10 research outputs found

    Preferential consolidation of emotional reactivity during sleep: A systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Many studies have investigated whether sleep affects cognitively unmodulated reactivity to emotional stimuli. These studies operationalize emotion regulation by using subjective and/or objective measures to compare pre- and post-sleep reactivity to the same emotional stimuli. Findings have been inconsistent: some show that sleep attenuates emotional reactivity, whereas others report enhanced or maintained reactivity. Across-study methodological differences may account for discrepant findings. To resolve the questions of whether sleep leads to the attenuation, enhancement, or maintenance of emotional reactivity, and under which experimental conditions particular effects are observed, we undertook a synthesized narrative and meta-analytic approach. We searched PubMed, PsycINFO, PsycARTICLES, Web of Science, and Cochrane Library databases for relevant articles, using search terms determined a priori and search limits of language = English, participants = human, and dates = January 2006–June 2021. Our final sample included 24 studies that investigated changes in emotional reactivity in response to negatively and/or positively valenced material compared to neutral material over a period of sleep compared to a matched period of waking. Primary analyses used random effects modeling to investigate whether sleep preferentially modulates reactivity in response to emotional stimuli; secondary analyses examined potential moderators of the effect. Results showed that sleep (or equivalent periods of wakefulness) did not significantly affect psychophysiological measures of reactivity to negative or neutral stimuli. However, self-reported arousal ratings of negative stimuli were significantly increased post-sleep but not post-waking. Sub-group analyses indicated that (a) sleep-deprived participants, compared to those who slept or who experienced daytime waking, reacted more strongly and negatively in response to positive stimuli; (b) nap-exposed participants, compared to those who remained awake or who slept a full night, rated negative pictures less negatively; and (c) participants who did not obtain substantial REM sleep, compared to those who did and those exposed to waking conditions, had attenuated reactivity to neutral stimuli. We conclude that sleep may affect emotional reactivity, but that studies need more consistency in methodology, commitment to collecting both psychophysiological and self-report measures, and should report REM sleep parameters. Using these methodological principles would promote a better understanding of under which conditions particular effects are observed

    Effects of green tea on miRNA and microbiome of oral epithelium

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    Abstract Consumption of green tea (GT) extracts or purified catechins has shown the ability to prevent oral and other cancers and inhibit cancer progression in rodent models, but the evidence for this in humans is mixed. Working with humans, we sought to understand the source of variable responses to GT by examining its effects on oral epithelium. Lingual epithelial RNA and lingual and gingival microbiota were measured before and after 4 weeks of exposure in tobacco smokers, whom are at high risk of oral cancer. GT consumption had on average inconsistent effects on miRNA expression in the oral epithelium. Only analysis that examined paired miRNAs, showing changed and coordinated expression with GT exposure, provided evidence for a GT effect on miRNAs, identifying miRNAs co-expressed with two hubs, miR-181a-5p and 301a-3p. An examination of the microbiome on cancer prone lingual mucosa, in contrast, showed clear shifts in the relative abundance of Streptococcus and Staphylococcus, and other genera after GT exposure. These data support the idea that tea consumption can consistently change oral bacteria in humans, which may affect carcinogenesis, but argue that GT effects on oral epithelial miRNA expression in humans vary between individuals