3,738 research outputs found

    Color and texture associations in voice-induced synesthesia

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    Voice-induced synesthesia, a form of synesthesia in which synesthetic perceptions are induced by the sounds of people's voices, appears to be relatively rare and has not been systematically studied. In this study we investigated the synesthetic color and visual texture perceptions experienced in response to different types of “voice quality” (e.g., nasal, whisper, falsetto). Experiences of three different groups—self-reported voice synesthetes, phoneticians, and controls—were compared using both qualitative and quantitative analysis in a study conducted online. Whilst, in the qualitative analysis, synesthetes used more color and texture terms to describe voices than either phoneticians or controls, only weak differences, and many similarities, between groups were found in the quantitative analysis. Notable consistent results between groups were the matching of higher speech fundamental frequencies with lighter and redder colors, the matching of “whispery” voices with smoke-like textures, and the matching of “harsh” and “creaky” voices with textures resembling dry cracked soil. These data are discussed in the light of current thinking about definitions and categorizations of synesthesia, especially in cases where individuals apparently have a range of different synesthetic inducers

    Antidepressants as a Standalone Treatment Modality Compared to Antidepressants with Conjunctive Therapies for Treatment of Major Depressive Disorder

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    Major Depression Disorder is a wide spread epidemic in our country. Antidepressants are commonly prescribed by general medical practitioners as well as mental health practitioners with a low success rate ( de Jonghe, 2008). The purpose of this Independent Study was to conduct a literature review to determine if antidepressants are effective as a standalone therapy in the treatment of Major Depressive Disorder or if they have a higher success rate when used with conjunctive therapies such as cognitive therapy, exercise, and electroconvulsive therapy (ECT). An evidence based review of the literature was conducted to determine the current knowledge base regarding the effectiveness of standalone antidepressants compared to antidepressants with other therapies. It was found that antidepressants as a standalone therapy was can be as effective as it is combined with other therapies provided certain measures are being followed. The antidepressant should be indicated, and before administration, a review of the case needs to be conducted. Upon completion of the Independent Study, the information was presented to the clinical staff at South Central Human Service Centre located at Jamestown, North Dakota (see appendix A

    Observations of the Io plasma torus

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    The short wavelength spectrography on the IUE satellite was used to obtain spectra of the plasma torus near the orbit of Io about Jupiter. Three exposures of about 8 hours each taken in March and May 1979 show emission features due to SII, SIII, and OIII. The absence of features at other wavelengths permits upper limits to be other species in the torus

    The Cosmic Origins Spectrograph and the Future of Ultraviolet Astronomy

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    I describe the capabilities of the Cosmic Origins Spectrograph, scheduled for May 2009 installation on the Hubble Space Telescope. With a factor-of-ten increase in far-UV throughput for moderate resolution spectroscopy, COS will enable a range of scientific programs that study hot stars, AGN, and gas in the interstellar medium, intergalactic medium, and galactic halos. We also plan a large-scale HST Spectroscopic Legacy Project for QSO absorption lines, galactic halos, and AGN outflows. Studies of next-generation telescopes for UV/O astronomy are now underway, including small, medium, and large missions to fill the imminent ten-year gap between the end of Hubble and a plausible launch of the next large mission. Selecting a strategy for achieving these goals will involve hard choices and tradeoffs in aperture, wavelength, and capability.Comment: To appear in Future Directions in Ultraviolet Astronomy (AIP Conf Proc

    Observations of polar aurora on Jupiter

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    North-south spatial maps of Jupiter were obtained with the SWP camera in IUE observations of 10 December 1978, 19 May 1979, and 7 June 1979. Bright auroral emissions were detected from the north and south polar regions at H Ly alpha (1216 A) and in the H2 Lyman bands (1250-1608 A) on 19 May 1979; yet no enhanced polar emission was detected on the other days. The relationship between the IUE observing geometry and the geometry of the Jovian magnetosphere is discussed

    Highly Ionized Envelopes of High Velocity Clouds

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    We present recent results on highly ionized gas in Galactic High-Velocity Clouds (HVCs), originally surveyed in OVI (Sembach et al. 2003). In a new FUSE/HST survey of SiII/III/IV (Shull et al. 2009) toward 37 AGN, we detected SiIII (lambda 1206.500 A) absorption with a sky coverage fraction 81 +/- 5% (61 HVCs along 30 of 37 high-latitude sight lines). The SiIII (lambda 1206.500 A) line is typically 4-5 times stronger than OVI (lambda 1031.926 A). The mean HVC column density of perhaps 10^19 cm^-2 of low-metallicity (0.1 - 0.2 Z_sun) ionized gas in the low halo. Recent determinations of HVC distances allow us to estimate a total reservoir of ~10^8 M_sun. Estimates of infall velocities indicate an infall rate of around 1 M_sun yr^-1, comparable to the replenishment rate for star formation in the disk. HVCs appear to be sheathed by intermediate-temperature gas (10^4.0 - 10^4.5 K) detectable in SiIII and SiIV, as well as hotter gas seen in OVI and other high ions. To prepare for HST observations of 10 HVC-selected sight lines with the Cosmic Origins Spectrograph (COS), we compile FUSE/STIS spectra of these ions, plus FeIII, CIII, CIV, and SIV. Better constraints on the physical properties of HVC envelopes and careful treatment of HVC kinematics and infall rates should come from high-quality (S/N ~ 30-40) COS data.Comment: 3 pages, 1 figure, published in Future Directions in Ultraviolet Spectroscopy, Proceedings of the AIP Conference held October 20-22, 2008 in Annapolis, Marylan

    Spatial imaging of UV emission from Jupiter and Saturn

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    Spatial imaging with the IUE is accomplished both by moving one of the apertures in a series of exposures and within the large aperture in a single exposure. The image of the field of view subtended by the large aperture is focussed directly onto the detector camera face at each wavelength; since the spatial resolution of the instrument is 5 to 6 arc sec and the aperture extends 23.0 by 10.3 arc sec, imaging both parallel and perpendicular to dispersion is possible in a single exposure. The correction for the sensitivity variation along the slit at 1216 A is obtained from exposures of diffuse geocoronal H Ly alpha emission. The relative size of the aperture superimposed on the apparent discs of Jupiter and Saturn in typical observation is illustrated. By moving the planet image 10 to 20 arc sec along the major axis of the aperture (which is constrained to point roughly north-south) maps of the discs of these planets are obtained with 6 arc sec spatial resolution
