71,656 research outputs found

    Optimized Double-well quantum interferometry with Gaussian squeezed-states

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    A Mach-Zender interferometer with a gaussian number-difference squeezed input state can exhibit sub-shot-noise phase resolution over a large phase-interval. We obtain the optimal level of squeezing for a given phase-interval Δθ0\Delta\theta_0 and particle number NN, with the resulting phase-estimation uncertainty smoothly approaching 3.5/N3.5/N as Δθ0\Delta\theta_0 approaches 10/N, achieved with highly squeezed states near the Fock regime. We then analyze an adaptive measurement scheme which allows any phase on (π/2,π/2)(-\pi/2,\pi/2) to be measured with a precision of 3.5/N3.5/N requiring only a few measurements, even for very large NN. We obtain an asymptotic scaling law of Δθ(2.1+3.2ln(ln(NtottanΔθ0)))/Ntot\Delta\theta\approx (2.1+3.2\ln(\ln(N_{tot}\tan\Delta\theta_0)))/N_{tot}, resulting in a final precision of 10/Ntot\approx 10/N_{tot}. This scheme can be readily implemented in a double-well Bose-Einstein condensate system, as the optimal input states can be obtained by adiabatic manipulation of the double-well ground state.Comment: updated versio

    Loop Equations and the Topological Phase of Multi-Cut Matrix Models

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    We study the double scaling limit of mKdV type, realized in the two-cut Hermitian matrix model. Building on the work of Periwal and Shevitz and of Nappi, we find an exact solution including all odd scaling operators, in terms of a hierarchy of flows of 2×22\times 2 matrices. We derive from it loop equations which can be expressed as Virasoro constraints on the partition function. We discover a ``pure topological" phase of the theory in which all correlation functions are determined by recursion relations. We also examine macroscopic loop amplitudes, which suggest a relation to 2D gravity coupled to dense polymers.Comment: 24p

    Theory of superradiant scattering of laser light from Bose-Einstein condensates

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    In a recent MIT experiment, a new form of superradiant Rayleigh scattering was observed in Bose-Einstein condensates. We present a detailed theory of this phenomena in which the directional dependence of the scattering rate and condensate depletion lead to mode competition which is ultimately responsible for superradiance. The nonlinear response of the system is highly sensitive to initial quantum fluctuations which cause large run to run variations in the observed superradiant pulses.Comment: Updated version with new figures,a numerical simulation with realistic experimental parameters is now included. Featured in September 1999 Physics Today, in Search and Discovery sectio

    A pseudo-potential analog for zero-range photoassociation and Feshbach resonance

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    A zero-range approach to atom-molecule coupling is developed in analogy to the Fermi-Huang pseudo-potential treatment of atom-atom interactions. It is shown by explicit comparison to an exactly-solvable finite-range model that replacing the molecular bound-state wavefunction with a regularized delta-function can reproduce the exact scattering amplitude in the long-wavelength limit. Using this approach we find an analytical solution to the two-channel Feshbach resonance problem for two atoms in a spherical harmonic trap

    Fractal dimension of interfaces in Edwards-Anderson spin glasses for up to six space dimensions

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    The fractal dimension of domain walls produced by changing the boundary conditions from periodic to anti-periodic in one spatial direction is studied using both the strong-disorder renormalization group and the greedy algorithm for the Edwards-Anderson Ising spin-glass model for up to six space dimensions. We find that for five or less space dimensions, the fractal dimension is less than the space dimension. This means that interfaces are not space filling, thus implying replica symmetry breaking is absent in space dimensions fewer than six. However, the fractal dimension approaches the space dimension in six dimensions, indicating that replica symmetry breaking occurs above six dimensions. In two space dimensions, the strong-disorder renormalization group results for the fractal dimension are in good agreement with essentially exact numerical results, but the small difference is significant. We discuss the origin of this close agreement. For the greedy algorithm there is analytical expectation that the fractal dimension is equal to the space dimension in six dimensions and our numerical results are consistent with this expectation.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures, 1 tabl

    Interconnect fatigue design for terrestrial photovoltaic modules

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    The results of comprehensive investigation of interconnect fatigue that has led to the definition of useful reliability-design and life-prediction algorithms are presented. Experimental data indicate that the classical strain-cycle (fatigue) curve for the interconnect material is a good model of mean interconnect fatigue performance, but it fails to account for the broad statistical scatter, which is critical to reliability prediction. To fill this shortcoming the classical fatigue curve is combined with experimental cumulative interconnect failure rate data to yield statistical fatigue curves (having failure probability as a parameter) which enable (1) the prediction of cumulative interconnect failures during the design life of an array field, and (2) the unambiguous--ie., quantitative--interpretation of data from field-service qualification (accelerated thermal cycling) tests. Optimal interconnect cost-reliability design algorithms are derived based on minimizing the cost of energy over the design life of the array field

    Classical Sphaleron Rate on Fine Lattices

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    We measure the sphaleron rate for hot, classical Yang-Mills theory on the lattice, in order to study its dependence on lattice spacing. By using a topological definition of Chern-Simons number and going to extremely fine lattices (up to beta=32, or lattice spacing a = 1 / (8 g^2 T)) we demonstrate nontrivial scaling. The topological susceptibility, converted to physical units, falls with lattice spacing on fine lattices in a way which is consistent with linear dependence on aa (the Arnold-Son-Yaffe scaling relation) and strongly disfavors a nonzero continuum limit. We also explain some unusual behavior of the rate in small volumes, reported by Ambjorn and Krasnitz.Comment: 14 pages, includes 5 figure