6,802 research outputs found

    Library of high-resolution UES echelle spectra of F, G, K and M field dwarf stars

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    We present a library of Utrecht echelle spectrograph (UES) observations of a sample of F, G, K and M field dwarf stars covering the spectral range from 4800 AA to 10600 AA with a resolution of 55000. These spectra include some of the spectral lines most widely used as optical and near-infrared indicators of chromospheric activity such as H_beta, Mg I b triplet, Na I D_1, D_2, He I D_3, H_alpha, and Ca II IRT lines, as well as a large number of photospheric lines which can also be affected by chromospheric activity. The spectra have been compiled with the aim of providing a set of standards observed at high-resolution to be used in the application of the spectral subtraction technique to obtain the active-chromosphere contribution to these lines in chromospherically active single and binary stars. This library can also be used for spectral classification purposes. A digital version with all the spectra is available via ftp and the World Wide Web (WWW) in both ASCII and FITS formats.Comment: Latex file with 5 figures using l-aa.sty and psfig.sty. Full postscript (text and figures) available at http://www.ucm.es/OTROS/Astrof/fgkmsl/UESfgkmsl.html Accepted for publication in: Astronomy and Astrophysics Supplement

    Library of medium-resolution fiber optic echelle spectra of F, G, K, and M field dwarfs to giants stars

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    We present a library of Penn State Fiber Optic Echelle (FOE) observations of a sample of field stars with spectral types F to M and luminosity classes V to I. The spectral coverage is from 3800 AA to 10000 AA with nominal a resolving power 12000. These spectra include many of the spectral lines most widely used as optical and near-infrared indicators of chromospheric activity such as the Balmer lines (H_alpha, H_beta), Ca II H & K, Mg I b triplet, Na I D_{1} and D_{2}, He I D_{3}, and Ca II IRT lines. There are also a large number of photospheric lines, which can also be affected by chromospheric activity, and temperature sensitive photospheric features such as TiO bands. The spectra have been compiled with the goal of providing a set of standards observed at medium resolution. We have extensively used such data for the study of active chromosphere stars by applying a spectral subtraction technique. However, the data set presented here can also be utilized in a wide variety of ways ranging from radial velocity templates to study of variable stars and stellar population synthesis. This library can also be used for spectral classification purposes and determination of atmospheric parameters (T_eff, log{g}, [Fe/H]). A digital version of all the fully reduced spectra is available via ftp and the World Wide Web (WWW) in FITS format.Comment: Latex file with 17 pages, 4 figures. Full postscript (text and figures) available at http://www.ucm.es/info/Astrof/fgkmsl/FOEfgkmsl.html To be published in ApJ

    Organizing on the edge: Heading to Mount Everest

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    The paper analyzes complexity in organizations facing threatening environments. Such contexts are characterized by very high levels of risk and uncertainty that challenge organizational survival: fire-fighting, aerospace projects, high-tech research programs, etc. A paradox of these contexts is that although they remain stable, organizations operating within them are often transitory, single-project and with a high variety of skills and knowledge. These organizations show a peculiar way of organizing complexity, that deserves special attention. This paper is built upon a longitudinal case study based on successive attempts to climb Mount Everest by Chilean expeditions. After three failed attempts (1984, 1986, 1989) the summit was finally reached in 1992 through one of the hardest routes. Each expedition was an independent organization, and structural arrangements as well as participants were different, except for a small permanent coreComplexity in organizations; environment;

    Rotational modulation of the photospheric and chromospheric activity in the young, single K2-dwarf PW And

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    High resolution echelle spectra of PW And (HD~1405) have been taken during eight observing runs from 1999 to 2002. The detailed analysis of the spectra allow us to determine its spectral type (K2V), mean heliocentric radial velocity (V_hel = -11.15 km/s) rotational velocity (vsin{i} = 22.6 km/s), and equivalent width of the lithium line 6707.8 AA (EW(LiI) = 273 mAA). The kinematic (Galactic Velocity (U, V, W)) confirms its membership of the Local Association moving group, in agreement with the age (30 to 80 Myrs) inferred from the color magnitude diagram and the lithium equivalent width. Photospheric activity (presence of cool spots that disturb the profiles of the photospheric lines) has been detected as changes in the the bisectors of the cross correlation function (CCF) resulting of cross-correlate the spectra of PW And with the spectrum of a non active star of similar spectral type. These variations of the CCF bisectors are related to the variations in the measured radial velocities and are modulated with a period similar to the photometric period of the star. At the same time, chromospheric activity has been analyzed, using the spectral subtraction technique and simultaneous spectroscopic observations of the H_alpha, H_beta, NaI D_1 and D_2$, HeI D_3, MgI b triplet, CaII H&K, and CaII infrared triplet lines. A flare was observed during the last observing run of 2001, showing an enhancement in the observed chromospheric lines. A less powerful flare was observed on 2002 August 23. The variations of the chromospheric activity indicators seem to be related to the photospheric activity. A correlation between radial velocity, changes in the CCF bisectors and equivalent width of different chromospheric lines is observed with a different behaviour between epochs 1999, 2001 and 2002.Comment: Latex file with 20 pages, 21 figures tar'ed gzip'ed. Full postscript (text, figures and tables) available at http://www.ucm.es/info/Astrof/users/dmg/pub_dmg.html Accepted for publication in: Astronomy & Astrophysics (A&A
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