2,177 research outputs found

    Engineering Treatment of Hazardous Wastewaters Utilizing Dye-sensitized Photooxidation

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    Studies were conducted to determine the applicability of photooxidation for the degradation of selected hazardous and refractory organic compounds. These photochemical oxidation reactions occur through the transfer of energy from electronically excited sensitizer molecules which attain excited states by absorbing visible light energy. Optimum conditions for photooxidation were established based on sensitizer concentration and reaction pH for four polynuclear aromatic pollutants. The rate of photooxidation was found to be independent of the initial substrate concentration for methylene blue-sensitized reactions, and dependent on substrate concentration for solutions without a sensitizing dye. Photolysis of substrate mixtures established acridine and anthracene as photochemically active substrates. Photochemical reaction data suggest predictable trends in substrate reactivity based on pKa values of both sensitizer and substrate, initial substrate concentration and light absorbance characteristics. The photoproducts formed during the photolysis of acridine were found to be more toxic than the parent compound. These reaction products appear to be atable and warrant further study

    First Things First: Creating the Conditions and Capacity for Community-Wide Reform in an Urban School District

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    Documents the strategies and activities of the First Things First initiative from the preparatory phase of the initiative through the first year of implementation in Kansas City and reports on its early results

    Integrating Emerging Areas of Nursing Science into PhD Programs

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    The Council for the Advancement of Nursing Science aims to “facilitate and recognize life-long nursing science career development” as an important part of its mission. In light of fast-paced advances in science and technology that are inspiring new questions and methods of investigation in the health sciences, the Council for the Advancement of Nursing Science convened the Idea Festival for Nursing Science Education and appointed the Idea Festival Advisory Committee to stimulate dialogue about linking PhD education with a renewed vision for preparation of the next generation of nursing scientists. Building on the 2010 American Association of Colleges of Nursing Position Statement “The Research-Focused Doctoral Program in Nursing: Pathways to Excellence,” Idea Festival Advisory Committee members focused on emerging areas of science and technology that impact the ability of research-focused doctoral programs to prepare graduates for competitive and sustained programs of nursing research using scientific advances in emerging areas of science and technology. The purpose of this article is to describe the educational and scientific contexts for the Idea Festival, which will serve as the foundation for recommendations for incorporating emerging areas of science and technology into research-focused doctoral programs in nursing

    A VLA Polarimetric Study of the Galactic Center Radio Arc: Characterizing Polarization, Rotation Measure, and Magnetic Field Properties

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    The Radio Arc is one of the brightest systems of non-thermal filaments (NTFs) in the Galactic Center, located near several prominent HII regions (Sickle and Pistol) and the Quintuplet stellar cluster. We present observations of the Arc NTFs using the S-, C-, and X-bands of the Very Large Array interferometer. Our images of total intensity reveal large-scale helical features that surround the Arc NTFs, very narrow sub-filamentation, and compact sources along the NTFs. The distribution of polarized intensity is confined to a relatively small area along the NTFs. There are elongated polarized structures that appear to lack total intensity counterparts. We detect a range of rotation measure values from -1000 to -5800 rad m−2\rm^{-2}, likely caused by external Faraday rotation along the line of sight. After correcting for Faraday rotation, the intrinsic magnetic field orientation is found to generally trace the extent of the NTFs. However, the intrinsic magnetic field in several regions of the Arc NTFs shows an ordered pattern that is rotated with respect to the extent of the NTFs. We suggest this changing pattern may be caused by an additional magnetized source along the line of sight, so that we observe two field systems superposed in our observations. We suggest that the large scale helical segments near the Radio Arc could be components of such a source causing these changes in intrinsic magnetic field, and some variations in the polarization and rotation measure values along the NTFs.Comment: PDF should be 24 pages with 13 figure

    Emerging Areas of Science: Recommendations for Nursing Science Education from the Council for the Advancement of Nursing Science Idea Festival

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    The Council for the Advancement of Nursing Science aims to “facilitate and recognize life-long nursing science career development” as an important part of its mission. In light of fast-paced advances in science and technology that are inspiring new questions and methods of investigation in the health sciences, the Council for the Advancement of Nursing Science convened the Idea Festival for Nursing Science Education and appointed the Idea Festival Advisory Committee (IFAC) to stimulate dialogue about linking PhD education with a renewed vision for preparation of the next generation of nursing scientists. Building on the 2005 National Research Council report Advancing The Nation\u27s Health Needs and the 2010 American Association of Colleges of Nursing Position Statement on the Research-Focused Doctorate Pathways to Excellence, the IFAC specifically addressed the capacity of PhD programs to prepare nursing scientists to conduct cutting-edge research in the following key emerging and priority areas of health sciences research: omics and the microbiome; health behavior, behavior change, and biobehavioral science; patient-reported outcomes; big data, e-science, and informatics; quantitative sciences; translation science; and health economics. The purpose of this article is to (a) describe IFAC activities, (b) summarize 2014 discussions hosted as part of the Idea Festival, and (c) present IFAC recommendations for incorporating these emerging areas of science and technology into research-focused doctoral programs committed to preparing graduates for lifelong, competitive careers in nursing science. The recommendations address clearer articulation of program focus areas; inclusion of foundational knowledge in emerging areas of science in core courses on nursing science and research methods; faculty composition; prerequisite student knowledge and skills; and in-depth, interdisciplinary training in supporting area of science content and methods

    Comparing women's financial costs of induced abortion at a facility vs. seeking treatment for complications from unsafe abortion in Zambia.

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    Although abortion is legal in Zambia under a variety of broad conditions, unsafe abortion remains common. The purpose of this project was to compare the financial costs for women when they have an induced abortion at a facility, with costs for an induced abortion outside a facility, followed by care for abortion-related complications. We gathered household wealth data at one point in time (T1) and longitudinal qualitative data at two points in time (T1 and T2, three-four months later), in Lusaka and Kafue districts, between 2014 and 2015. The data were collected from women (n = 38) obtaining a legal termination of pregnancy (TOP), or care for unsafe abortions (CUA). The women were recruited from four health facilities (two hospitals and two private clinics, one of each per district). At T2, CUA cost women, on average, 520 ZMW (USD 81), while TOP cost women, on average, 396 ZMW (USD 62). About two-thirds of the costs had been incurred by T1, while an additional one-third of the total costs was incurred between T1 and T2. Women in all three wealth tertiles sought a TOP in a health facility or an unsafe abortion outside a facility. Women who obtained CUA tended to be further removed from the money that was used to pay for their abortion care. Women's financial dependence leaves them unequipped to manage a financial shock such as an abortion. Improved TOP and post-abortion care are needed to reduce the health sequelae women experience after both types of abortion-related care

    The adolescent transition under energetic stress: Body composition tradeoffs among adolescent women in The Gambia

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    Background and objectives: Life history theory predicts a shift in energy allocation from growth to reproductive function as a consequence of puberty. During adolescence, linear growth tapers off and, in females, ovarian steroid production increases. In this model, acquisition of lean mass is associated with growth while investment in adiposity is associated with reproduction. This study examines the chronological and developmental predictors of energy allocation patterns among adolescent women under conditions of energy constraint. Methodology: Fifty post-menarcheal adolescent women between 14 and 20 years old were sampled for weight and body composition at the beginning and end of 1 month in an energy-adequate season and 1 month in the subsequent energy-constrained season in a rural province of The Gambia. Results: Chronologically and developmentally younger adolescent girls gain weight in the form of lean mass in both energy-adequate and energy-constrained seasons, whereas older adolescents lose lean mass under conditions of energetic stress (generalized estimating equation (GEE) Wald chi-square comparing youngest tertile with older two tertiles 9.750, P = 0.002; GEE Wald chi-square comparing fast- with slow-growing individuals for growth rate 19.806, P < 0.001). When energy is limited, younger adolescents lose and older adolescents maintain fat (GEE Wald chi-square for interaction of age and season 6.568, P = 0.010; GEE Wald chi-square comparing fast- with slow-growing individuals for interaction of growth rate and season 7.807, P = 0.005). Conclusions and implications: When energy is constrained, the physiology of younger adolescents invests in growth while that of older adolescent females privileges reproductively valuable adipose tissue

    Perceptions and attitudes of Rohingya community stakeholders to pregnancy termination services: a qualitative study in camps of Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh

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    Background: Rohingya women suffer from inaccessibility to sexual and reproductive health services in Myanmar. After the forcible displacement of the Rohingya from Myanmar to Bangladesh in 2017, pregnancy termination services have been increasingly important and desired, while knowledge gaps and obstacles to access services still exist. The role of community stakeholders is critical as gatekeepers and decision-makers to improve and strengthen pregnancy termination services for women in camps. However, there is paucity of evidence on their perspectives about pregnancy termination. This qualitative study aims to understand the perception and attitudes of Rohingya community stakeholders to pregnancy termination in the camps of Cox’s Bazar. Methods: We used purposive sampling to select 48 participants from the community stakeholders, 12 from each group: majhis (Rohingya leaders), imams (religious leaders), school teachers, and married men. We conducted in-depth interviews of all the participants between May-June 2022 and October-November 2022. Data were coded on Atlas.ti and analysed using a thematic content analysis approach. Results: Multiple socio-cultural and religious factors, gendered norms and stigma associated with pregnancy termination acted as barriers to women seeking services for it. From a religious stance, there was greater acceptance of pregnancy termination in the earlier period than in the later period of pregnancy. We observed that pregnancy termination among community stakeholders in earlier stages of pregnancy than later. However, circumstances, such as a woman’s marital status, whether she sought her husband’s permission or her ability of childcare capacity, were often framed by community stakeholders as ‘acceptable’ for pregnancy termination. Health concerns and social and contextual factors can influence community stakeholders supporting pregnancy termination. Conclusions: The community stakeholders perspectives on barriers and enablers of pregnancy termination were variable with the context. These perspectives may support or impede women’s ability to choice to seek pregnancy termination services. To improve women’s choice to pregnancy termination, it is critical to consider roles of community stakeholders in creating their supporting attitudes to women’s choice and access, and to designing targeted culturally appropriate interventions with communities support and engagement

    Emerging Areas of Nursing Science and PhD Education for The 21\u3csup\u3est\u3c/sup\u3e Century: Response to Commentaries

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    We respond to commentaries from the American Academy of Nursing, the American Association of Colleges of Nursing, and the National Institute of Nursing Research on our thoughts about integrating emerging areas of science into nursing PhD programs. We identify areas of agreement and focus our response on cross-cutting issues arising from cautions about the unique focus of nursing science and how best to proceed with incorporation of emerging areas of science into nursing PhD programs
