed and developing nations. Rapidly increasing goat populations in developing countries point to the goat assisting in solving some of the needs created by the rising human population. Goat farming in Europe also has a more positive outlook after nearly a century of a negative reputation. Dairy-goat farming is significant to the economies of the Mediterranean countries. Dairy goats produce about 15.2 million metric tons (MT) of milk, accounting for about 2% of the world total amount of milk produced by livestock species. The developing countries produce approximately 83% of the total amount. In Europe, goat breeding is strongly oriented towards milk production, with only 3% of the world goat population producing about 15% of the world’s goat milk, which is mostly used for cheese production. Goat meat is widely consumed in the developing countries. According to FAOSTAT (2008), total meat inventory is about 280 million MT. Goat meat represents only 2% of this total. The total amount of goat meat produced in 2008 was 4.9 million MT. The developing countries produced approximately 97% of this amount, reflecting the great importance of goat meat to feed millions of people in these countries. The top ten countries producing goat meat are all from Asia and Africa. China is a world leader in producing goat meat, accounting for 38% of the world total goat meat produced. Goat meat production has been increasing from 2.65 million MT in 1990 to 4.93 million MT in 2008

    Primena prirodnih antimikrobnih sastojaka u proizvodnji mlečnih proizvoda

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    Large consumer concern about widespread use of synthetic chemical additives in spite of a large number of their potentially harmful effects, it seems that foods preserved with natural supplements are becoming very popular. Natural ingredients are usually directly added to the dairy products in various stages of manufacture. Due to the ability to interact with the other ingredients of the product there is a decrease in activity of the natural antimicrobial agents, or their inactivation, by treatment with an attempt to products at the stage of the milk prior to packaging. Values are already confirmed immersion, spray aerosols, and coating products. The aim of our work is to provide an overview of the different tests in which natural antimicrobial ingredients applied in different concentrations and in different ways during the preservation of dairy products.Velika zabrinutost potrošača zbog široke upotrebe sintetskih hemijskih aditiva, uprkos velikom broju njihovih potencijalno štetnih efekata, čini da namirnice konzervisane prirodnim dodacima postaju veoma popularne. Prirodni sastojci se najčešće direktno dodaju proizvodima od mleka u različitim fazama proizvodnje. Usled mogućnosti da u interakciji sa drugim sastojcima proizvoda dođe do smanjenja aktivnosti prirodnih antimikrobnih sredstava ili njihove inaktivacije, pokušava se sa tretmanom proizvoda od mleka u fazi pre pakovanja. Vrednost su već potvrdili uranjanje, prskanje aerosolima, i premazivanje proizvoda. Cilj našeg rada je da pruži pregled različitih ispitivanja u kojima su prirodni antimikrobni sastojci primenjeni u različitim koncentracijama i na različite načine prilikom konzervisanja mlečnih proizvoda

    Sledljivost u cilju dokaza porekla Zlatarskog sira

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    The traceability of elements that must be applied during the traditional process of production and distribution Zlatar cheese is present in this paper. The aactivities that are implemented in order to obtain product labels with geographical origin necessarily includes the mechanism of risk management in the food safety system. Therefore, it is imperative to the basic principles of production Zlatar cheese involve the provision of a reliable system that allows tracking of the entire production flow in order to identify and eliminate the potential risks to consumers health, and thus, indirectly, to protect it. The mmechanism that is shown as a function of improveement the quality and safety of this traditional product, reducing the health risks of consumers, which in a direct way contributes its better competitiveness and opening roads in the local and surrounding markets.U ovom radu su dati elementi sledljivosti koji moraju biti primenjeni tokom tradicionalnog procesa proizvodnje i distribucije Zlatarskog sira. Aktivnosti koje se sprovode radi dobijanja oznake proizvoda sa geografskim poreklom moraju obavezno da sadrže i ovaj mehanizam upravljanja rizikom u sistemu bezbednosti hrane. Stoga, imperativ u osnovnim načelima proizvodnje Zlatarskog sira podrazumeva obezbeđivanje pouzdanog sistema koji omogućuje praćenje celokupnog toka proizvodnje u cilju identifikovanja i otklanjanja potencijalnog rizika po zdravlje potrošača, a time, posredno, i zaštite njihovog zdravlja. Prikazani mehanizmi su u funkciji podizanja nivoa kvaliteta i bezbednosti ovoga tradicionalnog proizvoda, smanjenja zdravstvenog rizika kod potrošača, što na direktan način doprinosi njegovoj boljoj konkurentosti i otvaranju puteva na domaćem i tržištima u okruženju