82 research outputs found

    Control de la leche : Sobre las variaciones de la composiciĂłn quĂ­mica de la leche de las vacas tuberculosas con o sin lesiones mamarias

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    El prof. Moussu ha demostrado en 1904, que las vacas tuberculosas con o sin lesiones mamarias eran susceptibles de producir una leche virulenta y dañosa a la ingestiĂłn. La mama tuberculosa o clĂ­nicamente sana no elimina Ășnicamente bacilos; la leche segregada es ademĂĄs modificada en su composiciĂłn quĂ­mica y sus propiedades nutritivas.Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestale

    Increase of egg weight with age in normal and dwarf, purebred and crossbred laying hens

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    An exponential curve, W = P - Q exp (-Rt) was fitted to egg weights (W) of individual hens from 8 genetic groups tested for egg production from 18-51 weeks of age (t). The groups were constituted of the combination of genotype at the sex-linked dwarfism locus (normal or dwarf) and line (White Leghorn, Brown Egg and both reciprocal crosses). The least-squares mean of the residual standard deviation about the curve was between 1.27 and 1.74 g in the 8 groups and estimated values of the initial P-Q and mature egg P weights were between 26.9 and 33.9 g and 56.9 and 65.8 g, respectively. Effects of genotype and line as well as heterosis were estimated for both egg weights and for rate of growth relative to the remaining expected growth (R). R was smaller for dwarf hens which thus reached mature egg weight later than normal females. Significant heterosis was found for both egg weights of dwarf hens (12.6 and 9.5%) and for the initial egg weight of normal ones (12.8%). Negative heterosis for R obtained for dwarf hens (-17.4%) corresponded to a flatter egg weight curve of these crossbreds.On a ajustĂ© individuellement une courbe de la forme W = P - Q exp (-Rt) au poids de l’oeuf (W) mesurĂ© entre 18 et 51 sem d’ñge (t) chez des poules de 8 groupes gĂ©nĂ©tiques dĂ©finis par la combinaison du gĂ©notype au locus de nanisme liĂ© au sexe (normal ou nain) et de la lignĂ©e (souche Leghorn blanche, souche Ă  oeuf brun et leurs croisements rĂ©ciproques). L’écart type rĂ©siduel aprĂšs ajustement de la courbe exponentielle aux valeurs de poids, Ă©valuĂ© pour chaque groupe par la mĂ©thode des moindres carrĂ©s, a pris des valeurs comprises entre 1,27 et 1,74 g. De la mĂȘme maniĂšre, les estimations des poids du premier oeuf (P - Q) Ă©taient situĂ©es entre 26,9 et 33,9 g, et celles de l’oeuf Ă  maturitĂ© entre 56,9 et 65,8 g d’autre part. On a Ă©valuĂ© les effets du gĂ©notype et de la lignĂ©e et l’hĂ©tĂ©rosis pour les poids de l’oeuf et l’accroissement de poids journalier relativement au poids restant Ă  gagner (R). La valeur de R Ă©tait infĂ©rieure pour les poules naines qui par consĂ©quent ont atteint leur poids d’oeuf Ă  maturitĂ© plus tard que les femelles normales. Un hĂ©tĂ©rosis significatif a Ă©tĂ© obtenu pour les 2 poids d’oeuf chez les poules naines (12,6 et 9,5%) et pour le poids du premier oeuf chez les femelles normales (12,8%). L’hĂ©tĂ©rosis nĂ©gatif trouvĂ© pour R chez les poules naines (-17,4%) correspond au fait que la courbe du poids de l’ceuf Ă©taient plus aplatie chez les croisĂ©s de ce gĂ©notype

    Comparison of the complete genome sequencesof Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactis DSM 10140 and Bl-04

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    Bifidobacteria are important members of the human gut flora, especially in infants. Comparative genomic analysis of two Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactis strains revealed evolution by internal deletion of consecutive spacer-repeat units within a novel clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeat locus, which represented the largest differential content between the two genomes. Additionally, 47 single nucleotide polymorphisms were identified, consisting primarily of nonsynonymous mutations, indicating positive selection and/or recent divergence. A particular nonsynonymous mutation in a putative glucose transporter was linked to a negative phenotypic effect on the ability of the variant to catabolize glucose, consistent with a modification in the predicted protein transmembrane topology. Comparative genome sequence analysis of three Bifidobacterium species provided a core genome set of 1,117 orthologs complemented by a pan-genome of 2,445 genes. The genome sequences of the intestinal bacterium B. animalis subsp. lactis provide insights into rapid genome evolution and the genetic basis for adaptation to the human gut environment, notably with regard to catabolism of dietary carbohydrates, resistance to bile and acid, and interaction with the intestinal epithelium. The high degree of genome conservation observed between the two strains in terms of size, organization, and sequence is indicative of a genomically monomorphic subspecies and explains the inability to differentiate the strains by standard techniques such as pulsed-field gel electrophoresis

    HIV-related stigma within communities of gay men: A literature review

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    While stigma associated with HIV infection is well recognised, there is limited information on the impact of HIV-related stigma between men who have sex with men and within communities of gay men. The consequences of HIV-related stigma can be personal and community-wide, including impacts on mood and emotional well-being, prevention, testing behaviour, and mental and general health. This review of the literature reports a growing division between HIV-positive and HIV-negative gay men, and a fragmentation of gay communities based along lines of perceived or actual HIV status. The literature includes multiple references to HIV stigma and discrimination between gay men, men who have sex with men, and among and between many gay communities. This HIV stigma takes diverse forms and can incorporate aspects of social exclusion, ageism, discrimination based on physical appearance and health status, rejection and violence. By compiling the available information on this understudied form of HIV-related discrimination, we hope to better understand and target research and countermeasures aimed at reducing its impact at multiple levels
