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    Trabalho independente na educação do graduado em educação, especialidade matemática.

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    El artículo trata acerca del trabajo independiente de los estudiantes en la formación de profesores que se desarrolla en las universidades cubanas, específicamente en la Licenciatura en Educación. Matemática. El trabajo independiente constituye el medio de inclusión de los estudiantes en la actividad cognoscitiva independiente, es una forma de preparación que orientado por el docente manifiesta el tránsito hacia la independencia cognoscitiva mediante la apropiación y desarrollo de habilidades para resolver las tareas. El sistema de trabajo independiente debe ser concebido y planificado de conjunto con el sistema o subsistema de clases teniendo en cuenta sus diferentes formas de organización del proceso de enseñanza aprendizaje. Sus objetivos y tareas están estrechamente relacionados con los de la unidad y el tema o los temas, unas veces derivados gradualmente otras buscando la sistematización y profundización. Su orientación y control debe estar planificado por el docente. Su diseño en el subsistema Funciones exponenciales y logarítmicas responde a los objetivos de la disciplina Fundamentos Básicos de la Matemática propiciando la independencia cognoscitiva de los estudiantes. Tiene como premisas el vínculo interdisciplinar, la complejización y la atención a la diversidad a través de actividades por desarrollar con libros de texto y las TIC, en su vínculo con el contexto social.The article is focused on the independent work of the students at the Cuban universities professor´s formation, specifically in the Education Bachelor in Mathematics. The independent work constitutes the way to include the students in the cognoscitive activity independent, it is an education form to transit toward the cognoscitive independence guided by the professor to appropriate and develop of abilities to resolve the tasks. The independent work system must be conceived and planned overall with the system or classrooms subsystem taking in to account the different forms of organization on the teaching and learning process. The objectives and tasks are narrowly related with the unit and the theme or the themes, sometimes derivative gradually another one looking for the systematization and deepening. The orientation and control must be planned by the professor. The design in the subsystem Exponential and logarithmic functions respond to discipline's objectives the Mathematics Basic propitiating the students’ cognoscitive independence. It has as premises the link interdisciplinary, the complexity and the attention to the diversity through activities for developing with textbooks and the ICT, in its link with the social context.The article is about the independent work of the students at the Cuban universities professor's formation, specifically in the Education Bachelor in Mathematics. The independent work involves the way to include the students in the cognoscitive activity independent, it is an education form to transit towards the cognoscitive independence guided by the teacher to appropriate and develop of abilities to solve the tasks. The independent work system must be conceived and planned overall with the system or classrooms subsystem realizing the different forms of organization on the teaching and learning process. The objectives and tasks are narrowly related to the unit and the theme or the themes, sometimes derivatively gradual one for the systematization and deepening. The orientation and control must be planned by the professor. The design in the subsystem Exponential and logarithmic functions respond to discipline's objectives Mathematics Basic propitiating the students' cognitive independence. It has as the premises the interdisciplinary link, the complexity and the attention to the diversity through activities for developing with books of text and the computer, in his link with the social context