6 research outputs found

    Impact of Coseismic Frictional Melting on Particle Size, Shape Distribution and Chemistry of Experimentally-Generated Pseudotachylite

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    In natural friction melts, or pseudotachylites, clast textures and glass compositions can influence the frictional behavior of faults hosting pseudotachylites, and are, in turn, sensitive to the processes involved in pseudotachylite formation. Quantification of these parameters in situations where the host rock composition and formation conditions are well-constrained, such as analogue experiments, may yield calibrations that can be employed in analysis of natural pseudotachylites. In this paper, we experimentally-generated pseudotachylites in granitoid rocks (tonalite and Westerly granite) at Pconf = 40 MPa and slip rates of ∼0.1 m s−1, comparable to the conditions under which natural pseudotachylite is known to form in Earth’s upper crust. We find variations in both clast textures and glass compositions that reflect formation processes, and probably influence the frictional behavior of similar natural faults hosting pseudotachylite. Quantification of particle size and shape distribution with a semi-automatic image analysis method, combined with analysis of glass and host-rock composition of these experimentally generated pseudotachylites, reveals that the textures of pseudotachylite material evolved by combinations of 1) comminution, 2) heterogeneous frictional flash melting, and 3) homogeneous (diffusive) clast melting and/or marginal decrepitation. Fractal dimensions of pseudotachylite-hosted clasts (D ∼ 3) that are greater than those of marginal fragmented host rock particles (gouge, D ∼ 2.4), reflect an increase of the intensity of comminution by slip localisation during a pre-melting phase. Chemical analyses demonstrate that these pseudotachylite glasses were generated by frictional flash melting, where host rock phases melt individually. Biotite is the least resistant to melting, feldspar intermediate, and quartz is the most resistant. The peudotachylite glass generated in these experiments has an alkaline composition, is depleted in SiO2 compared to the bulk host-rock, and shows heterogeneous compositions in a single sample related to proximity to host-rock minerals. The percentage contributions of host rock phases to the melt, calculated by a mixing model, shows that glass compositions are dominated by plagioclase and biotite. Within the melt, margins of clasts were dissolved uniformly by diffusion and/or affected by marginal decrepitation, resulting in convex and round shapes with convexities averaging ∼0.8 and circularities averaging ∼0.65

    Eocene intra-plate shortening responsible for the rise of a faunal pathway in the northeastern Caribbean realm

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    Intriguing latest Eocene land-faunal dispersals between South America and the Greater Antilles (northern Caribbean) has inspired the hypothesis of the GAARlandia (Greater Antilles Aves Ridge) land bridge. This landbridge, however, should have crossed the Caribbean oceanic plate, and the geological evolution of its rise and demise, or its geodynamic forcing, remain unknown. Here we present the results of a land-sea survey from the northeast Caribbean plate, combined with chronostratigraphic data, revealing a regional episode of mid to late Eocene, trench-normal, E-W shortening and crustal thickening by ∼25%. This shortening led to a regional late Eocene–early Oligocene hiatus in the sedimentary record revealing the location of an emerged land (the Greater Antilles-Northern Lesser Antilles, or GrANoLA, landmass), consistent with the GAARlandia hypothesis. Subsequent submergence is explained by combined trench-parallel extension and thermal relaxation following a shift of arc magmatism, expressed by a regional early Miocene transgression. We tentatively link the NE Caribbean intra-plate shortening to a well-known absolute and relative North American and Caribbean plate motion change, which may provide focus for the search of the remaining connection between ‘GrANoLA’ land and South America, through the Aves Ridge or Lesser Antilles island arc. Our study highlights the how regional geodynamic evolution may have driven paleogeographic change that is still reflected in current biology

    A global apparent polar wander path for the last 320 Ma calculated from site-level paleomagnetic data

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    Apparent polar wander paths (APWPs) calculated from paleomagnetic data describe the motion of tectonic plates relative to the Earth's rotation axis through geological time, providing a quantitative paleogeographic framework for studying the evolution of Earth's interior, surface, and atmosphere. Previous APWPs were typically calculated from collections of paleomagnetic poles, with each pole computed from collections of paleomagnetic sites, and each site representing a spot reading of the paleomagnetic field. It was recently shown that the choice of how sites are distributed over poles strongly determines the confidence region around APWPs and possibly the APWP itself, and that the number of paleomagnetic data used to compute a single paleomagnetic pole varies widely and is essentially arbitrary. Here, we use a recently proposed method to overcome this problem and provide a new global APWP for the last 320 million years that is calculated from simulated site-level paleomagnetic data instead of from paleopoles, in which spatial and temporal uncertainties of the original datasets are incorporated. We provide an updated global paleomagnetic database scrutinized against quantitative, stringent quality criteria, and use an updated global plate motion model. The new global APWP follows the same trend as the most recent pole-based APWP but has smaller uncertainties. This demonstrates that the first-order geometry of the global APWP is robust and reproducible. Moreover, we find that previously identified peaks in APW rate disappear when calculating the APWP from site-level data and correcting for a temporal bias in the underlying data. Finally, we show that a higher-resolution global APWP frame may be determined for time intervals with high data density, but that this is not yet feasible for the entire 320–0 Ma time span. Calculating polar wander from site-level data provides opportunities to significantly improve the quality and resolution of the global APWP by collecting large and well-dated paleomagnetic datasets from stable plate interiors, which may contribute to solving detailed Earth scientific problems that rely on a paleomagnetic reference frame

    Developing a generic approach to online automated analysis of writing and drawing tests in clinical patient profiling

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    Writing and drawing tests are widely used in the clinical environment for the diagnosis of a variety of neuropsychological conditions. Conventional assessment of these tests involves the inspection by trained assessors of the completed patient response. This article describes the development of a computer-based framework for data capture, automated feature analysis, and result reporting for a range of drawing- and writing-based test batteries. In developing this framework, we have exploited the commonality between tasks while allowing for both flexibility in configuration across condition-specific testing requirements and extensibility for future test development. Using the two example clinical conditions of visuospatial neglect and dyspraxia, we illustrate the advantages of utilizing a computer-based analysis system, describe a structured approach to system implementation, and demonstrate the generality of this implementation for different conditions of interest, which extends to feature selection and design