334 research outputs found

    Regulatory reform and labour earnings in Portuguese banking

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    this study exemines changes union contracts and wage structure during and after the introduction of regukatory reforms (deregulation and privatisation) in the Portuguese banking sector. The main finding is that, despite a relative wage erosion detected in the contract dada, banking workers were able to enjoy an increasing wage premium in the period 1985-2000, probably reflecting the increasing profitability of the industry and the rise in labour productivity. The evidence also shows that some specific groups benefited relatively more than others: the least skilled and educated workforce and male workers gained more from the regulatory reforms. However, this unequal sharing of the wage premium did not raise wage inequality across ownership groups in the industry.Deregulation, privatisation, wage structure, Portuguese banking industry

    The impact of Privatisation on Wages: Evidence from the Portuguese Banking Industry

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    we present quasi-experimental estimates of the effect of privatisation on wages in the Portuguese banking sector for the period 1989-97. The design of the reform and the nature of dataset employed provide an important opportunity to analyse the effects of privatisation on different demographic groups, using multiple control groups and taking into consideration the timing of the effects. We find a positive relationship between time of restructuring and wage variation regardless the choice of the control group. Retained employees in privatised firms did experience lower wage growth rates, but only during the first two years after the ownership change. Estimates for top managers appear to contradict the theoretical predictions.privatisation, wages, Portuguese banking industry, difference-in-differences.

    Rent-sharing in Portuguese Banking

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    Using the fixed e¤ects estimator and the dynamic panel data system-GMM estimator, on a sample of 75 banks, covering the period 1988-2005, this paper estimates how wages in the Portuguese banking sector depend on the employers ability to pay. The results indicate that wages are strongly positively correlated with pro?ts even after controlling for ?rm and workforce characteristics. The Lester?s range of wages due to rent-sharing is 46% - 75% of the mean wage in the Portuguese banking sector.rent-sharing, Portuguese banking industry, dynamic panel data.

    Regulatory reform and labour earnings in Portuguese banking

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    This study examines changes in union contracts and wage structure during and after the introduction of regulatory reforms (deregulation and privatisation) in the Portuguese banking sector. The main finding is that, despite a relative wage erosion detected in the contract data, banking workers were able to enjoy an increasing wage premium in the period 1985-2000, probably reflecting the increasing profitability of the industry and the rise in labour productivity. The evidence also shows that some specific groups benefited relatively more than others: the least skilled and educated workforce and male workers gained more from the regulatory reforms. However, this unequal sharing of the wage premium did not raise wage inequality across ownership groups in the industry.NIPE – Núcleo de Investigação em Políticas Económicas – is supported by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology through the Programa Operacional Ciência, Teconologia e Inovação (POCTI) of the Quadro Comunitário de Apoio III, which is financed by FEDER and Portuguese funds.

    Managers and wage policies

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    We investigate the effects of individual top managers on wages and wage policies. A large longitudinal administrative dataset from Portugal allows us to match workers,firms and top managers, and follow the movements of the latter across different firms over time. We estimate the role of top manager fixed-effects in determining wages and wage policies, while also accounting for the effect of worker and firm heterogeneity. Our results reveal that top managers have a significant influence on wages, the returns to schooling and tenure, the gender wage gap, and the extent of rent sharing. Further-more, they point to the existence of managerial styles in the setting of wage policies. Finally, we relate worker compensation to observable managerial attributes, and find that returns to schooling tend to be higher in firms led by more educated top executives, while longer-tenured managers appear on average to engage in more rent sharing.Top managers, wage policies, linked worker-firm-manager data.

    Scale, scope and survival : a comparison of cooperative and capitalist modes of production

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    This paper draws on a comprehensive data set from Portugal to investigate the activities, internal characteristics and survival prospects of cooperatives and capitalist enterprises. Consistent with theory, high levels of market concentration and low entry costs were shown to be conducive to cooperatives. Cooperatives were found to be, on average, older and to operate with a larger, more highly educated and more productive labour forces than their capitalist counterparts. Finally, we show that cooperatives have a markedly higher probability of survival than capitalist enterprises, even after controlling for industry and fi rm characteristics.COMPETE; QREN; FEDER; Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT

    Práticas e crenças de saúde na Comunidade Hindu em Portugal

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    O conhecimento do conceito de saúde individual e das crenças e práticas relacionadas, é fundamental para uma convergência de saberes e para um entendimento comum que visa melhorar a saúde do indivíduo e consequentemente, potenciar a saúde e bem-estar da comunidade. Este estudo tem como objetivos identificar crenças e práticas de saúde desenvolvidas na Comunidade Hindu residente em Portugal e analisar como essas crenças e práticas são transmitidas aos elementos mais jovens. Foi utilizada uma metodologia qualitativa, realizando 60 entrevistas semiestruturadas e observação fílmica e fotográfica das práticas realizadas nos templos e nas casas de pais e avós hindus pertencentes a esta comunidade e que falam português. Os dados recolhidos nas entrevistas foram sujeitos a análise do discurso e nas imagens obtidas foram analisadas as práticas e gestos relacionados com a saúde. Os resultados revelam que em Portugal, os hindus recorrem inicialmente às práticas de saúde herdadas dos antepassados e fundamentadas na medicina ayurvédica, as quais são complementadas com as recomendações dadas pela medicina ocidental. Existe uma preocupação em transmitir aos elementos mais novos estas práticas, através da repetição de gestos e da participação nas cerimónias e rituais, para que as mesmas não desapareçam e continuem a fazer parte da sua identidade cultural e familiar.The knowledge of the concept of individual health and related beliefs and practices is fundamental for a convergence of knowledge and for a common understanding aimed at improving the health of the individual and consequently enhancing the health and well-being of the community. This study aims to identify beliefs and health practices developed in the Hindu community living in Portugal and to analyze how these beliefs and practices are transmitted to the younger members. A qualitative methodology was used, performing 60 semi-structured interviews and photographic and photographic observation of the practices performed in the temples and houses of Hindu parents and grandparents belonging to this Portuguese-speaking community. The data collected in the interviews were subjected to discourse analysis and the images obtained were analyzed the practices and gestures related to health. The results reveal that in Portugal, Hindus initially resort to health practices inherited from their ancestors and based on ayurvedic medicine, which are complemented by the recommendations given by Western medicine. There is a concern to transmit these practices to the younger members through the repetition of gestures and participation in ceremonies and rituals, so that they do not disappear and continue to be part of their cultural and family identity.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Rent-sharing in Portuguese banking

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    Using the fixed effects estimator and the dynamic panel data system-GMM estimator, on a sample of 75 banks, covering the period 1988-2005, this paper estimates how wages in the Portuguese banking sector depend on the employers ability to pay. The results indicate that wages are strongly positively correlated with profits even after controlling for firm and workforce characteristics. The Lester’s range of wages due to rent-sharing is 46% - 75% of the mean wage in the Portuguese banking sector

    Firm ownership and rent sharing

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    We analyse - theoretically and empirically - how private versus public ownership of firms affects the degree of rent sharing between firms and their workers. Using a particularly rich linked employer-employee dataset from Portugal, covering a large number of corporate ownership changes across a wide spectrum of economic sectors over more than 20 years, we find a positive relationship between private ownership and rent sharing. Based on our theoretical analysis, this result cannot be explained by private firms being more profit oriented than public ones. However, the result is consistent with privatisation leading to less job security, implying stronger efficiency wage effects.rent sharing; private vs public ownership; panel data