761 research outputs found

    Reduced weeding shows potential to regulate nutrient leaching in a cabbage (Brassica oleracea, var. capitata) lysimeter trial

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    Agricultural land is the main contributor to nitrogen and phosphorus pollution of groundwater sources. Adopting agroecological management practices can support the transition towards sustainable farming systems. We investigated if reduced weeding could support nutrient retention in a nutrient demanding vegetable crop (Brassica oleracea, var. capitata), without causing unacceptable yield losses. We conducted a three-year study (2019–2021) with two cropping seasons (autumn and spring) using 1 m3 above-ground lysimeters, each containing four cabbage plants. Different vegetation covers, each with four replicates, were considered: 1) crop only 2) weeds only 3) crop + weeds from crop transplanting 4) crop + weeds after 20 days from crop transplanting 5) bare soil with fertilizer 6) bare soil without fertilizer. Each system received the recommended dose of mineral fertilizer for cabbage (130 kg ha−1 N, 80 kg ha−1 P, 150 kg ha−1 K), except for two bare soil lysimeters which were not fertilized. Water samples were taken throughout the growing season, in particular after each fertilization event, and analysed for nitrate (NO3-N), phosphorus (P) and potassium (K) concentrations. Cabbage yield in both weedy treatments was significantly lower compared to the weed-free plots only in spring 2020 and fall 2021. Weed cover contributed to explain NO3-N and K leaching, while P leaching was affected by crop cover. The results suggest that it is possible to reduce weed management intensity in cabbage while also obtaining some benefits concerning nutrient losses

    Minimal Necessary Weed Control Does Not Increase Weed-Mediated Biological Pest Control in Romaine Lettuce (Lactuca sativa L., var. Romana)

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    Lettuce is one of the most consumed leafy greens. Depending on the variety, it is ready for harvesting 40–80 days after sowing, and therefore several growth cycles can be concluded within a growing season. Due to its high market standards, lettuce may require intensive management. This study implemented a critical period of weed interference (CPWI) trial to understand at which moment of the cropping cycle weeds can be tolerated without impacting crop yield to decrease the time needed for weeding and assess the potential support weeds can give to biological pest control in lettuce. Treatments represented two gradients of weed intensity: (1) increasingly weed-free, and (2) increasingly weedy. Dose–response curves were produced to find the CPWI based on lettuce relative yield. RLQ analysis was used to explore the relationships between weeding regime and weed functional traits for biological pest control. Yield was above the 5% acceptable yield loss threshold in all plots kept weed-free for 20 days or more, indicating a necessary weed-free period of 20 days from transplanting. However, the support of beneficial insects was not guaranteed at the end of the necessary weed-free period. We suggest that it is possible to limit intense weed management to the beginning of the growing season, reducing the cost of plastic mulches and increasing on-farm biodiversity, but field margins could be better suited to deliver conservation biological control in short-term crops where this service is of primary interest

    On some differential-geometric aspects of the Torelli map

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    In this note we survey recent results on the extrinsic geometry of the Jacobian locus inside Ag\mathsf{A}_g. We describe the second fundamental form of the Torelli map as a multiplication map, recall the relation between totally geodesic subvarieties and Hodge loci and survey various results related to totally geodesic subvarieties and the Jacobian locus.Comment: To appear on Boll. UMI, special volume in memory of Paolo de Bartolomei

    An Integrated Weed Management framework: A pan-European perspective

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    Initiatives to reduce the reliance of agriculture on pesticides, including the European Union (EU) Directive 2009/ 128/EC on the sustainable use of pesticides (SUD), have yet to lead to widespread implementation of Integrated Pest Management (IPM) principles. Developments in weed management have strongly focused on increasing the efficiency of herbicides or substituting herbicides with other single tactics such as mechanical control. To in- crease sustainability of agricultural systems in practice, a paradigm shift in weed management is needed: from a single tactic and single growing season approach towards holistic integrated weed management (IWM) consid- ering more than a single cropping season and focusing on management of weed communities, rather than on control of single species. To support this transition, an IWM framework for implementing a system level approach is presented. The framework consists of five pillars: diverse cropping systems, cultivar choice and establishment, field and soil management, direct control and the cross-cutting pillar monitoring and evaluation. IWM is an integral part of integrated pest management (IPM) and adopting IWM will serve as a driver for the development of sustainable agricultural systems of the futur

    Agricultural use of copper and its link to Alzheimer’s disease

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    Copper is an essential nutrient for plants, animals, and humans because it is an indispensable component of several essential proteins and either lack or excess are harmful to human health. Recent studies revealed that the breakdown of the regulation of copper homeostasis could be associated with Alzheimer’s disease (AD), the most common form of dementia. Copper accumulation occurs in human aging and is thought to increase the risk of AD for individuals with a susceptibility to copper exposure. This review reports that one of the leading causes of copper accumulation in the environment and the human food chain is its use in agriculture as a plant protection product against numerous diseases, especially in organic production. In the past two decades, some countries and the EU have invested in research to reduce the reliance on copper. However, no single alternative able to replace copper has been identified. We suggest that agroecological approaches are urgently needed to design crop protection strategies based on the complementary actions of the wide variety of crop protection tools for disease control

    Human health risk assessment in relation to environmental pollution of two artificial freshwater lakes in The Netherlands.

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    A human health risk assessment has been performed in relation to recreational activities on two artificial freshwater lakes along the river Meuse in The Netherlands. Although the discharges of contaminants into the river Meuse have been reduced in the last decades, which is reflected in decreasing concentrations of pollutants in surface water and suspended matter, the levels in sediments are more persistent. Sediments of the two freshwater lakes appear highly polluted and may pose a health risk in relation to recreational activities. To quantify health risks for carcinogenic (e.g., polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons) as well as noncarcinogenic compounds (e.g., heavy metals), an exposure assessment model was used. First, we used a standard model that solely uses data on sediment pollution as the input parameter, which is the standard procedure in sediment quality assessments in The Netherlands. The highest intake appeared to be associated with the consumption of contaminated fish and resulted in a health risk for Pb and Zn (hazard index exceeded 1). For the other heavy metals and for benzo(a)pyrene, the total averaged exposure levels were below levels of concern. Secondly, input data for a more location-specific calculation procedure were provided via analyses of samples from sediment, surface water, and suspended matter. When these data (concentrations in surface water) were taken into account, the risk due to consumption of contaminated fish decreased by more than two orders of magnitude and appeared to be negligible. In both exposure assessments, many assumptions were made that contribute to a major degree to the uncertainty of this risk assessment. However, this health risk evaluation is useful as a screening methodology for assessing the urgency of sediment remediation actions

    Reciprocal regulation of endothelial-mesenchymal transition by MAPK7 and EZH2 in intimal hyperplasia and coronary artery disease

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    Endothelial-mesenchymal transition (EndMT) is a form of endothelial dysfunction wherein endothelial cells acquire a mesenchymal phenotype and lose endothelial functions, which contributes to the pathogenesis of intimal hyperplasia and atherosclerosis. The mitogen activated protein kinase 7 (MAPK7) inhibits EndMT and decreases the expression of the histone methyltransferase Enhancer-of-Zeste homologue 2 (EZH2), thereby maintaining endothelial quiescence. EZH2 is the catalytic subunit of the Polycomb Repressive Complex 2 that methylates lysine 27 on histone 3 (H3K27me3). It is elusive how the crosstalk between MAPK7 and EZH2 is regulated in the endothelium and if the balance between MAPK7 and EZH2 is disturbed in vascular disease. In human coronary artery disease, we assessed the expression levels of MAPK7 and EZH2 and found that with increasing intima/media thickness ratio, MAPK7 expression decreased, whereas EZH2 expression increased. In vitro, MAPK7 activation decreased EZH2 expression, whereas endothelial cells deficient of EZH2 had increased MAPK7 activity. MAPK7 activation results in increased expression of microRNA (miR)-101, a repressor of EZH2. This loss of EZH2 in turn results in the increased expression of the miR-200 family, culminating in decreased expression of the dual-specificity phosphatases 1 and 6 who may repress MAPK7 activity. Transfection of endothelial cells with miR-200 family members decreased the endothelial sensitivity to TGF beta 1-induced EndMT. In endothelial cells there is reciprocity between MAPK7 signaling and EZH2 expression and disturbances in this reciprocal signaling associate with the induction of EndMT and severity of human coronary artery disease
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