87 research outputs found

    Concentrations of plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1) and urokinase plasminogen activator (uPA) in induced sputum of asthma patients after allergen challenge.

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    Urokinase plasminogen activator (uPA) and its inhibitor (PAI-1) are involved in tiisue remodeling and repair processes associated with acute and chronic inflammation. The aim of the study was to evaluate the effect of allergen challenge on concentration of uPA and PAI-1 in induced sputum of house dust mite allergic asthmatics (HDM-AAs). Thirty HDM-AAs and ten healthy persons (HCs)were recruited for the study. In 24 HDM-AAs bronchial challenge with Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus (Dp) and in 6 HDM-AAs sham challenege with saline were performed. In HDM-AAs sputum was induced 24 hours before (T0) and 24 hours (T24) after the challenge. Concentration of uPA and PAI-1 in induced sputum were determined using immunoenzymatic assays. At T0 in HDM-AAs mean sputum uPA (151 Âą 96 pg/ml) and PAI-1 (4341 Âą 1262 pg/ml) concentrations were higher than in HC (18.8 Âą 6.7 pg/ml; p=0.0002 and 596 Âą 180 pg/ml;

    Bronchial macrophages in asthmatics reveal decreased CD16 expression and substantial levels of receptors for IL-10, but not IL-4 and IL-7.

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    The role of different subpopulations of bronchial macrophages (BMs) in asthma pathogenesis has not yet been completely elucidated. In addition, little is known about potential in vivo responsiveness of BMs to pro- and anti-inflam-matory cytokines present in the bronchial milieu. We aimed to characterize asthmatic patients' BM subpopulations delineated by common markers of macrophage/monocyte cells, CD16 and CD14, and subsequently to analyze cytokine receptor expression on those subsets. Subjects included eighteen patients with moderate asthma (six steroid-naive and twelve steroid-treated) and ten healthy control subjects. Flow cytometry was used to analyze phenotypical features of BMs including expression of receptors for IL-10, IL-4 and IL-7. Exhaled nitric oxide analysis and induced sputum eosinophil counts were used to assess airway inflammation. BMs from both steroid-naive and steroid-treated asthmatic patients showed significantly decreased expression of CD16, as compared to healthy subjects' BMs. CD16, but not CD14, expression inversely correlated with exhaled nitric oxide levels and sputum eosinophilia. Short-term administration of inhaled cortiocosteroids (ICS) in steroid-naive asthmatic patients led to significant reduction of CD16 expression and enhancement of CD14 expression. Next, we analyzed the expression of receptors for IL-10, IL-4 and IL-7 on the surface of BM subpopulations characterized by different levels of CD14 and CD16 expression. We observed substantial levels of IL-10R on the surface of BMs collected from asthmatic and healthy subjects. Interestingly, IL-10R was found mostly on those macrophages that co-expressed CD14. In contrast, independently on co-expression of CD14, the levels of IL-4R and IL-7R on BMs were low in both asthmatic and healthy subjects. The results suggest that different BM subsets may be differentially involved in regulating the inflammatory response in allergic asthma

    Plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1) and urokinase plasminogen activator (uPA) in sputum of allergic asthma patients.

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    Urokinase plasminogen activator (uPA) and its inhibitor (PAI-1) have been associated with asthma. The aim of this study was to evaluate concentration of uPA and PAI-1 in induced sputum of house dust mite allergic asthmatics (HDM-AAs). The study was performed on 19 HDM-AAs and 8 healthy nonatopic controls (HCs). Concentration of uPA and PAI-1 was evaluated in induced sputum supernatants using ELISA method. In HDM-AAs the median sputum concentration of uPA (128 pg/ml; 95% CI 99 to 183 pg/ml) and PAI-1 (4063 pg/ml; 95%CI 3319 to 4784 pg/ml) were significantly greater than in HCs (17 pg/ml; 95%CI 12 to 32 pg/ml;

    Delayed diagnosis of human immunodeficiency virus infection in a patient with non-specific neurological symptoms and pancytopenia: a case report

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    INTRODUCTION: Both non-specific presentation and asymptomatic course of human immunodeficiency virus infection lead to undiagnosed long-term persistence of the virus in a patient's organism. CASE PRESENTATION: Here, we present a case of a 31-year-old Caucasian man with non-specific neurological symptoms and pancytopenia, who was referred to an internal medicine ward for further diagnosis. Upon admission to our hospital, he denied any past risky behaviors and refused to have his blood collected for human immunodeficiency virus testing. Later, he eventually provided consent to conduct the human immunodeficiency virus test which turned out to have a positive result. The overall clinical pattern indicated an advanced-stage of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, which contrasted with the history he had provided. CONCLUSIONS: This case report indicates the need to consider human immunodeficiency virus/acquired immunodeficiency syndrome diagnosis in patients with non-specific neurological and hematological disorders. Our report also demonstrates difficulties that can be experienced by the physician while trying to obtain both a clear history and consent to perform human immunodeficiency virus testing

    Rola monocytów w patogenezie przewlekłej białaczki limfocytowej

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    Chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) is one of the most common leukemias in adults. CLL is characterized by numerous immune disorders leading to the development of infections which have become the major cause of death in this group of patients. According to recent reports, many of immune alterations observed in the course of CLL could be attributed to dysfunctions of monocytes/macrophages and other cells of myeloid linage. In this article, we summarized the data on the role of monocytes and monocyte-derived cells in the pathogenesis of CLL

    Czy oznaczanie stężeń peptydów natriuretycznych BNP i NT-proBNP przynosi korzyści w postępowaniu z pacjentem z nagłą dusznością?

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    W badaniach z ostatnich lat wykazano, że ocena peptydów natriuretycznych przeprowadzona u pacjentów z dusznością pozwala znacznie zwiększyć dokładność, z jaką może być wykluczone lub potwierdzone rozpoznanie niewydolności serca. Tym niemniej do dziś nie udało się jednoznacznie ustalić, czy wprowadzenie do rutynowej diagnostyki oznaczeń peptydów natriuretycznych u tych pacjentów mogłoby przynieść wymierne korzyści farmakoekonomiczne. Część badaczy sugeruje wręcz, że oznaczanie BNP i NT-proBNP w tej grupie pacjentów ma jedynie znaczenie poznawcze i nie przekłada się na zmianę postępowania diagnostyczno-terapeutycznego. Celem niniejszej pracy jest przedstawienie wyników badań — zarówno tych, w których skupiono się na ocenie roli peptydów natriuretycznych w dokonaniu właściwego rozpoznania, jak i tych, w których analizowano potencjalne farmakoekonomiczne korzyści wykonania takiego oznaczenia. Choroby Serca i Naczyń 2011, 8 (4), 215–22

    Excessive BMI is associated with higher C-peptide level at recognition but also with its greater loss in two years clinical observation in children with new onset type 1 diabetes

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    IntroductionThe prevalence of obesity in general pediatric population increases without sparing children with T1D. We intended to find factors associated with the possibility of preserving endogenous insulin secretion in individuals with long-standing T1D. At onset, higher BMI is associated with higher C-peptide level, which may indicate to be one of the favorable factors involved in preserving residual β-cell function. The study determines the influence of BMI on C-peptide secretion in children newly diagnosed with T1D in two years observation.MethodsWe assessed the possible relationship between selected pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines, body mass at recognition and β-cell function status. 153 pediatric patients with newly diagnosed T1D were divided into quartiles according to BMI-SDS index. We separated a group consisted of patients with BMI-SDS >1. Participants were followed up for two years and examined for changes in body weight, HbA1c, and insulin requirement. C-peptide was assessed at baseline and after two years. We evaluated the patients’ levels of selected inflammatory cytokines at baseline.ResultsSubjects with higher BMI-SDS presented higher serum C-peptide levels and lower insulin requirements at diagnosis than children with lower body weight. The two-year follow-up showed that C-peptide levels of obese patients dropped more rapidly than in children with BMI-SDS within normal limits. The group with BMI-SDS >1 showed the greatest decrease in C-peptide level. Despite statistically insignificant differences in HbA1c at diagnosis between the study groups, in the fourth quartile and BMI-SDS >1 groups, HbA1c as well as insulin requirements increased after two years. The levels of cytokines varied the most between BMI-SDS <1 and BMI-SDS >1 groups and were significantly higher within BMI-SDS >1 group.DiscussionHigher BMI, associated with enhanced levels of inflammatory cytokines, relates to preservation of C-peptide at T1D recognition in children but is not beneficial in the long term. A decrease in C-peptide levels combined with an increase in insulin requirements and in HbA1c among patients with high BMI occur, which may indicate a negative effect of excessive body weight on the long term preservation of residual β-cell function. The process seems to be mediated by inflammatory cytokines