4 research outputs found
Kesantunan Verbal Dan Nonverbal Pada Tuturan Imperatif Dalam Pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia Di SMP Pangudi Luhur Ambarawa Jawa Tengah
This study aimed to determine: (1) politeness imperative form of verbal utterances and nonverbal, (2) the principle of politeness imperative utterances verbal and nonverbal, (3) any deviation principle of politeness on verbal and nonverbal speech imperative in learning Indonesian in junior Pangudi sublime Ambarawa Central Java. Research subjects in this study were students and teachers at junior Pangudi Indonesian Ambarawa Luhur. This research is a qualitative descriptive study. Data were collected by using the method of observation. The results showed that: (1) there is a form of narrative imperatives of politeness verbally and nonverbally in the learning process, (2) there is an imperative principle of politeness utterances verbally and nonverbally in the learning process, (3) there is a deviation principle of politeness on verbal and nonverbal speech imperative in the learning process